Yes I kept the bud because the butane never made it all the way threw, because of the flaw in my design and lack of butane for the amount I had. So after making my next extractor I ran the stuff I already did yesterday. The stuff at the top had nothing, butane cam out very clear, but closer to the bottom where the butane must of stoped yesterday, it started comming out like it had something in it. After cooking butane off I am left with about 3 grams from half pound of vapourized weed. Gonna try to smoke it now and see how it is, smells very nice. The color is a dark green, looks black. Ill let you know how it works shortly. And yes i know know oil is much faster, i like your method, your video is sweet, I will try it that way but not with vapourized weed, I'll wait till I can find some shake or bunk weed. I just like the butter, I'm not in no rush to get the final product.