Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

So you think it will suck like most of Dyson's products??
Yeah. That's exactly what I think. I don't know. I've been involved in many product development projects and I can't name one where the initial design and prototypes lived up to the hype. Even when the design issues were ironed out, we dealt with another round of failures during startup of manufacturing. It took years to get a new product line up and running. I wasn't working for a mom and pop, either. Big names you would recognize. So, no. I call horse shit and am kind of pissed off.
Yeah. That's exactly what I think. I don't know. I've been involved in many product development projects and I can't name one where the initial design and prototypes lived up to the hype. Even when the design issues were ironed out, we dealt with another round of failures during startup of manufacturing. I wasn't working for a mom and pop, either. Big names you would recognize. So, no. I call horse shit and am kind of pissed off.
An inside view is what I like to hear, you're experienced and equipped to evaluate this thing, I'm not promoting it, I'd just like to see a conversation evolve as more information becomes available and independent experts have a chance to evaluate this 'apparatus". I "feel" that Trump will be promoting it though and you might have your work cut out countering bullshit by the truck load, so a heads up might be useful.

If BBC and CNN are carrying it and they use journalistic standards, then we have to have a look at it, but there's just hype so far. It might be a policy issue soon though. I respect your qualifications, judgement and experience in these matters.
An inside view is what I like to hear, you're experienced and equipped to evaluate this thing, I'm not promoting it, I'd just like to see a conversation evolve as more information becomes available and independent experts have a chance to evaluate this 'apparatus". I "feel" that Trump will be promoting it though and you might have your work cut out countering bullshit by the truck load, so a heads up might be useful.

If BBC and CNN are carrying it and they use journalistic standards, then we have to have a look at it, but there's just hype so far. It might be a policy issue soon though. I respect your qualifications, judgement and experience in these matters.
That's why I posted the Theranos nonsense. They were media darlings before she went on trial for fraud.

Not saying Dyson's effort is fraudulent. Just saying Boris is going kill people by directing resources into this instead of something that can actually help them.
That's why I posted the Theranos nonsense. They were media darlings before she went on trial for fraud.

Not saying Dyson's effort is fraudulent. Just saying Boris is going kill people by directing resources into this instead of something that can actually help them.
Boris leap on the bandwagon late and is trying to make up for lost time, everybody is fucked at the same time and it just seemed to dawn on some world leaders like Boris. Every country with few exceptions has faltered in their response, my own included, but trump's failure to protect America was criminal to say the least. Christ help you folks, from the mortality rates in Canada and the USA, I figure America is getting hit 3 times as hard as Canada, so far and Donald ain't helping. The troops on the border must be to keep you folks in, because trump's America is becoming very unappealing!

Keep the faith Foggy, you'll get it back and justice done, Donald and the republicans will be finished by november and when ya win make fucking sure ya stomp the fuckers so hard they won't rise up again. War was the remedy they have chosen, and like Sherman, I say you should give it to them, not out of revenge, but out of survival.
The smartest guys from Westpoint often end up in the corps of engineers and this guy is no dummy.
Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: March 26 | MSNBC
I had to switch out again when he started shit talking our governor again (Michigan).
Every governor, their state delegations and all the mayors are on his ass and starting to scream, Donald is losing it, every local paper in America will be screaming for his fucking head in a month. I had a good look at him, the strain is showing and the pressure will soon escalate with the volume of deaths. Ya just can't bullshit a virus and death certificates, scientists and doctors are not the kind of people Donald is used to dealing with, they deal in facts and will not acquiesce to him. He might be finished before the election and I wouldn't be surprised if he is impeached again over this and the outcome will be quite fucking different, if Pelosi wants to pull the trigger on the stupid prick this summer. No more fun and games with witnesses and documents in the oversight hearings on this one, this is where the rubber meets the Goddamn road!
I had to switch out again when he started shit talking our governor again (Michigan).
If anybody is wondering what Donald's role was in the testing fiasco, just ask yourself one question:
Why has nobody been thrown under the bus for the testing fiasco yet?
Nobody was fired over this, no blame assigned, no scientist or official was Judas goated.

Researchers Devise New Breakthrough To Protect Healthcare Workers From Coronavirus

Since the emergence of the dangerous contagion SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 disease, the U.S. healthcare system has faced innumerable new challenges, including oversaturated hospitals, limited numbers of physicians and other healthcare workers, and dwindling supplies of essential healthcare equipment.

Although all of these problems are becoming increasingly more severe, the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as adequate masks, goggles, and gowns is one of the most important issues for healthcare workers, who continue to face the largest burden of risk related to the coronavirus.

To address this vital problem, researchers assembled a multidisciplinary team at Boston Children’s Hospital, which included members from the Surgical Innovation Fellowship, Department of Surgery, a Respiratory Care/ECMO team, and an Environmental Health and Safety team. The research group, which is led by fellowship co-directors Dr. Farokh Demehri and Dr. Heung Bae Kim, has worked tirelessly over the past week to engineer a cheap and simple solution to help alleviate one of most prevalent PPE problems: the lack of masks available to protect healthcare professionals treating coronavirus, which can be transmitted through the air.

Today In: Healthcare
The Boston Children’s researchers developed new masks, called “respirators” in the medical field, to serve as a backup for the valuable but endangered N95 respirators, which are special masks used to guard against airborne virus particles. In addition to providing effective protection against viruses, the new respirators have the added benefits of being relatively inexpensive and reusable.

