Proper & Pure n,n-DMT pull / extraction

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Ever have taken 75 mgs to 125 mgs of ketamine and then smoked some deemstahs?

The above gif does quite a good job of representing the experience.

You completely left out the part where the dmt in your system recognizes the ketamine as poison and then purge every time you move for the next few hours. Worst combo ever!
do you drink u must have some shit k
Was good k by itself or on L. The time I decided to try a fat bump before bladting off went really well to start. The dmt seemed to mostly overpower the K. About the time the dmt was wearing off I feel like I could feel the two substances arguing over my headspace. When I got to a point I felt like standing up I felt it all move to me belly. I was able to make it to the sink. The reason I say purge is it was powerful. Not the kind of puke that you can keep in for even a few seconds. After the initial purge I tried to stay as still as possible. If I did not move I was mostly ok. But any time I stood up it came back for the next few hours.
Was good k by itself or on L. The time I decided to try a fat bump before bladting off went really well to start. The dmt seemed to mostly overpower the K. About the time the dmt was wearing off I feel like I could feel the two substances arguing over my headspace. When I got to a point I felt like standing up I felt it all move to me belly. I was able to make it to the sink. The reason I say purge is it was powerful. Not the kind of puke that you can keep in for even a few seconds. After the initial purge I tried to stay as still as possible. If I did not move I was mostly ok. But any time I stood up it came back for the next few hours.
Interesting You use the word 'arguing" over such a comment labeled as fact.

I would like to see a trip report fo Your whole experience with ALL of the drugs You consumed;
before, during, and after the blast off DMT experience. You know... The blast off?
SWIM has been informing Me, [HEATLESSBBQ]...
That the beginning of this thread is inaccurate!!!!

SWIM hopes to keep this thread going as a learning process.
An evolutionary; of sorts. From bottom to top.

Its a bit difficult jumping back and forth but if it's for a good cause,
I am happy to reply back with SWIM's messages to Me.
i feel like dmt keeps coming up like clock work i wana try it so badly my homie has some but he says he only has enough left for him but he stopped blastingoff a few days ago for some reason he was loving it at least he kno how ta stop
SWIM ran a few n,n-DMT pulls from mimosa about a month ago and wrote about it in this thread above. At first SWIM did not succeed. Plenty of freebase has been accumulated over the past month and has been ready to smoke now for a week or so.

The following is a trip report from SWIM just after SWIM got the 'itch' to smoke some deemstahs.


Took 2 good hits out of the vape. Smelled of dmt and made the music playing sound wider.
Didn’t feel much and went to the sandwich weed pipe method.

Took 3 giant hits and each one gave a pleasant, euphoric body high.
Very mellow and contemplative thoughts. However jumbled from the Cannabis.
Level 2? Slight fuzziness in the air. Maybe some mild patterns but not like Level 3.

No Level 3 attributes what so ever.
-No Level 3+ visuals
-No Level 3+ thought patterns
-No strange phenomenon

However the body high is very very nice.
Breathing is easier and this body high is great.

Same duration as any DMT trip. A lot weaker and shorter.

Estimated 3-5mgs of pure n,n,-dimethyltryptamine.

P.S. Will post pictures. Not really a DMT experience. More of a “high”.
The n,n-DMT high may have made the weed I have smoked stronger…
Feels a lot like impure DMT just more pure. Literally.

SWIM is very excited to go further into this batch.
'Til Then... Until next time... From the wonders of the deep...

SWIM ran a few n,n-DMT pulls from mimosa about a month ago and wrote about it in this thread above. At first SWIM did not succeed. Plenty of freebase has been accumulated over the past month and has been ready to smoke now for a week or so.

The following is a trip report from SWIM just after SWIM got the 'itch' to smoke some deemstahs.


Took 2 good hits out of the vape. Smelled of dmt and made the music playing sound wider.
Didn’t feel much and went to the sandwich weed pipe method.

Took 3 giant hits and each one gave a pleasant, euphoric body high.
Very mellow and contemplative thoughts. However jumbled from the Cannabis.
Level 2? Slight fuzziness in the air. Maybe some mild patterns but not like Level 3.

No Level 3 attributes what so ever.
-No Level 3+ visuals
-No Level 3+ thought patterns
-No strange phenomenon

However the body high is very very nice.
Breathing is easier and this body high is great.

Same duration as any DMT trip. A lot weaker and shorter.

Estimated 3-5mgs of pure n,n,-dimethyltryptamine.

P.S. Will post pictures. Not really a DMT experience. More of a “high”.
The n,n-DMT high may have made the weed I have smoked stronger…
Feels a lot like impure DMT just more pure. Literally.

SWIM is very excited to go further into this batch.
'Til Then... Until next time... From the wonders of the deep...

More Porkshit!!!!!!


BBQ exposed:
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Honestly learning about BBQ being a sock puppet game player really makes all the cut and paste posts over the years make a lot more sense. 90% of their posts have always just been google repeats.
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