Proof that democrats are volient and crazy!

I've been to Mississippi. Easily worse as Alabama and a few other places in the good old usa. Can't hold a candle to California. Our reservoirs are topped off. Hardly broke on water. And my well has decades b4 it dries up.
Yeah Oklahoma is probably the worse state...

It's because it's also democrat..
Lol.. First off that was a lot more than 1K..

Maybe it's the Cali water, or lack of making y'all boys crazy..

Cali is probably the worst place in America to live... Because democratic ran state

The proof is your state is broke AF out of water. Same shit as Michigan.. But hey y'all can/could/or might still be able to grow tons of pot.. But I'd much rather live in Oregon where it's mainly republican than cali any day of the week

You may have many pukes in Oregon but you can thank the Democratic Government for passing laws legalizing MJ in your state and every state that legalized it.

Fucking pukesters only pass laws that discriminate, restrict voting rights, restrict women from doing what they want to do with their bodies (antiabortion laws), closing down PP clinics (look what they did in Texas) all they do is restrict, restrict and restrict, I could go on and on but the reality is Democrats help the people, are they 100% pure? No, but I'd rather vote for a Democrat because I have a better chance at having a life a bit more satisfying with a Democrat in office than I would with a Republican especially being a minority. I've been working since I was 13 years old now I'm 60 and retired with a good pension not looking for any handouts just leave me the fuck alone and let me live out the rest of my years with no hassles.

My state went back to Democratic Government (PA.) and medical MJ was just signed into law by a Democrat Tom Wolf after languishing in (R) Tom Corbitts administration.

Republicans suck ass.

I've been to Mississippi. Easily worse as Alabama and a few other places in the good old usa. Can't hold a candle to California. Our reservoirs are topped off. Hardly broke on water. And my well has decades b4 it dries up.
Typical cali democrat...

You may have many pukes in Oregon but you can thank the Democratic Government for passing laws legalizing MJ in your state and every state that legalized it.

Fucking pukesters only pass laws that discriminate, restrict voting rights, restrict women from doing what they want to do with their bodies (antiabortion laws), closing down PP clinics (look what they did in Texas) all they do is restrict, restrict and restrict, I could go on and on but the reality is Democrats help the people, are they 100% pure? No, but I'd rather vote for a Democrat because I have a better chance at having a life a bit more satisfying with a Democrat in office than I would with a Republican especially being a minority. I've been working since I was 13 years old now I'm 60 and retired with a good pension not looking for any handouts just leave me the fuck alone and let me live out the rest of my years with no hassles.

My state went back to Democratic Government (PA.) and medical MJ was just signed into law by a Democrat Tom Wolf after languishing in (R) Tom Corbitts administration.

Republicans suck ass.

WASHINGTON — Abolitionist Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, sparing the surprisingly popular Alexander Hamilton, the Treasury Department announced Wednesday
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Yes, how ironic.

A person who was a slave and set herself and many many others free appearing on a FEDERAL RESERVE DEBT NOTE, which enslaves future generations of worker bees.

I sometimes think the modern day plantation owners have a warped sense of humor.

Andrew Jackson, of course reviled a central bank, so his presence on the debt notes was a good hint at the warped sense of humor too.

Overlords are laughing...all the way to the bank.
Bush started NSA spying with the bullshit Patriot Act....

Yes, but Obama hasn't ended it, just like he hasn't ended "the war on drugs" , really closed torture camps or done anything to reduce the USA's foreign empire and drone killing of children.

Being the second guy in line for sloppy seconds at a rapist gang bang doesn't grant him immunity for his actions.
Yes, but Obama hasn't ended it, just like he hasn't ended "the war on drugs" , really closed torture camps or done anything to reduce the USA's foreign empire and drone killing of children.

Being the second guy in line for sloppy seconds at a rapist gang bang doesn't grant him immunity for his actions.
Yeah, I don't like Democrats much either they are basically Republicans except for a few pretty minor issues. They are better on marijuana for the most part but not much else but talk. But I hate Democrats that are against guns I love guns main reason I will never move to California.

Obama and Bush where about the same only thing I liked was when Bush lifted the assault weapons ban so basically I am voting against Hillary Clinton no matter what I don't care if it's Trump. Lol
Lol.. First off that was a lot more than 1K..

Maybe it's the Cali water, or lack of making y'all boys crazy..

Cali is probably the worst place in America to live... Because democratic ran state

The proof is your state is broke AF out of water. Same shit as Michigan.. But hey y'all can/could/or might still be able to grow tons of pot.. But

I'd much rather live in Oregon where it's mainly republican than cali any day of the week
Hey, Hey, Hey now, don't you be calling my state a Republican stronghold. East of the Cascades, maybe you'd find pockets of Republicans but you'd also find more cattle than people too. Oregon isn't a Republicpuke stronghold, its firmly in the blue state category. That said, good people are welcome here and I'm glad that you like the state.

Interesting logic train you have here. Good state? Must be Republican. State with financial or environmental issues? Must be Democrat. Simple and conveniently aligned with your "I love me some stupid" philosophy. Also wrong.

Michigan, the state with lead contaminated water is completely controlled by Republicans. The lead in water crisis precipitated by Republican leadership and management. Oregon, where you would rather live compared to California has both state houses with Democratic majorities and a Democratic Governor. OR representation in DC is mostly Democratic too. A bit farther left than Obama but not as far left as Bernie. Something we might get a chance to fix later on.

As far as Cali is concerned, it took a Democratic governor to resolve the budget crisis brought on by stupid Republican leadership and ideology. The drought, well, that's kind of beyond everybody's pay grade. Unless you think its God's punishment for Cali's stance on gay rights.

Not sure where you get your news but your credibility is just about nil based upon your ability to retain facts.

Which does a lot to explain why you want Trump so badly. Simpletons like him a lot.

Oh and how about that wall the shithead loves so much. Also the police action he proposes in order to deport 11 million people.

Nobody gives a shit that you don't like Democrats. Nor can you mount a rational reason why.