The original point that you still fail to miss was prior to the Enabling Act in Germany, Hitler was a much loved and productive leader, however he slowly but surely disassembled German people's liberty and turned Germany into the Nazi Gestapo State that it became.Ok most might be an extreme but so is comparing Obama to Hitler. Its exagerations like that, that lead us down the wrong path.
The original point that you still fail to miss was prior to the Enabling Act in Germany, Hitler was a much loved and productive leader, however he slowly but surely disassembled German people's liberty and turned Germany into the Nazi Gestapo State that it became.
The OP was comparing the rise of the Third Reich to the current raft of legislation passed/being passed and he even went to give examples ie. NDAA, SOPA, extending the Patriot Act...
Of course the simple thing for you was to say "racist! Racism! BIGOTRY!" and not actually refute any of his points?
Uncover bigotry? Gtfo man, black man downtrodden by the white man? We hate him cos he's black?
Get a life, YOU are the one who keeps bringing race into it...perhaps you're the "undercover bigot"?
The real point of this thread was to associate Obama and Hitler which is completely retarded.
Even before Hitler came to power he'd already written in detail exactly what he thought of the jews. The reason he was so popular was because he made people afraid of the jews and then presented himself as the solution to that problem. I doubt Germans had the holocaust in mind when they started to support him, but the hatred he raised against the jews was still very real.
Hitler came to power by making people afraid and angry. Obama did no such thing, and has done no such thing. Hitler and Obama are in no way comparable. Comparing Obama to Hitler is for the purpose of raising fear. So who's really more like Hitler?
G.W, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh... should I continue?
Actually Hitler rose to power because of the Treaty of Versailles that the Allies put Germany under after WWI. Hitler came along and fixed Germany's infrastructure, gave everyone jobs, rebuilt their economy and basically told the world to fuck off (igniting German nationalism).The real point of this thread was to associate Obama and Hitler which is completely retarded.
Even before Hitler came to power he'd already written in detail exactly what he thought of the jews. The reason he was so popular was because he made people afraid of the jews and then presented himself as the solution to that problem. I doubt Germans had the holocaust in mind when they started to support him, but the hatred he raised against the jews was still very real.
Hitler came to power by making people afraid and angry. Obama did no such thing, and has done no such thing. Hitler and Obama are in no way comparable. Comparing Obama to Hitler is for the purpose of raising fear. So who's really more like Hitler?
Anyone who uses fear as their primary method of gaining political support is someone that everyone should be very worried about.
And for the record, claiming all white people are racist is pretty racist in itselfI got a life and everyday i have to be reminded of how fragile it is when i read shit like this. Thats the problem with under cover racism it hurts you and you don't even know it until its too late. Thats why I'm locked and loaded cause you people are loosing it.
The original point that you still fail to miss was prior to the Enabling Act in Germany, Hitler was a much loved and productive leader, however he slowly but surely disassembled German people's liberty and turned Germany into the Nazi Gestapo State that it became.
The OP was comparing the rise of the Third Reich to the current raft of legislation passed/being passed and he even went to give examples ie. NDAA, SOPA, extending the Patriot Act...
Of course the simple thing for you was to say "racist! Racism! BIGOTRY!" and not actually refute any of his points?
Don't play that card. Bush was just as hated as Obama.Ok fine where was all you people when Bush was doing the same shit?
Well, that depends. The fear should be based in logic, though.
Did anyone say Bush was any better?! Lol. I suppose if I call him an idiot I'm a whitey hater?Ok fine where was all you people when Bush was doing the same shit?
Consciousness, navigating perceived reality through the realms of visible light and audible frequencies.If you saw him walking down the street what would he be?
true enough. Although I can't think of a leader who ran a fear based campaign and ended up being a net positive. Look at our presidents that inherited really difficult problems. Reagan, FDR, LBJ, even Lincoln avoided fear based tactics most of their careers and gathered support based on hope or strength. Bush is the only modern president who really rallied support based on fear that I can think of. It allowed him to do whatever the f- he wanted based on extremely flimsy pretense. He was extremely popular while he did some really scandalous stuff just because he had everyone so afraid all the time.
Did anyone say Bush was any better?! Lol. I suppose if I call him an idiot I'm a whitey hater?
Can someone explain to me why if you type itanimulli in google the NSA comes up?
Yes, but history doesn't necessarily dictate future. Lincoln didn't even want to go to war or for that matter get rid of slavery right away. He, like the founders, didn't think America was ready for it. Of course, he didn't exactly have a choice on the matter.
lincoln was kind of an asshole.