...... You say your not compairing him to Hitler but still you made that choice to use Hitler and that's simply RELATIVE TRUTH as to what you believe will happen.....
I contrasted Franklin's ideals with Hitler's, where is the argument that he is more like Franklin? I never said Hitler's ideals of security will happen. We don't have to get there, to know we are headed there.
I see a great awakening happening, and I'm proud to be a part of it.
the best and brightest president they've had in years they'll finally realize what THE TRUTH was and his name is Hussain Barack Obama and no president has done or ever will do what he's done.
Obama is the most intellectual President of my lifetime, yes sir.(That's not saying much)
He was a personal assistant to Laurence H. Tribe.

A Professor at Harvard Law School, who's been teaching there over 40 years.
I was a supporter of Obama.I had hoped after the first few disappointments that he was a, "Jedi Knight Playing Chess."
But it turns out that "No Drama", means he's not willing to fight. 
because it's a white man stinking up the place and that's the Relative Truth that got us in this mess in the first place
That's how they want you to think! Don't separate yourself by color or creed, by language or by age.
It is not "The White Man", it is the bloodlines. Unfortunately, the tyranny goes very far throughout our history.
Think for a moment about how you've of heard of royalty refer to themselves as divine bloodlines,
given power to rule by birthright.
Now know, that throughout Ancient civilization, even as far back as we can go. Man has worshiped blue eyed idols.
Also know that, every Blue-eyed individual is related by a common ancestor.
But, that doesn't mean that every blue-eyed person is part of some vast conspiracy, or even an elitist. I have blue eyes myself.
That is not to say that every member of these bloodlines has blue eyes either. Just that it's a telltale sign.But, that's a whole nother level of the problem.
My immediate concerns or more inline with the issues represented in this 30 min short.
other than Ron Paul, the rest of them simply have their head up their Absolute Azz's
and thats the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, my friend!