Obama is a mongrel just like me.You are half right, which means you are half wrong as well.
Obama does apparently "identify" as being black. Or at least many people view him as racially, being "black".
Although, he is not, racially classification speaking, "black", he is mixed race.
His racial makeup is unimportant, his actions are what concern and threaten others.
Sometimes I self identify as a Sasquatch, so I understand.
Also, in your maligning the devolving of threads, I'd have appreciated a plug for the repetitious Wendy's Uncle Buck shit on the floor thing too, not even a mention....I'm a little hurt.
Obama is a mongrel just like me.
He ain't black though more like brown technically 1/2 African 1/2 European shouldn't really be called African IMO though as Arab like people in the North and European in the South so Africa is not a full black continent.
Why don't you guys just do the right thing and elect Will smith as president , he is a fine looking half negro
Except your "smoking gun" is tiny and its in your hand.
You should learn the difference between a question and a statement. When did I ever say Obama's mixed race is the cause of his assholishness? I don't and haven't made that conclusion, you are trying to, rather feebly, I might add.
If a person cannot criticize another person out of concern their criticism will not be taken as criticism, but instead seen as racism....what then?
Also, you are the racist, "historically speaking" since you refer to Obama as "black" when he isn't. Why do you adhere to the racist "one drop rule" ?
His racial makeup is unimportant
Why don't you guys just do the right thing and elect Will smith as president , he is a fine looking half negro
It's either that, or his wife went out and had some fun without him.
Lol you just put some number on a public forum..
I'm definitely not calling that..
I had access to it, but never took it because the Herijuana cross was better..you dallas guys think shoreline isnt a real strain or doesnt exist? On another post I thought you said you had the original, and yeah it still exists. It's big in Austin but a guy that owned a grow store in dallas was passing out legit cuts, most people have never heard of it. very old strain, but was only grown by a father and son for years. MR. BURNS shared it with many people.
MR. BURNS shared it with many people.
Well tbh whatever was in my Shoreline x Herijuana It did try to flower under 18/6. Hell it wanted to flower under 24..You don't want to mess with him anyways. He chucks pollen and claims to be a breeder and also claims that dropping from 24/0 to 18/6 will cause your vegging plant to flower.
But he's hard mode fo sho, he's raised sons and done time.
then why did you identify him by a racial slur repeatedly when it was not even relevant to the discussion at hand?
"Whoever wins... We lose."
As long as you keep your troops the fuck away from my home country I could care less which lunatic you elect.
Which country is that? America has invaded so many lately, it's hard to keep track.
whats up with the S.L. cuts? It wont let me message you, ODanksta. 832-419-0983.
You're too easy. I need a challenge, Poopy Pants.