Protecting plants from thieves

Hang some fried chicken next to them to distract them and give you enough time to load the 12 gauge
Anyone guerrilla growing outdoors knows better than to put all their eggs in one basket. Pests, deer, rippers, LEO all present problems. If you put your plants out in several locations you have a better chance of getting a harvest.
I was always taught to plant four different locations one for each of the problems you listed lol
We revamped a vintage camper and I've got it parked about 20 feet from the plants. Also going to set up some good, old fashioned boobie traps, just some stuff to wake me and I'm a very light sleeper. The only other way in would put someone through electric fencing and into the pasture, which would set the horses off running around. The plants are 10+ feet now and just started the flowering phase. I don't imagine anyone would have an easy time hauling them off without some kind of vehicle. I have had someone come down on a 4-wheeler and smile at them. So we're just going to be sure to be here 24/7 when they are getting ready. and I'll be camping out with a glock.
there's no stand your ground in Canada. Yes it's legal . I've got a few grows out in the bush this plant is at my house. Yes i could move it on my side of the fence but it wouldn't get as much sun but i could do that end of cycle
I just want to clarify the castle doctrine before someone shoots and kills someone on their property and goes to prison. They need to be acting violent and trespassing in your home In order to shoot them. And even then you have to prove that. I live in a no stand your ground state and went to jail for beating a guy up who was in my home and wouldn’t leave. Taking someone’s literal life over a plant is far worse than them stealing the plant. I’ve had plants stolen and it’s not fun but unless you’ve seen someone shot close range then talking about shooting someone is just fantasy. It’s not cool seeing that shit and it’s not cool talking about it. If you wanna protect yourself and your plants then I think what stinky pinky whitehead is doing is the way to go. Physically being there. If your in an illegal state then well if anyone found it or it’s on your property where it can be seem then you already fucked up bu making it known your breaking the law. My humble opinions.
I just want to clarify the castle doctrine before someone shoots and kills someone on their property and goes to prison. They need to be acting violent and trespassing in your home In order to shoot them. And even then you have to prove that. I live in a no stand your ground state and went to jail for beating a guy up who was in my home and wouldn’t leave. Taking someone’s literal life over a plant is far worse than them stealing the plant. I’ve had plants stolen and it’s not fun but unless you’ve seen someone shot close range then talking about shooting someone is just fantasy. It’s not cool seeing that shit and it’s not cool talking about it. If you wanna protect yourself and your plants then I think what stinky pinky whitehead is doing is the way to go. Physically being there. If your in an illegal state then well if anyone found it or it’s on your property where it can be seem then you already fucked up bu making it known your breaking the law. My humble opinions.
That's why you don't take their life. That is what the tiger is for.
Just have a Beware of kitty sign
I just want to clarify the castle doctrine before someone shoots and kills someone on their property and goes to prison. They need to be acting violent and trespassing in your home In order to shoot them. And even then you have to prove that. I live in a no stand your ground state and went to jail for beating a guy up who was in my home and wouldn’t leave. Taking someone’s literal life over a plant is far worse than them stealing the plant. I’ve had plants stolen and it’s not fun but unless you’ve seen someone shot close range then talking about shooting someone is just fantasy. It’s not cool seeing that shit and it’s not cool talking about it. If you wanna protect yourself and your plants then I think what stinky pinky whitehead is doing is the way to go. Physically being there. If your in an illegal state then well if anyone found it or it’s on your property where it can be seem then you already fucked up bu making it known your breaking the law. My humble opinions.
Castle doctrine and stand your ground are different...
Not to mention they vary widely by state...


In North Carolina, which has a broad version of the castle doctrine, it's relatively easy to establish self-defense because a person who "unlawfully and forcibly" enters your home is presumed to intend violence, and you are presumed to have a reasonable fear of harm. These presumptions may keep you out of jail if, for instance, you shoot your unarmed neighbor searching for his tools. Defense of your occupied car or workplace is treated the same way.

In contrast, under Illinois' more limited version of the castle doctrine, you're allowed to use deadly force only if an intruder is engaged in the commission of a felony or enters your home in a "violent, riotous or tumultuous manner" (in the statute's words) making you reasonably fear harm. Also, your vehicle and workplace are not part of your castle in Illinois.

