Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
100,00 years ago the chief of the tribe would have given you a death sentence by turfing your ass out and you would have died alone in the wilderness, humans cannot survive outside of a social context. That's what they did for antisocial behavior, if you were an outcast all the neighboring tribes knew what you were. There are no real individuals, that is a myth, there are communities, individuals are lonely and unhappy and exist outside the circle of caring and sharing that most normal humans crave and need. The cult of the individual is just libertarian bullshit, not a real thing, hermits live alone the spiritual ones have a plan, a practice and lead disciplined lives, others like those in the west are just mentally ill.
Being an individual doesn't mean a person can't have beneficial relationships with other individuals.
I don't think you know the actual meaning of libertarian and you might be drunk.