Proof that some people are too stupid to use cannabis

She would have been just as 'addicted' to Coffee, Chocolate, Ginger Tea, Oreos... the list goes on.

It wouldn't matter WHAT this person is consuming, addiction will play a part. That not on cannabis, that's on the person with the addictive personality.
then there is sushi....

Jesus had cannabis oil rubbed on his feet after his long walks

Kaneh Bosum[canna bis] is mentioned over 600 times in the Bible

we are cool with it....dude

there are many idiots on both sides..just don't be one of em..
This totally fascinated me, so I had to look it up, all I found was Cannabis related info about that term in the book of Exodus. And a huge argument about the actual meaning, etymology, and translation of the original Hebrew. I was hoping for more, then my fundamentalist upbringing would not have been in vain. Alas, I did not find the smoking gun :bigjoint:

"god franchises"...

vianna..i sense an epiphany from you..[jk]

"To each their own ,that is until they try to use religion as a tool to convince others of what to think on the subject of cannabis"

>true..but religion/political party/CBC/HC/Popo/ 'religionless' dictators ,many etcs

..all do the same.
.everybody uses everything and anything to attempt to convince people the "correct "views

This totally fascinated me, so I had to look it up, all I found was Cannabis related info about that term in the book of Exodus. And a huge argument about the actual meaning, etymology, and translation of the original Hebrew. I was hoping for more, then my fundamentalist upbringing would not have been in vain. Alas, I did not find the smoking gun :bigjoint:

>>they have removed certain "words" from Bibles as they "update them"

Are you familiar with Polish anthropologist Sula Benet?

>no sir..i spend too much time trying to find our lost mood altering characteristics history in uncirculated.. heirloom sativas..
...then there all those flw/bass master tournaments on youtube

You can’t fix stupid
She was a food addict then flipped it to cannabis, this is a FAKE News
I’m sure now that she’s off the weed she’s 400 lbs or has about 1000 new dildoos

>dang right..

then she gets her 15 minutes of fame and maybe can get on cbc/ctv if they still have talk shows..

cannabis prob saved her sorry life
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"god franchises"...
Huh? Not sure I understand. They are running under a Catholic Church banner, so they are spreading the word of their masters. Confirms my point that churches are anti-cannabis and judgmental toward others. I have a problem giving tax-free charity status to any organization that is actively trying to push their antiquated values onto the rest of society.
I'm a devout atheist. I have never tried to convince someone else that the absence of a god is any reason to smoke cannabis, or anything else for that matter. I get a little miffed when others feel they have a right to tell others what to do based on their interpretation of a poorly written work of fiction.
End of religion condemnation rant. Sorry. You should hear me when I get stuck going to a family event with all the jesus-freak relatives I have. I wonder why I don't get invited anymore...? lol

ok you devotely believing there is no creator

il ook at it this way ..churches are run by humans...the ones at the top are prone every other company/organization

humans touch..error/corruption/misinformation

i go at it more direct..

i have my faith through upbring yes..but also more events occurances that lead me to believe..

seeing the spirit leave the body right after a room where there were also non believers in a creator

>>being at a low point...praying for help and some how having the answer get tossed into my brain

there are others but that will do

its a tough job sometimes but in the end it works for me..

and as for you getting "a little miffed."...sure i understand..i get the same it from the sjw/pc/athiest/hc/cbc..crowd

i welcome the chance to attempt to give my own opinion..

so in essence you are probably doing the same as the jesus freaks..and whatever happened to you inviting them..
or do you not consider your self "family."...are they the only ones who invitepeople for christmas/thanksgiving turkey dinner?

have you hugged your jesus freak family today?

to quote the bizzare and futuristic comic Pogo

"we seed the enemy and they's us"
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ok you devotely believing there is no creator

il ook at it this way ..churches are run by humans...the ones at the top are prone every other company/organization

humans touch..error/corruption/misinformation

i go at it more direct..

i have my faith through upbring yes..but also more events occurances that lead me to believe..

