Prostate Exams in 2012

Do you think the doctor would find it odd of I brought dinner candles and wine to my finger fucking party?
Arrrrr. I be a doctor.

Do you think the doctor would find it odd of I brought dinner candles and wine to my finger fucking party?

He would, they also don't like it if you turn around and smell their hair "in order to try and breathe a little passion into this"
I went to the dr once to get a checkup, Man it hurt. Hurt more when i realized it was a dentists office. I wondered why he told me to spit or swallow the cup of liquid...
Worst part of the exam is being embarrassed, though the patient's got nothing to be embarrassed about... nor the doc for that matter. It's something that just has to be done if you want to stay alive and able to pee past age 50. Women have to get pap smears starting pretty young. Guys are lucky that they get to wait until they're 40 or so before they have to bend over the exam table. As far as how it feels, to me, it feels exactly how I'd expect it to feel, icky, a little uncomfortable, but I can't say it's ever been painful.
Far, far worse than a prostate exam: spinal tap, barium enema, bone marrow biopsy, uroscopy, lymphangiogram, test for male gonorrhea, penicillin shots, rabies shots, battlefield amputation during the Civil War...
I've been getting them for years. One doc years ago left me with a serious ache, but other than that one time by a fat fingered (seriously) brute, it hasn't been that bad. I don't like the extra expense of the flowers and card I have to send him the next day though.
Well, I just had mine a few months ago, have them every year since I hit 40, and all I had to do was give a wee bit of blood, if you have to get violated to get a prostate exam, get the hell outa there and go see a real doctor. There is no need for anything more than that, unless you are into that sort of thing.


Well, I just had mine a few months ago, have them every year since I hit 40, and all I had to do was give a wee bit of blood, if you have to get violated to get a prostate exam, get the hell outa there and go see a real doctor. There is no need for anything more than that, unless you are into that sort of thing.



Wow ... if you wee blood, maybe see one soonish. cn