Proof that democrats are volient and crazy!

But Donald Trump is self funded.
He is 66% self financed. And that number is decreasing by the day. And he loaned his campaign his money, which means come tax time you will be sure he will loophole the shit out of that one.

Bernie's is private funded or whatever you call it..
Yea, or whatever you call it. Grassroots, majority of his money comes from individual donations. Like it should.

I still strongly believe in small government and in the constitution..
Then why are you voting for Drump or Cruz? They both hate the constitution and don't believe in small government.

You really should learn to internet. Your smart skills are failing you bad.
Bro... Lol I love you.. But you can't just post graphs without any info on where the graph came from..

Look I'll show what I mean.. Give me a sec..

here's my favorite pie chart for ya ODank:

Trump is the only anti-globalist, that's why I do like him.

I believe Trump is really an atheist, I don't think he really cares about drugs. I can definitely see Trump partying it up with Charlie Shein. Lol

I don't think he cares about gays either.

I believe it's all a front to get the republican delegates.

so you have no problem with people who pander to racists and incite violence for votes, which is proff that democrats are crazy and violent?

i think you're confused, and having problems admitting how tiny your penis is.
if you actually believed in the constitution, you wouldn't put an anti-semitic religious litmus test on a candidate you dipshit.

Chill out unclebuck, not everyone one in the world can make you happy.

Man, still hanging with the name calling
He is 66% self financed. And that number is decreasing by the day. And he loaned his campaign his money, which means come tax time you will be sure he will loophole the shit out of that one.

Yea, or whatever you call it. Grassroots, majority of his money comes from individual donations. Like it should.

Then why are you voting for Drump or Cruz? They both hate the constitution and don't believe in small government.

You really should learn to internet. Your smart skills are failing you bad.
Well you are a lot better at these politics than me.. Honestly thanks for your input..
Lol, if you believe in these things, why are you voting for republicans?! They don't support either one! At best they give lip service, and suckers believe them. LOOK AT THEIR RECORDS. The people involved in the Flint MI water mess? Republicans! Those involved in rolling back protections for poor, mentally disabled, and other at risk members of society? Republicans! Ignoring needed repairs to infrastructure in our own country while building the greatest war machine ever seen by man- in a time of peace?! Republicans!

DOOD! Do your homework!

Oh please... The Governor was a republican but everyone else involved was a Democrat. A republican governor wouldn't have had to become involved if the local government ran by democrats could have done what almost every other local government does and provide water safely. Democrats fucked up Flint and you blame Republicans for not fixing it good enough.

But yeah, Republicans were involved in all of that, but so were Democrats. Its all done together.
Lol.. First off that was a lot more than 1K..

Maybe it's the Cali water, or lack of making y'all boys crazy..

Cali is probably the worst place in America to live... Because democratic ran state

The proof is your state is broke AF out of water. Same shit as Michigan.. But hey y'all can/could/or might still be able to grow tons of pot.. But I'd much rather live in Oregon where it's mainly republican than cali any day of the week

michigan is broke, out of water or ran by republicans?