seeing the spirit leave the body right after a room where there were also non believers in a creator

>>being at a low point...praying for help and some how having the answer get tossed into my brain

there are others but that will do

its a tough job sometimes but in the end it works for me..

and as for you getting "a little miffed."...sure i understand..i get the same it from the sjw/pc/athiest/hc/cbc..crowd

i welcome the chance to attempt to give my own opinion..

so in essence you are probably doing the same as the jesus freaks..and whatever happened to you inviting them..
or do you not consider your self "family."...are they the only ones who invitepeople for christmas/thanksgiving turkey dinner?

have you hugged your jesus freak family today?

to quote the bizzare and futuristic comic Pogo

"we seed the enemy and they's us"
If you are seeing spirits leaving a body, I don't think we have much to discuss on the topic of religion. You are too far away from what is my reality for me to hope to understand. I won't mock someone for believing in whatever they want to, but don't try to convince me that spirits and gods and devils and such are anything other than fiction.
As for hugging family - I moved to the other side of the country to get away from the freaks. I don't want them in my house either. I haven't even talked to my siblings in a decade. I don't trust family o
I don't get religious peoples objection to cannabis. They drink alcohol as part of their rituals in church and preach acceptance of others - yet they got a problem with me smoking a joint and think they are morally superior to tell others how they should behave.
Maybe we should force them to obtain a liquor license and charge them for giving alcohol to minors. My first taste of wine was in a church and I ended up an alcoholic - religion nearly killed me. lol
I don't get it either. I believe in God. The bible clearly states god made all seeded herb for our use. If I'm made in his image then my endocannabinoid system is there for a reason.

I'm not much on organized religion. Such judgemental people.
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What a crock of bullshit!!! Something reeks in that article. Smells bad too. I bet if you follow the rabbit hole deep enough with that pure propaganda article you would find some ulterior motives with some partys at play here. I can smell this one. Big powerful institutions with big $$money$$ at stake maybe?
The only negatives with smoking the dope for me has been my grocery bill..and my electric bill because I grow my own. This article smells. Comparing it too a cocaine or heroin addiction? Cmon. They think we are that stupid too!! Thats the kicker.
I'm a non-practicing atheist. I don't believe in god, or any spirits, but I won't get all up in anyone's face over it. And I'd appreciate if you don't get all up in mine with your opinions.

Organized Religion is just a form of exerting power and oppressing others. It is the most profitable, and protected, racket on the planet.

But what does that have to do with addiction? People can become hoarders, cutters, have hooks stuck through their flesh and be hung like racks of meat; all voluntarily. Mental illness takes all forms. And it can be blamed on anything, including daemons and the devil.

So she blames cannabis. yawn. So people who make money trading addicts back and forth in treatment facilities blame cannabis. yawn.

I need a nap.

What a crock of bullshit!!! Something reeks in that article. Smells bad too. I bet if you follow the rabbit hole deep enough with that pure propaganda article you would find some ulterior motives with some partys at play here. I can smell this one. Big powerful institutions with big $$money$$ at stake maybe?
Read my rebuttal at
If you are seeing spirits leaving a body, I don't think we have much to discuss on the topic of religion. You are too far away from what is my reality for me to hope to understand. I won't mock someone for believing in whatever they want to, but don't try to convince me that spirits and gods and devils and such are anything other than fiction.
As for hugging family - I moved to the other side of the country to get away from the freaks. I don't want them in my house either. I haven't even talked to my siblings in a decade. I don't trust family o

1.the spirit didn't have an actual form..and its not like it has happened before...or since
but there were four people there..some as skeptical as you..and theyfelt/saw it..

and i am not trying to convince you of can only experience it and i would not have accepted it was a wonderful occurance..

2. its hard to believe when you have never seen/felt any of whats out there..

As for hugging family - I moved to the other side of the country to get away from the freaks. I don't want them in my house either. I haven't even talked to my siblings in a decade. I don't trust family

>there yah go....yeh they are all bad and you are good....anyway dude have good day need a good hugsies!