Proof that democrats are volient and crazy!

Look people. Republicans don't do the name calling, the democrats do.

I'm having a peaceful debate. But the democrats are doing all the name calling..

Point proven..

Democrats are violent!!
Look at the title to this thread dumbass. The premise is Democrats are volient.

We are volient and own it.
he PMed me, but not to threaten me. it was more like a semi-crying "i'm just trolling" kinda thing. it was weird. he's a grown man. he shouldn't have to explain himself to me.
I'm not biased to either party so I can troll both parties. You can't comprehend that so I had to explain it to you.
I'm not biased to either party

yes you are.

you list mainly blue dog democrat political beliefs, but list mainly red meat republican candidates as your favorites.

whatever they are saying is speaking to you.

but you are too dumb to realize that people like rend pawl and donald trump are evn bigger liars and frauds than hillary is.

you are biased and somewhat misogynistic in my opinion.

and the "anti white" crap you are starting to spew reeks of thin skinned loser.
A few towns over a mother and daughter where hacked to death with a machete by punk ass kids who just wanted to kill someone.

Yeah you know I ain't giving up my guns cops take a good 30 minutes to get around here so it's not an option to have a unloaded gun.

Fuck anti gun pussies!! I will kill people fucking around at my home. Not to mention a cock sucking bear ripped my trash up last night I want to kill that bastard he did it a few times last year too I almost got a shot on him last year.
I'll bet you swelled your chest up while typing this. Am I right?
You sold me, your life sounds like an episode of the trailer park boys, if i were allowed to shoot things i would be shooting stuff too

i do not think we need bearkat we already have plenty of wankers here already and more than our fair share of "the polish"
You're right land is not cheap here, and they sell food in shops too you do not have to kill it yourself

i would like to go to NY one day its like York but new, The streets and houses even look the same in the suburbs
houses are made of bricks not those wooden things on legs some of you hillbillies live in

Wooden things on legs? I have a wooden house on a concrete foundation. A lot of people do have trailers on their land but the only trailer parks are closer to the city. Damn sure none in the mountains and you can't shoot guns in a trailer park.

We got it way better than the Trailer Park Boys. You can also go to the grocery store if you can't man up and do it yourself. I would rather not eat that crap with hormones and antibiotics not to mention GMO feed that does not even need to be FDA approved meanwhile people scratching their heads wondering why everyone and their brother are dieing from cancer. Lol

Another problem with the city is petroleum products can cause cancer meanwhile we have retarded city folk jogging and biking along side the roads huffing gasoline fumes great way to get healthy. Lol

Boston for sure stinks and the water is recycled toilet water loaded with chemicals same with most trailer parks meanwhile my water comes from a spring over a hundred feet deep in the ground can't really remember how deep. Everyone who drinks my water loves it tastes like water unlike that plastic taste you get from Poland Springs and plastic can cause cancer. :)

Country life is the shit especially since we got WiFi a few years ago. :)
yes you are.

you list mainly blue dog democrat political beliefs, but list mainly red meat republican candidates as your favorites.

whatever they are saying is speaking to you.

but you are too dumb to realize that people like rend pawl and donald trump are evn bigger liars and frauds than hillary is.

you are biased and somewhat misogynistic in my opinion.

and the "anti white" crap you are starting to spew reeks of thin skinned loser.
Meh... You don't get it bro..

Or maybe I'm to drunk to care
Wooden things on legs? I have a wooden house on a concrete foundation. A lot of people do have trailers on their land but the only trailer parks are closer to the city. Damn sure none in the mountains and you can't shoot guns in a trailer park.

We got it way better than the Trailer Park Boys. You can also go to the grocery store if you can't man up and do it yourself. I would rather not eat that crap with hormones and antibiotics not to mention GMO feed that does not even need to be FDA approved meanwhile people scratching their heads wondering why everyone and their brother are dieing from cancer. Lol

Another problem with the city is petroleum products can cause cancer meanwhile we have retarded city folk jogging and biking along side the roads huffing gasoline fumes great way to get healthy. Lol

Boston for sure stinks and the water is recycled toilet water loaded with chemicals same with most trailer parks meanwhile my water comes from a spring over a hundred feet deep in the ground can't really remember how deep. Everyone who drinks my water loves it tastes like water unlike that plastic taste you get from Poland Springs and plastic can cause cancer. :)

Country life is the shit especially since we got WiFi a few years ago. :)

Yeh i understand that in some parts of your country building your houses out of wood makes sense since the wind is always blowing them over
bricks flying around everywhere is more dangerous than wood
i stayed in Florida once, that is where the houses made of wood on wooden legs were nothing to do with trailer parks

you could have a fear of all those things and still live in England, we have people here that are scared of aspartame too

my water measures .3 EC thats pretty clean, plants like it they do not require any ph control with hydroponics
i hear in some parts of the USA the ec can be as high as 1.4

if i had to kill animals to eat them i would not eat animals, i know that makes me a town pussy but i am happy with this

do you eat roadkill, squirrels and such ?

no you didn't.

the "anthropological" sense would mean that you used that outdated racial slur in its proper historical sense.

here is how you used it:

dripping with bitter racism there.

and here:

more bitter racism. you throw out the racial slur and then insists race has nothing to do with why you brought race into it.

here is an example of how you would use it in the "anthropological" sense:

Ex.: If President Obama were to have grown up in the mid 19th century, many would have referred to him as a mulatto.

