President Obama Is Leading Us Deeper Into Tyranny

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The moment you base your judgment of someone based on what someone else of their race has done, you're racist. Everyone deserves to be judged solely on their own actions.

What if a person bases their; "judgement of someone based on what someone else of their race has done" is positive rather than negative, is good rather than bad? Are they a racist?

Based on what you said, they would have to be.
What if a person bases their; "judgement of someone based on what someone else of their race has done" is positive rather than negative, is good rather than bad? Are they a racist?

Based on what you said, they would have to be.

By definition, yes.
So to say that speaking from my experience, black people are better at basketball than white people is racist even tho in my experience it's true and could hardly be construed as negative?
So to say that speaking from my experience, black people are better at basketball than white people is racist even tho in my experience it's true and could hardly be construed as negative?

Yes, because you are taking a few (or group) of black people who happen to be good at basketball and projecting their image on the entire race as being superior to other races.

[h=3]Definition for racist:[/h][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]Web definitions:[/TD]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to
So to say that speaking from my experience, black people are better at basketball than white people is racist even tho in my experience it's true and could hardly be construed as negative?


They look really black to me.


They would've won had the team been 100% black, rather than 95.8%.
No my friend... "Consciousness, navigating the reality of perceived realms of imposed light and fractured audible freq's that never break the threshold of the Delta Change". Although the depths of your conscious cesspool pollute this thread I perceive my friend that you are simply an educated fool. :dunce:

Maybe you can understand this.
View attachment 2029581
Tooth paste = Your Words
Tube = Your Mouth.
Once out = ?
Conclusion: You can't put it back in.

In your attempt to discredit me, you post a quote that correlates with my statement. Brilliant.
If truth is pollution, then I'm a Bio-hazard.
I am an educated fool, in that you are correct. For although I may contain massive amounts of data, I am as hollow as a bag of wind.
( "fool" is from the Latin follis, which means "bag of wind" or that which contains air or breath)

Maybe you can understand this.
I can't take back the words i never said.
They look really black to me.
They would've won had the team been 100% black, rather than 95.8%.
ummmm dude you have the Argentina team that won in 2004 in Athens with the USA team that won in 2008 in Bejing...these two teams played different years...Here is the pic you need to make your point...The 2004 USA BB Team

bb pic.png
Originally Posted by Brick Top

What if a person bases their; "judgement of someone based on what someone else of their race has done" is positive rather than negative, is good rather than bad? Are they a racist?

Based on what you said, they would have to be.

By definition, yes.

If so then it could be argued that there is, or could be, a positive to 'SOME' racism in that by it being positive/good instead of negative/bad someone who might not otherwise not have been hired or given a raise or promoted or whatever benefited from said racism. Right?

[h=1]racism[/h] [rey-siz-uh
m]   Origin
[h=2]rac·ism[/h]   [rey-siz-uh
m] Show IPA
noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
If so then it could be argued that there is, or could be, a positive to 'SOME' racism in that by it being positive/good instead of negative/bad someone who might not otherwise not have been hired or given a raise or promoted or whatever benefited from said racism. Right?

No, because while the race you put on a positive pedestal may be enjoying the benefits, other races would be enduring the opposite.

This is why affirmative action is bad, because those that don't fall under your prejudice suffer the consequences (I refer you to a study in California where Asian admission rates rose after the repeal of Affirmative Action.
The problem with Aletheia, i.e. Truth, is that, for most people it's relative and not absolute. Relative truth only applies when it parallels with what I believe. It may not necessarily be right but its what I want, therefore, for me, it's Truth.

Absolute truth is accepted for what it is even if it does'nt align with what I WANT, BELIEVE or DESIRE. The problem with your Bio-Hazard Truth started when you typed up the thread and compared Obama's actions to Hitlers. You say your not compairing him to Hitler but still you made that choice to use Hitler and that's simply RELATIVE TRUTH as to what you believe will happen.

I choose to hear truth for what it is Absolute, reguardless to what I believe. If it's true then its true, whether I like it or not. I believe after all is said and done and the American people remove the best and brightest president they've had in years they'll finally realize what THE TRUTH was and his name is Hussain Barack Obama and no president has done or ever will do what he's done.

Check the Absolutes and you'll see America is about to cut off her nose to spite her face and in the process things will begin to stink more but you people won't smell it because it's a white man stinking up the place and that's the Relative Truth that got us in this mess in the first place, his name was George Bush, remember? And let's not overlook all the stinkers before him. These are the ones to blame not Obama as many have choosen to do.

I in no way am saying that Obama is the answer to all our problems but he surely is no Hitler and one thing is Absolutly true, he's a whole lot smarter than any of the other candidates in the race. Nothing Relative about that, other than Ron Paul the rest of them simply have their head up their Absolute Azz's and thats the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, my friend!

In your attempt to discredit me, you post a quote that correlates with my statement. Brilliant.
If truth is pollution, then I'm a Bio-hazard.
I am an educated fool, in that you are correct. For although I may contain massive amounts of data, I am as hollow as a bag of wind.
( "fool" is from the Latin follis, which means "bag of wind" or that which contains air or breath)

Maybe you can understand this.
I can't take back the words i never said.
...... You say your not compairing him to Hitler but still you made that choice to use Hitler and that's simply RELATIVE TRUTH as to what you believe will happen.....

