Protecting plants from thieves


Well-Known Member
Hi guys i am growing outdoor this summer but i worry my plant might get stolen it's not fenced in and people have access to it via the forest/field nearby. I am currently debating two options
1- installing a wifi security camera
2-installing a motion detection spotlight nearby (worried it might mess up the light cycle but i wouldn't put it directly over it)

I don't and can't have a dog, can't put my plant in the yard at the moment but i might be able to move it in it around 2 weeks from harvest
Hi guys i am growing outdoor this summer but i worry my plant might get stolen it's not fenced in and people have access to it via the forest/field nearby. I am currently debating two options
1- installing a wifi security camera
2-installing a motion detection spotlight nearby (worried it might mess up the light cycle but i wouldn't put it directly over it)

I don't and can't have a dog, can't put my plant in the yard at the moment but i might be able to move it in it around 2 weeks from harvest
Look up Guardline i sleep a lot better.
When I did an outdoor grow I worried someone would steal my plant so before I even put the plant in the ground I put a tomato cage half way in the ground so it couldn’t be pulled out then I put a taller one and secured it. My plant never got messed with other than one time I saw someone outside my back yard at around 2am and all I did was peak my head out of the door and shot the ground works fine
They sell them on amazon but its a 22cal plenty loud late at night.
Ive gone even cheaper and just grabbed a fishing line, 1ft posts around the plot, with eye hooks, and the fishing line hooked up to one of those 3 dollar magnetic window alarms.. I use that in conjunction with a camera for a live feed while away from home, and the tripwire/window alarm is used just to wake me up in the tent, which Ive started sleeping in this week.

Im interested in the 22cal blanks tho because I thought I couldnt get those without a FID or something in MA... I wanted to go that route with a dummy grenade pin, they have really cool tripwire triggers of those on ebay.
Anybody that tries to grab it will do so at night.. Dig some holes around the plant.. Something 18" deep and 12" wide.. Run heavy duty fishing line around the plant with treble hooks.
Yes and maybe some trip wires attached to C4. Or some other explosive.