Thats not even considering the more freedom loving states like texas, or florida, which I believe has an even broader definition of their castle doctrine.
I just want to clarify the castle doctrine before someone shoots and kills someone on their property and goes to prison. They need to be acting violent and trespassing in your home In order to shoot them. And even then you have to prove that. I live in a no stand your ground state and went to jail for beating a guy up who was in my home and wouldn’t leave. Taking someone’s literal life over a plant is far worse than them stealing the plant. I’ve had plants stolen and it’s not fun but unless you’ve seen someone shot close range then talking about shooting someone is just fantasy. It’s not cool seeing that shit and it’s not cool talking about it. If you wanna protect yourself and your plants then I think what stinky pinky whitehead is doing is the way to go. Physically being there. If your in an illegal state then well if anyone found it or it’s on your property where it can be seem then you already fucked up bu making it known your breaking the law. My humble opinions.
Absolutely, 100%. And the same goes for dogs attacking on your property. Hell, in my state, I can't dig a hole because if someone breaks an ankle trying to steal from me they can sue me, it's silly. My gun is for protection in the off chance someone does show up and get violent, I've seen people get violent for less than ten to twenty grand worth of bud. I'm a rather small woman camping out down there and, though I'd call my husband in the house first thing (and he'd be coming out armed as well), I'd likely be confronting people first alone because I'm the night watch. I wouldn't even have a gun in my hand, but it would be strapped to my side and that is also a sure deterrent. I'm not a huge fan of guns myself, I don't even like to shoot them, we go to the range just to be able to use them safely in the off chance we ever have to use them under pressure. I'm in a legal grow, no stand your ground state. There are a lot of rules for gun use even to protect yourself from a violent attacker in your own home or on your own property. You can't have a means of egress, or the person must be overpowering you, and you have to issue 3 requests/warnings before firing a single shot. Of course, most folks would never dream of shooting someone for stealing plants, but may consider scaring them off with an unloaded shotgun. I could have a lot of money's worth of bud growing here by season's end but it won't be easy for someone to make off with one of these plants with us onsite 24/7, they're 10 feet high and growing.
Absolutely, 100%. And the same goes for dogs attacking on your property. Hell, in my state, I can't dig a hole because if someone breaks an ankle trying to steal from me they can sue me, it's silly. My gun is for protection in the off chance someone does show up and get violent, I've seen people get violent for less than ten to twenty grand worth of bud. I'm a rather small woman camping out down there and, though I'd call my husband in the house first thing (and he'd be coming out armed as well), I'd likely be confronting people first alone because I'm the night watch. I wouldn't even have a gun in my hand, but it would be strapped to my side and that is also a sure deterrent. I'm not a huge fan of guns myself, I don't even like to shoot them, we go to the range just to be able to use them safely in the off chance we ever have to use them under pressure. I'm in a legal grow, no stand your ground state. There are a lot of rules for gun use even to protect yourself from a violent attacker in your own home or on your own property. You can't have a means of egress, or the person must be overpowering you, and you have to issue 3 requests/warnings before firing a single shot. Of course, most folks would never dream of shooting someone for stealing plants, but may consider scaring them off with an unloaded shotgun. I could have a lot of money's worth of bud growing here by season's end but it won't be easy for someone to make off with one of these plants with us onsite 24/7, they're 10 feet high and growing.
yeah here in Canada i don't even think there's a castle doctrine. You can't defend yourself you have to flee if you are in danger
Yeah a person could always end up dealing with the real Thief

A lawyer, probably worse than anybody stealing shit out of your yard
I’m not saying you don’t defend yourself if it gets violent regardless the state. Even tho I went to jail for something like that I’d do it again no problem. I’m not a runner lol I’m just making sure people don’t think it’s open season and start taking lives. Where I’m from robberies are common. Most of the time it’s someone you know and you let know too much. In those cases I feel an ass whooping is 100% approved. At that point it’s doubtful they’ll call cops themselves. But you’ll also have to take precautions and ditch the shit just in case.