It is also true, even if you don't control your mind and never can, you can control who you keep company with and choose to be friends or even attend to. You are here, though most have you on ignore and never see your drivel, I'm just bored tonight and feel like reaming some assholes.
Smart people elect those who wield power and are called patriots in America and other places too. Those who attack the constitution are traitors and fascists, like those 74 million moral failures who voted for Trump. 81 million patriots vs 74 million suckers and losers for whom power flowed from the barrel of a gun, like Mao said, but he was not a very good guide to wisdom.Politics is base on power and control and the threat of violence for noncompliance.
This is why im a centrist. Just like a reporter, i bring up topics and watch the left and right fight while i psychoanalyze them while they debate.
Oh he's been making a stand, he does seem to have a sense of right and wrong. I like to watch human behavior too, but from a firm place, if you don't stand for anything you fall for everything.So far your presentation of self has been more like that of a pathetic wanker
That's not being centrist. It's best described as not having any ideas of your own.This is why im a centrist. Just like a reporter, i bring up topics and watch the left and right fight while i psychoanalyze them while they debate.
theres going to be another school shooting or something like that in the mid west. i can feel it.Back on topic. Note the flags on Clint's wall, where do you suppose he got those? These are the kinds of people the assholes are up against and there are a lot of them and all are patriots,
Multiple Arrested, Hospitalized Following Clashes After Pro-Trump Rally | MSNBC
Violence broke out following a Pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C. Protesters clashed with counter-protesters leaving eight people hospitalized and 33 arrested.
This too. I'm here to criticize ideas, just like a journalist.That's not being centrist. It's best described as not having any ideas of your own.
I'm here to criticize ideas, just like a journalist.
I'm cutting him some slack while he gets his bearings, if he's here to learn and evolve fine.Well if that's the case, then I'd suggest that you've failed miserably in that regard since you've made no impression other than to display your fecklessness
There will be acts of violence, just look at who you are dealing with. When you go around in body armor armed to the teeth your intentions are rather clear, you just need an enemy. They lost the war of ideas and words, only violence remains, all the acts of American domestic terrorism in the past 2 years have been right wing and the vast majority before that were too. They are mostly lone wolf attacks by unstable individuals radicalized in the exact same way as Islamic lone wolf terrorists and about as religious, meaning not at all. In both cases they feel threatened by the modern world and globalization, in the case of the Trumpers the "others" are taking over, in the case of the Muslims the west is overtaking them culturally. When a side feels it is losing and up against impossible odds they engage in asymmetric warfare, bombs and suicide attackers. It didn't start with the Muslims either, but with the Sri Lankans in the civil war between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese Buddhist majority.theres going to be another school shooting or something like that in the mid west. i can feel it.
Every society has a lot of borderline individuals in the best of times. I is unconscionable to weaponize them for political purposes. It's straight out of Pol Pot, Hitler's and Stalin's playbook.There will be acts of violence, just look at who you are dealing with. When you go around in body armor armed to the teeth your intentions are rather clear, you just need an enemy. They lost the war of ideas and words, only violence remains, all the acts of American domestic terrorism in the past 2 years have been right wing and the vast majority before that were too. They are mostly lone wolf attacks by unstable individuals radicalized in the exact same way as Islamic lone wolf terrorists and about as religious, meaning not at all. In both cases they feel threatened by the modern world and globalization, in the case of the Trumpers the "others" are taking over, in the case of the Muslims the west is overtaking them culturally. When a side feels it is losing and up against impossible odds they engage in asymmetric warfare, bombs and suicide attackers. It didn't start with the Muslims either, but with the Sri Lankans in the civil war between the Tamil minority and the Sinhalese Buddhist majority.
boringThis too. I'm here to criticize ideas, just like a journalist.
non-violence being met with violence is never justified. this is not a war (yet). no genocide is taking place. violence is completely unnecessary at this point.
we used to be able have different views and get along okay.
now, political gear makes you a target for violence. the innocent people that the proud boys hit probably didn't want to fight. the innocent people that antifa hit probably didn't want to fight.
they are the groups forcing a fight on us and I don't like it.
Smart peopleelectreject those who wield power
Good morning slave. I haven't read one of your messages for months but from the reactions of those I trust, I can tell you have gotten even more retarded.Power over others is the primary purpose of politics. They don't even pay lip service to using politics to protect individual rights anymore.
Smart people disobey and disavow politicians. Smart people embrace the peace that reciprocity of respecting individual rights brings.
Good morning slave. I haven't read one of your messages for months but from the reactions of those I trust, I can tell you have gotten even more retarded.
Don't forget to work hard today so we can steal your taxes and send them to other people.
I think he’s just here to troll, not learn or share anything meaningful.I'm cutting him some slack while he gets his bearings, if he's here to learn and evolve fine.