Problems with RIU


Active Member
I made a post not too long ago with a similar complaint as this one. I'm having a problem viewing my activity stream, my recent post, and started threads. Its almost like their missing? what's the deal with that? got me feeling sketch bout this website. I was asured (in the other post i was reffering to) that it would be taken care of by somebody from RIU. But it has only gotten worse. Got me feeling like ya'll givin my info away if ya dig me? So what's really going on?
My only problem with RIU is that a lot of the people here seem to be on the pot or trying to grow bad stuff and I don't like it and think it's bad and pray they will stop.
Otherwise I love RIU and everyone here, I do dislike the censorship sometimes but I guess it keeps the site from devolving into something awful or something that already exists elsewhere, my only other problem is with people who don't believe in all the things that are going on, you know "conspiracies" but then again the debate is what makes it interesting I guess.
dude what are you talking about i wanna know why my post are gone i didnt mention anything ur talking about so if ur just on here to piss me off with some bs answer mind ur own business. Their is no debate! You wanna debate go beardo somebody else dude. I want answers from people who know what i'm talking about not somebody trying to stur up a debate. Thank you kindly mind ur own.
lol dude ur a jerk haha. I dont think i have that problem. only use a phone for work and there it stays. they cause brain cancer and refuse to use it other then work. I have a home phone that works fine.

I don't shower or bathe because of the risk of dermal absorption of fluoride but I do go swimming in the pond and go outside when it rains, still risky but not as bad. I quit brushing my teeth years ago
ok sir thanks for taking the time the screw with me i see there are nothing but wise crackers on tonight. No time for the Hey RIU can yall fix my profile please. I would greatly apprecate it
ok sir thanks for taking the time the screw with me i see there are nothing but wise crackers on tonight. No time for the Hey RIU can yall fix my profile please. I would greatly apprecate it

I was keeping it real, it's true about the phone being a tool of enslavement, it is the new overseer on this plantation and also about the risks of dermal fluoride absorption