Prove to you There's a God?


Well-Known Member
Thats why I love reading the bible, self defense is fine ;)
It's one thing to state your belief in god and attempt to explain why, it's another to use your belief in god to justify monomaniacal discrimination. When your attempts at logic and reason fail, you fall back on your scripture, somehow finding comfort and absolution in bigotry. I can't not think of a better description of perverse.


Well-Known Member
I never said I was gay, I said "You don't know love until you've had a reach around ROFL"..... Although I do have some gay friends, and they've hit on me before - I just don't find dudes attractive, the same way they don't find women attractive.

Apparently you didn't learn the subtleties of humor from the bible...
You diddn't even read the bible, you need to shut your mouth.

It says not to laugh at those who do evil, lying is evil.


Well-Known Member
You diddn't even read the bible, you need to shut your mouth.

It says not to laugh at those who do evil, lying is evil.
Lying is NOT evil.

If you were sheltering Jewish refugees in WWII and nazi's came to your door and said, "Are you harbouring Jews?" and you said "yes" - YOU would be evil for NOT lying.


Well-Known Member
Lying is NOT evil.

If you were sheltering Jewish refugees in WWII and nazi's came to your door and said, "Are you harbouring Jews?" and you said "yes" - YOU would be evil for NOT lying.
Obviously people like you are stupid enough to think that you can only answer yes or no.

I would say in a loud voice "Why the hell would I be harbouring jews!?! They don't even accept JESUS!"...ect.


Well-Known Member
Obviously people like you are stupid enough to think that you can only answer yes or no.

I would say in a loud voice "Why the hell would I be harbouring jews!?! They don't even accept JESUS!"...ect.
You must be a troll.... either that or you're the single stupidest person I've ever conversed with.

You JUST SAID; "LYING IS EVIL", now you say lying isn't evil?

What about this scenario; Your christian friend is framed for a murder you know he didn't commit, but the evidence is stacked against him. The police come to your door and say "Have you seen him?"

You can either lie, and do the right thing - or not lie and have a man sentenced for a crime you KNOW he didn't commit....


Well-Known Member
Hypothetical ethics is where I bow out, have fun guys. Don't think I overlooked your misguided discrepancy cannabineer. I will forgive it as it is your first offense. ;)


Well-Known Member
Obviously people like you are stupid enough to think that you can only answer yes or no.

Explain to me what this means, because it's pretty non-nonsensical...

I would say in a loud voice "Why the hell would I be harbouring jews!?! They don't even accept JESUS!"...ect.
That's being dishonest, you're implying that you don't have any jews - do you want to split hairs about what kind of lies are acceptable?


Well-Known Member
Explain to me what this means, because it's pretty non-nonsensical...

That's being dishonest, you're implying that you don't have any jews - do you want to split hairs about what kind of lies are acceptable?
Im not implying that I don't have any jews, I am simply asking them why they would think I am harbouring jews knowing that I am against their religion.


Well-Known Member
Some of your responses are priceless. <3
I thank you for contributing to the RIU community in such a manner, things can get dull now & then.


Well-Known Member
Im not implying that I don't have any jews, I am simply asking them why they would think I am harbouring jews knowing that I am against their religion.
Ok, so in the thought experiment they bitch slap you and ask you again for a straight up answer - they also put a gun to your head. How would you respond? Would you lie to save the innocent family? Or would you tell the truth and let the nazi's kill them?

Does your religion lead you to deontological or teleologic ethics?


Well-Known Member
For those of you reading. Allow what i say to make you wonder for yourself.
Don't try to remember anything I say, just know that you can't trust me either.

Jesus was betrayed and he was a God. Becareful everyone out there.
Love you all.


Well-Known Member
Its wrong because the anus wasn't ment for intercourse. It rips, bleeds, and causes hemorrhoids.

It is un natural.
what about heterosexual anal sex? are prostate exams unnatural? i assume you wont be getting checked at all, correct?

Religion strengthens me when I have to deal with idiots, it is the cure to the poison that I get from reading bs articles.
so you formed your beliefs, then look for information that backs up your beliefs. and all the articles you dont agree with are categorized as 'bullshit articles'. they are of satan and the anti christ; simply there to lead you astray from the truth, which is the bible. i guess michael shermer is right then lol


Well-Known Member
what about heterosexual anal sex? are prostate exams unnatural? i assume you wont be getting checked at all, correct?

so you formed your beliefs, then look for information that backs up your beliefs. and all the articles you dont agree with are categorized as 'bullshit articles'. they are of satan and the anti christ; simply there to lead you astray from the truth, which is the bible. i guess michael shermer is right then lol
No, bullshit articles like this:

Look up the same chapter and subchater and you'll see that it is in fact bullshit.


Well-Known Member
After you read the bible, if you do.
You'll notice that only about 5-9% or of all the articles on the internet is completely legit.
Anything with an opinion pretty much makes the whole article bullshit.

You can't just quote one subchater and one chater then warp it in with an opinion. But most people are mislead to the point where they believe it because the article is about Jesus.

But what you don't see is the writer confessing himself that he believes and accepts Christ and knows he came to die for our sins in the flesh of man.

I've even read e-book bibles and realized that some of that stuff looks so sketchy that I just stop reading it.
Stick to the printed version.