you did not use it in that sense at all. you just used it as a racial slur.

and just for good measure, here is you using that racial slur just one more time for no good reason other than the fact that you are racist.

that in no way qualifies as an anthropological use of that outdated word, which is now considered by every dictionary to be a racial slur.

moving on.


i joined on 5/21/2010.

you called him a racial slur for no good reason here on 8/3/2009.

in a thread claiming obama was a kenya, no less.

yep, you got caught lying yet again, dumbass racist.

you know who else insists that obama is black? President Obama does.

you dumb racist.

we've already established that you were not correcting me, you can stop repeating that lie now, racist.

you think that anyone remotely non-white is dangerous though, because you are a racist douche.

go die somewhere and leave everyone else alone. you insisting that your racism is welcome here borders on rape and slavery.

Except your "smoking gun" is tiny and its in your hand.

You should learn the difference between a question and a statement. When did I ever say Obama's mixed race is the cause of his assholishness? I don't and haven't made that conclusion, you are trying to, rather feebly, I might add.

If a person cannot criticize another person out of concern their criticism will not be taken as criticism, but instead seen as racism....what then?

Also, you are the racist, "historically speaking" since you refer to Obama as "black" when he isn't. Why do you adhere to the racist "one drop rule" ?

mixed race or biracial is what is used now.

mulatto is used a racial slur now, especially in the way that you repeatedly use it.

again, that has been established as a lie.

you were calling him a mulatto for no good reason in 2009.

i didn't join until 2010.

no need to repeat a lie over and over and over in a lame and inept attempt to hide your racism from us, dirtbag.

You do realize your racism has been exposed by me TWICE now, don't' you?

You constantly adhere to the "one drop rule" and have made other statements in the past where you said I "should thank a black person" (alive today) for the work of other black people (long dead) based solely on their similar race.

Now don't you feel just a little hypocritical Poopy Pants?

Also, could you point out where I've said I think a persons race is what makes them bad or good ? I don't believe I've said that, in fact, I've said that good and bad people come in all colors.
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Yeh i understand that in some parts of your country building your houses out of wood makes sense since the wind is always blowing them over
bricks flying around everywhere is more dangerous than wood
i stayed in Florida once, that is where the houses made of wood on wooden legs were nothing to do with trailer parks

you could have a fear of all those things and still live in England, we have people here that are scared of aspartame too

my water measures .3 EC thats pretty clean, plants like it they do not require any ph control with hydroponics
i hear in some parts of the USA the ec can be as high as 1.4

if i had to kill animals to eat them i would not eat animals, i know that makes me a town pussy but i am happy with this

do you eat roadkill, squirrels and such ?

I have eaten road kill deer before just got to cut out the bruised meat. :)

Aspartame is not a fear though it's reality there is proof it causes cancer even a warning on Sweet n Low. I'd rather not get cancer I watched my dad die from that shit I will gladly take a heart attack. Lol

But yeah still won't catch me in England I do want to visit Europe though but I still want to see a bunch of places in the US too Yellowstone, Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon for sure been to NYC would never live there or even actually visit cities are for the sheep. Lol
Why do these threads always seem to end up full of sling blade comments, race baiting, and pedophilia projections? I'm seriously starting to think this is where the scourge of the earth is found!

And enough with the "Obama is half white" rhetoric. He identifies as black....just as most do who are of mixed AA race.

And gun owner =\= hillbilly!

Blunt, please don't shoot that bear. Secure your trash. That ole boy's just looking for some free grub :wink:
I have eaten road kill deer before just got to cut out the bruised meat. :)

Aspartame is not a fear though it's reality there is proof it causes cancer even a warning on Sweet n Low. I'd rather not get cancer I watched my dad die from that shit I will gladly take a heart attack. Lol

But yeah still won't catch me in England I do want to visit Europe though but I still want to see a bunch of places in the US too Yellowstone, Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon for sure been to NYC would never live there or even actually visit cities are for the sheep. Lol

Yes it's a fear, there are thousands of carcinogens
Aspartame became famous when conspiracy theorists discovered that Astronauts are not allowed to drink it

i like the idea of living out in the open with all the clean air, that is much better than the city

NY looks so much like England in the suburbs it would be hard to tell them apart , the "street signs are different" ,
i am not interested in the city of NY all those giant buildings they look ugly to me

i would not want to live in a city, but close enough so that i can buy things i need
cities are full of crazy people, closest i have lived to the "city" of london is about 5 miles

Why do these threads always seem to end up full of sling blade comments, race baiting, and pedophilia projections? I'm seriously starting to think this is where the scourge of the earth is found!

And enough with the "Obama is half white" rhetoric. He identifies as black....just as most do who are of mixed AA race.

And gun owner =\= hillbilly!

Blunt, please don't shoot that bear. Secure your trash. That ole boy's just looking for some free grub :wink:

You are half right, which means you are half wrong as well.

Obama does apparently "identify" as being black. Or at least many people view him as racially, being "black".

Although, he is not, racially classification speaking, "black", he is mixed race.

His racial makeup is unimportant, his actions are what concern and threaten others.

Sometimes I self identify as a Sasquatch, so I understand.

Also, in your maligning the devolving of threads, I'd have appreciated a plug for the repetitious Wendy's Uncle Buck shit on the floor thing too, not even a mention....I'm a little hurt.