President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

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Amazing how the freedoms we have shrink away as do the jobs. At least the jobs go somewhere, our freedoms seem to vanish . Right to bear arms is always in question, assembly also in certain places is prohibited. Even on public property, mostly cause nobody cares to see the problems brought to the surface. Ignoring problems does not make them go away as it seems certain groups believe. 25% permanent jobs lost here. Good paying factory jobs. They went to Mexico and the Phillipine Islands. Countless other small businesses are closing as a result. Nader and Paul, a few others too frequently warn us of policies and practices which are killing us financialy and in other ways and somehow their truthfull warnings are disgarded until later then we see, oh yeah they did mention something about it. Corporations will continue to do what they do and so will most people.[video=youtube;cE7PFbK5L88][/video]
It doesn't really matter who the president is in the long run, politicians in general will all lead us deeper into tyranny as time goes on.

How many politicians veto bills and get rid of laws, as opposed to signing bills and establishing laws? Being a politicians is all about making laws and passing bills.

It's simple human psychology. They are silly little humans, who think they have an important job, with lots of work that must be completed, so they run around like silly little humans "doing their job" by signing a bunch of paper, half of which they have no idea what they are signing, yet they just know they're "doing their job" by signing on the dotted line.

What politicians actually need to be doing is nothing, but that would be too little for one to do, with such an "important", duty-filled job.

A lot of police follow the same train of thought, not because they are police, because they are human. They drive around town actively seeking to do their job. That's where you get the over zealous cops looking to lay the "smack-down of law" by beating the shit out of people, shooting them for no good reason, or arresting them for no good reason. Politicians are similar in that manner... some actively seek to do their job by any means necessary, and as a result they may not care if doing their job results in negative results.
Hmmm Many people say this is like the collapse of Rome, but now that i look at it under new light this is actually like the rise of Rome. We are just now approaching the over throw of the republic that got corrupted by greed. I say we will last at least another 300 years :hump:

