Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Hey @Budley Doright go jump in the lake (cut a hole in the ice first though and have a sauna beforehand) see above.
Ummm no lol. I’ve been in the hot tub, drinking crown and eating gummies a lot though. Actually the ice went out 2 days ago, 30 days earlier than last but no global warming here..... it’s a hoax. Putting the boat in Wednesday to go trout fishing if it stops fucking raining.
World's cheapest ventilator | Diwakar Vaish | TEDxDYPatilUniversity

Prof. Diwakar Vaish introduces the world’s first cheapest and smallest ventilator. Redefining the current
complexity and high-priced medical devices, he has designed a portable ventilator that manoeuvres artificial intelligence and is as big as an adult human palm.
In this talk, Prof. Vaish suggests how we can make technology and medical resources affordable and available to those who need it the most.
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Ummm no lol. I’ve been in the hot tub, drinking crown and eating gummies a lot though. Actually the ice went out 2 days ago, 30 days earlier than last but no global warming here..... it’s a hoax. Putting the boat in Wednesday to go trout fishing if it stops fucking raining.
Spring is definitely in the air Dudley, a lot of heat in the sun, but there's still snow on the ground here in the Cape this year. Spring fever is gonna be an issue among the young and the horny wanting to bust out of quarantine! Hopefully we will see the curve flatten in a week or so, or so says the brain trust and it will get safer in public for you. Watching what the Americans are going through is breaking my heart and it's gonna get a lot fucking worse, both here and there. I hope we hear from the Captain, he was concerned about his health and it's hotter than Hell in Michigan right now.
Best of Luck and I hope ya catch some trout.
***Important*** *Wear a mask when you leave home* *New study from MIT*.
@Mit's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba warns: “pathogen-bearing droplets of ALL sizes can travel 23-27 feet.”

She also warns: “droplets that settle along the trajectory can contaminate surfaces”—and “residues or droplet nuclei” may “stay suspended in the air for HOURS.”
Flushed face

These data strongly suggest that EVERYONE should wear #masks outside home, but healthcare workers & people at high-risk for serious #COVID19 need them MOST.

Given the global shortage of #Masks/other #PPE, Trump must invoke the #DefenseProductionAct NOW
***Important*** *Wear a mask when you leave home* *New study from MIT*.
@Mit's Dr. Lydia Bourouiba warns: “pathogen-bearing droplets of ALL sizes can travel 23-27 feet.”

She also warns: “droplets that settle along the trajectory can contaminate surfaces”—and “residues or droplet nuclei” may “stay suspended in the air for HOURS.”
Flushed face

These data strongly suggest that EVERYONE should wear #masks outside home, but healthcare workers & people at high-risk for serious #COVID19 need them MOST.

Given the global shortage of #Masks/other #PPE, Trump must invoke the #DefenseProductionAct NOW
You've posted this many times before (or maybe it was somebody else but it's a repeat)

I don't understand why we should use up something that is in short supply if we are not sick?
You've posted this many times before (or maybe it was somebody else but it's a repeat)

I don't understand why we should use up something that is in short supply if we are not sick?
There will soon come a time when masks will become more plentiful and N95 masks are not what the public needs right now, lower grade ones will do.
Medial staff come first, then essential workers who work with the public for N95 masks. This is all over the media and is in the zeitgeist, or air right now. Masks work to protect people and the public, medical people wear PPE for a reason, I never argued it for this reason and will encourage reserving this equipment in my posts and threads. The vulnerable need masks first too.

It's all over the media now though, but governments have acted to reserve supplies in most places.
You've posted this many times before (or maybe it was somebody else but it's a repeat)

I don't understand why we should use up something that is in short supply if we are not sick?

It wasn't me and I didn't see the MIT study quoted, though the topic comes up in different forms.

But you need to separate the science that shows there is absolute benefit to the public wearing masks from this administrations failure to properly supply hospitals and first responders.

So what does science say about the public wearing masks?

1) people can be carriers, spreading the virus to others, without symptoms. If they wore masks, it would prevent most airborne transmission and transmission onto surfaces others may touch.

2) They do protect healthy people by reducing the inoculate dosage you would receive if you weren't wearing one. Lower inoculate dosage translates into lower viral loading. High viral loads are known to cause a quicker and stronger onset of disease from virus particles.

3) China and South korea have published studies showing broad use of masks in public reduces transmission of the virus.

So supply and science are entirely different issues. People in public can wear simple cloth masks and get the benefits. Those masks can be made at home, or purchased from craft sewers.
Personal distancing and other public health measures are taking hold, it's also wiping out cold, flu's, other respiratory illnesses and other contagions, so there's that too. Watch the map change color over the next two weeks. It's starting to show already.

These Maps Show Fevers Are Down Across the Country, a Sign Coronavirus Is Slowing
A fever is one of the first signs of the novel coronavirus that leads to COVID-19. Then come the body aches, dry cough, and trouble breathing.

Eventually, many people infected with the virus will get tested or even hospitalized. That’s when local leaders can start tracking cases and evaluating the efficacy of their response to the outbreak.

One San Francisco company recently figured out a way to get data even sooner. Kinsa Inc., a health technology company that makes internet-connected thermometers, has been tracking the number of fevers across the country, and the data indicate they’re falling nearly everywhere.

Each day, 162,000 people use a Kinsa thermometer to take their temperature. Typically the company uses that data to track the spread of influenza. It recently adapted its software to monitor “atypical fever,” which doesn’t follow typical influenza patterns and is thought to correlate with the surge of COVID-19 cases.

A map of the nation shows that as of Monday the number of fevers in nearly every corner of the country has fallen across the past seven days.


Zooming in on New York State, the epicenter of the outbreak, shows that the number of fever readings are down there too, though not as much as in some other places.