I contrasted Franklin's ideals with Hitler's, where is the argument that he is more like Franklin? I never said Hitler's ideals of security will happen. We don't have to get there, to know we are headed there.
I see a great awakening happening, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

the best and brightest president they've had in years they'll finally realize what THE TRUTH was and his name is Hussain Barack Obama and no president has done or ever will do what he's done.

Obama is the most intellectual President of my lifetime, yes sir.(That's not saying much)
He was a personal assistant to Laurence H. Tribe. :cool:
A Professor at Harvard Law School, who's been teaching there over 40 years.
I was a supporter of Obama.I had hoped after the first few disappointments that he was a, "Jedi Knight Playing Chess."
But it turns out that "No Drama", means he's not willing to fight. :(

because it's a white man stinking up the place and that's the Relative Truth that got us in this mess in the first place

That's how they want you to think! Don't separate yourself by color or creed, by language or by age.
It is not "The White Man", it is the bloodlines. Unfortunately, the tyranny goes very far throughout our history.
Think for a moment about how you've of heard of royalty refer to themselves as divine bloodlines,
given power to rule by birthright.

Now know, that throughout Ancient civilization, even as far back as we can go. Man has worshiped blue eyed idols.
Also know that, every Blue-eyed individual is related by a common ancestor.
But, that doesn't mean that every blue-eyed person is part of some vast conspiracy, or even an elitist. I have blue eyes myself.
That is not to say that every member of these bloodlines has blue eyes either. Just that it's a telltale sign.
But, that's a whole nother level of the problem.

My immediate concerns or more inline with the issues represented in this 30 min short. :) [youtube]tGk5ioEXlIM[/youtube]

other than Ron Paul, the rest of them simply have their head up their Absolute Azz's
and thats the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, my friend!


...... You say your not compairing him to Hitler but still you made that choice to use Hitler and that's simply RELATIVE TRUTH as to what you believe will happen.....

I contrasted Franklin's ideals with Hitler's, where is the argument that he is more like Franklin? I never said Hitler's ideals of security will happen. We don't have to get there, to know we are headed there.
I see a great awakening happening, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

the best and brightest president they've had in years they'll finally realize what THE TRUTH was and his name is Hussain Barack Obama and no president has done or ever will do what he's done.

Obama is the most intellectual President of my lifetime, yes sir.(That's not saying much)
He was a personal assistant to Laurence H. Tribe. :cool:
A Professor at Harvard Law School, who's been teaching there over 40 years.
I was a supporter of Obama.I had hoped after the first few disappointments that he was a, "Jedi Knight Playing Chess."
But it turns out that "No Drama", means he's not willing to fight. :(

because it's a white man stinking up the place and that's the Relative Truth that got us in this mess in the first place

That's how they want you to think! Don't separate yourself by color or creed, by language or by age.
It is not "The White Man", it is the bloodlines. Unfortunately, the tyranny goes very far throughout our history.
Think for a moment about how you've of heard of royalty refer to themselves as divine bloodlines,
given power to rule by birthright.

Now know, that throughout Ancient civilization, even as far back as we can go. Man has worshiped blue eyed idols.
Also know that, every Blue-eyed individual is related by a common ancestor.
But, that doesn't mean that every blue-eyed person is part of some vast conspiracy, or even an elitist. I have blue eyes myself.
That is not to say that every member of these bloodlines has blue eyes either. Just that it's a telltale sign.
But, that's a whole nother level of the problem.

My immediate concerns or more inline with the issues represented in this 30 min short. :) [youtube]tGk5ioEXlIM[/youtube]

other than Ron Paul, the rest of them simply have their head up their Absolute Azz's
and thats the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, my friend!

Being a grower, I am sure you can attest to whiter surfaces reflect more sunlight.
I can also say the reflective material you have in your room is not brown or black.
Why is that?
Because darker colors absorb more light.
Black people burn worse than white people. Maybe if you weren't racist or an ignoranus you would realize that. And please do not correct me on the spelling of ignoranus. Its a new word invented by the Mensa club
It means stupid and an asshole
Except the whole purpose of melanin is to absorb UV radiation, so having more equals better protection. It's not visible light that causes sun-burn, "ignoramus".
actually Harrekin is right...melanin does absorb harmful UV radiation ( ultraviolet) which is found in the sun...ultravoilent light is invisible to humans, but can be seen by some insects and birds ( in spectrum it would be like Violet )
And even with an increased melanin count
Black people burn just as badly as white people

But let me tell you what the people at the American Cancer Society told me. Black folks get sunburned too. You know how you can be out I the sun for a minute and you come back in and your auntie or your cousin or somebody will say, woo, child, you done got black! It means you've been sunburned. Instead of turning red like fairer-skinned people, dark-complexioned folks get blacker.

I for one have never been sunburned a day in my I might get darker as in a tan but never sunburn...but hey believe as you must