The new respirator can be produced for about $3 each, and healthcare workers can produce them quickly using inexpensive, readily available medical supplies that most hospitals already have in stock: an anesthesia mask, ventilator filter, and elastic straps.


Coronavirus: Winnipeg biotech company says COVID-19 treatment nearing production
Emergent Biosolutions is developing experimental treatments for the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. At the same time, it has partnered with two American pharmaceutical companies to work on a vaccine for COVID-19.

READ MORE: Coronavirus: When will a COVID-19 vaccine be ready?

In the past week, Emergent has teamed up with clinical-stage vaccine company Novavax as well as biotech company Vaxart to develop two vaccine candidates.

As senior vice president of therapeutics Dr. Laura Saward tells 680 CJOB, the company has a bit of a head start.

“We started right away, looking across our different platforms for how we could have an impact, and of course everyone is doing this quickly,” Saward says. “We looked at some of our proven technologies – platforms that have supported several licensed drugs, and we put those to work on coronavirus.”

READ MORE: Coronavirus: Canadian company announces COVID-19 vaccine candidate

Saward explains while many researchers are focused on a vaccine that would make someone immune to COVID-19, they’re focused on therapeutics for those who would have already contracted the illness.

“When you use a vaccine, you’re developing antibodies over time. This is a way to give someone a dose of these antibodies right away, and that would help to remove the infection or the virus from their system,” Saward says.

“It’s an approach we’ve used with many other infectious diseases where you isolate these antibodies from plasma sources. There’s hundreds of years of research behind this type of approach. It does take some of the risk out, and our focus is on going as fast as possible.”

Winnipeg epidemiologist Cynthia Carr tells 680 CJOB while any vaccine could still be over a year away, it’s important to remember we might not get one at all, as none of the previous six strains of the coronavirus has had a vaccine, so developing treatment is equally important.

“We don’t know if someone would become more ill [in the future], but we hope it follows the typical pattern where our immune system is a little bit educated about the virus and you are a little less ill the next time.”

READ MORE: COVID-19: Can you be infected with coronavirus more than once?

The public has been clamouring from answers when it comes to the illness, which has run rampant over many parts of the globe, and Saward explains her group is making great progress.

“Because we’re using these proven technologies, we have a high degree of confidence in the safety [of our product] and we’ll be able to get in the clinic very quickly to evaluate its efficacy.
And Saward says a solution to the illness could becoming quicker than you think.

“We will work with regulators to ensure we’re doing this in a way that’s safe — but our target is to get in the clinic by the end of summer. We will be manufacturing at our Winnipeg site by the beginning of summer.”
My 87yo mother has instructed me that if she contracts C-19 and is still of sound mind she will decline being put on a respirator and my duty as proxy holder is to make sure her wishes are followed. She believes heroic efforts to save the elderly siphons off resources better directed elsewhere. We're a godless family who prescribe to and support the hemlock society and most of us have already prepaid to be cremated in a cardboard box rather than burden anyone with 10 or 20k in funeral expenses. It's a good time to plan ahead and make your wishes known just in case. She also states with no hesitation the she would rather die in a week from the Coronavirus than die from alzheimers or a stroke where she could languish for years W/O a functioning mind. I believe the Italians are no longer throwing resources at the elderly which is of course controversial but realistic.
My 87yo mother has instructed me that if she contracts C-19 and is still of sound mind she will decline being put on a respirator and my duty as proxy holder is to make sure her wishes are followed. She believes heroic efforts to save the elderly siphons off resources better directed elsewhere. We're a godless family who prescribe to and support the hemlock society and most of us have already prepaid to be cremated in a cardboard box rather than burden anyone with 10 or 20k in funeral expenses. It's a good time to plan ahead and make your wishes known just in case. She also states with no hesitation the she would rather die in a week from the Coronavirus than die from alzheimers or a stroke where she could languish for years W/O a functioning mind. I believe the Italians are no longer throwing resources at the elderly which is of course controversial but realistic.
My mom still wants to see her granddaughter

but thanks for writing it all off as a hoax, trumptard
Say what you want about individuals who believe in spiritual matters if you like, but nobody defeats the ancient wisdom that is written in the biblical scriptures of the Bible.

I have told you how nothing new can exist under the Sun, Nothing!

Ecclesiastes 1: 9-11

9 "What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

10 Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”? It has been already
in the ages before us.

11 There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance
of later things yet to be among those who come after."

If this is a forum of religious equality then I should be allowed to express my belief equally as others here.

I don't believe this virus exists because God said that nothing new can exist under the Sun, we are near the End of Time according to Bible prophecy, that means that nothing new can exist suddenly that hasn't once before scourged the Earth.

We would have antibodies to this virus had it existed before, the notion that this is a new virus means that it is a fake virus, it is not real, ancient scripture says that it is not possible, I'm not going to accept what anyone can try to explain to me over what the Bible foretells.

I believe in God and his word wholeheartedly, and I'm going to Die believing exactly what the Bible says is True.

post memes and replies of inequality if you like, but I will never forget about God's word and the wisdom foretold within it, I hold the words of scripture above what any person alive could possibly ever speak.

I won't budge believing that this is a hoax, and God is guiding me into the proper understanding of things above all else in existence.

Here's a link if you'd like to know more about what I am in agreement with:

Thank You all for your consideration, and may you have a pleasant evening everyone.
Luke 9:60 ;)