Fevers in Manhattan are down 4.4 percent across the past seven days. Over the same time period, they’re down 4.1 percent in Kings County, 4.9 percent in Queens County, and 4.5 percent in Bronx County.

The maps reveal trends that are days away from showing up in hospitalization data and seem to indicate that social distancing is working.
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Ummm no lol. I’ve been in the hot tub, drinking crown and eating gummies a lot though. Actually the ice went out 2 days ago, 30 days earlier than last but no global warming here..... it’s a hoax. Putting the boat in Wednesday to go trout fishing if it stops fucking raining.
Since ya got a hot tub crank er up hot enough to boil a lobster and jump in, follow it up with an ice cold shower and a lot of screaming. Build yer innate immune system the old fashioned way. Suffer or die, that's the deal Dudley! :D

Indian ventilator makers plan 50,000 units by May with auto majors' help
The plans are to increase the capacity of manufacturing from the current production capacity of 5,500-5,750 units per month to 50,000 ventilators per month by May end

With coronavirus rapidly spreading in the country, leading domestic ventilator manufacturers have already doubled their production capacity within a month's time. They are even creating huge capacities in tie-up with automobile makers like Maruti, Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, Hyundai India and Pune-based Kalyani Group, said sources.

The main domestic manufacturers of ventilators are Skanray Technologies in Mysore, New Delhi-based AgVa Healthcare, AB Industries of Vadodara, Air Liquid Medical Systems of Chennai, Mumbai-based AVI Healthcare, Ahmedabad-based Life Line Biz, and Thane-based Medion Healthcare. These manufacturers together had made only 2,520 ventilators in February, whereas production in March as of today has doubled to 5,580 units.

The plans are to increase the capacity of manufacturing from the current production capacity of 5,500-5,750 units per month to 50,000 ventilators per month by May end. Skanray Technologies, the leading ventilator manufacturer in the country, has created a consortium with Bharat Electronics (BEL), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) and Mahindra and Mahindra group to ramp up production from its usual 2,000 units per month to the current capacity of 5,000 units per month, and to 30,000 units per month by end-May. Similarly, AgVa has tied up with Maruti to scale up production from 400 units per month to 4,000 units per month in April and plans are to reach 10,000 units per month by May, sources told Business Today.

Coronavirus cases in India surge to 1385, death toll at 32; state-wise tally

"Most of these manufacturers do not have the financial muscle and speed by which these big capacities and production requirements can be met. The big automobile manufacturers can not only help them arrange capital or joint investments, but also can quickly modify or mimic their vehicle assembly lines for huge production of ventilators. A clear picture will emerge this week as various models and plans are being worked out," said Rajiv Nath, Forum Coordinator, the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AiMeD), an umbrella association of various Indian medical devices manufacturers.
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Ventilator solutions may already exist that can be rapidly ramped up, take this Indian company for instance, they make a model that uses an android smartphone as a brain. I believe this model would do the trick in an emergency and they can make a lot in a hurry with the right support, no doubt people are looking at them, the whole planet is being scoured right now for ventilators and planes can get them from most places in 1/2 a day.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 47: Searching for Immunity Boosters & Possible Lessons From Spanish Flu

As global COVID-19 infections continue to increase rapidly, Dr. Seheult continues his discussion on possible strategies to promote a robust immune system, including a nod to the past with hydrotherapy techniques. Interestingly, these techniques were used during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 and there are reports about a significant benefit to patients who participated. Initiating studies or attaining data from randomized controlled trials for techniques practiced in the “pre-antibiotic era” is a challenge.
If anybody wants to buy a mask or respirator they are selling lots of them on the chinese answer to Amazon and there don't appear to be supply shortages, though I never tried to buy any, the prices are inflated too, but not too bad.
I used to buy RC hobby stuff from them and they just sent me a spam email full of health and PPE stuff for sale. Looks like they are moving quickly to take advantage of the business opportunities, they helped to create! They are reliable and can deliver quickly for extra cash, I'd post a link but it's a TOS violation, just google banggood and search for masks or respirators on the site. If you are a healthcare worker, senior, vulnerable, or work with the public, look for N95 types, if you're sick (or asymptomatic) any kind of dust mask will do to reduce the spread by capturing droplets and aerosols.
Hmmm, my area appears to be blue. :lol:

See my posts about hydrotherapy techniques above in the medcram video. Especially designed to make old farts like us dance and scream to build immunity the old fashioned way. You're from hot tub country (or a bathtub in a jamb), follow it up with an ice cold shower or ice bucket challenge. Suffer or die is my message potroast to all the old farts who live in fear, them old Finnish fellers was onto something, running butt naked from the sauna to a hole in the ice...
Wim Hof Method - How To Boost Immune System Naturally (Wim Hof Cold Shower)

On Practical Inspiration we continue the Wim Hof Cold Shower series where we look at Wim Hof, the creator of the Wim Hof Method, and in this video specifically explore why the Wim Hof Method Works and why I still do the Wim Hof Method. As part of the Wim Hof Cold Showers series, we look at the Wim Hof Cold Shower Technique, and understand how cold showers (or cold therapy) can benefit you. Learn about cold shower benefits and about taking cold showers as Wim Hof does. Equally important is the Wim Hof breathing technique, to be done in conjunction with cold showers to get the most benefits of cold showers. // Check out more related to Wim Hof, including the Wim Hof Breathing Method:
Those with an interest in open source ventilator projects will want to watch this, Dave runs a popular electronics engineering Youtube channel that nerds like me sometimes frequent. He looks at ventilators and the open source projects out there, a very entertaining and smart guy from down under.
eevBLAB #73 - Medtronics Open Ventilator + Others UPDATE

Youtube for the links mentioned