Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

**Of the 300 Covid19 cases in France IN CRITICAL CONDITION, more than 50% are under the age of 60.**
You folks had better take some Trump time off and collect the Trump government dole, to deal with the Trump flu (he loves branding). Get ready for a little springtime socialism! Its the only way for America now, and not just in some regions either, fucking near the whole nation, it'll be one for the history books. I wonder if they are tired of winning yet? They will be plenty pissed by summer, Trump is fucked, even the Russians are gonna write him off. Too bad it had to come to this to do it though.
That’s what you all said about fucking toilet paper lol. View attachment 4504384
Soon there will be leaves, avoid poison, oak, sumac and ivy, then there are the flyers of which everybody has a plentiful supply, though it will be awhile before you see any new flyers. Lots of bumwad here and when the panicked people are have hoarded enough, they won't want any for a spell, if they overbought. I kept asking people at the store, "WTF is going on with toilet paper"? Nobody else could figure it out either, not even those buying it, a simple sign that says WHY ARE YOU BUYING TOILET PAPER LIKE A FOOL? Might be helpful, rationing would help more and some stores are doing it for now. People are just buying more so that they have to go to a major source of risk as often, especially older folks, people who can, want to hunker down and hide from the bug and that's a good thing for now.
I hope this is propaganda of some kind.

Sounds like the fucking plague! A lot of high power science and money are focused on this shit now, answers will be forthcoming soon. The political classes are being struck down first everywhere, they are the most social people with lots of contact, this fact alone will make it a high priority for everybody.
Soon there will be leaves, avoid poison, oak, sumac and ivy, then there are the flyers of which everybody has a plentiful supply, though it will be awhile before you see any new flyers. Lots of bumwad here and when the panicked people are have hoarded enough, they won't want any for a spell, if they overbought. I kept asking people at the store, "WTF is going on with toilet paper"? Nobody else could figure it out either, not even those buying it, a simple sign that says WHY ARE YOU BUYING TOILET PAPER LIKE A FOOL? Might be helpful, rationing would help more and some stores are doing it for now. People are just buying more so that they have to go to a major source of risk as often, especially older folks, people who can, want to hunker down and hide from the bug and that's a good thing for now.
People are smart enough to see thru all the BS coming from the Gov about this pandemic being over in a short time. It will be months and months to return to anything like normal...
Sounds like the fucking plague! A lot of high power science and money are focused on this shit now, answers will be forthcoming soon. The political classes are being struck down first everywhere, they are the most social people with lots of contact, this fact alone will make it a high priority for everybody.
Many many people will die from this......
People are smart enough to see thru all the BS coming from the Gov about this pandemic being over in a short time. It will be months and months to return to anything like normal...
Most people are not that badly afflicted and I don't believe there were too many problems getting food and essentials to folks when things got organized. This is time America blew and can't get back, lack of testing multiplied the problem, the country will have to shut down for awhile to flatten the curve. People recover and go back to work immune (for the most part we hope). If America doesn't shut down it will be horrible with hospitals overwhelmed and everybody sick at once, a fucking disaster. This is the only way to save the lives of over a million Americans, perhaps even as many as 10 million, you have to act now and listen to the experts.
Most people are not that badly afflicted and I don't believe there were too many problems getting food and essentials to folks when things got organized. This is time America blew and can't get back, lack of testing multiplied the problem, the country will have to shut down for awhile to flatten the curve. People recover and go back to work immune (for the most part we hope). If America doesn't shut down it will be horrible with hospitals overwhelmed and everybody sick at once, a fucking disaster. This is the only way to save the lives of over a million Americans, you have to act now and listen to the experts.
I agree but it's gonna take longer than 2 weeks.......2-3 months maybe ....devastating
If 200 million Americans get this illness and if the mortality rate is 5% because the hospitals are overwhelmed that's 10 million corpses in a span of a few months. This doesn't count the accident victims and others with medical emergencies that will die without hospitalisation, people like cancer patients. They estimate 10 to 15% of patients will need to be hospitalized with a rapid 70% of people infected and many will need ICU support, no medical system can withstand that.
If 200 million Americans get this illness and if the mortality rate is 5% because the hospitals are overwhelmed that's 10 million corpses in a span of a few months. This doesn't count the accident victims and others with medical emergencies that will die without hospitalisation, people like cancer patients. They estimate 10 to 15% of patients will need to be hospitalized with a rapid 70% of people infected and many will need ICU support, no medical system can withstand that.
triage will get real ugly......
Donald was worried about his numbers going up, I guess he never heard about exponential growth! What do you think his numbers will be like in november? Neither Vlad nor Jesus can save Donald now, no other president in the history of the republic fucked things up so badly and so fucking obviously. He managed to fuck every single fucking American, though many fucked themselves by voting for the moron. This guy will kill more Americans than all of America's wars combined since its founding in the span of three months, fuck what's next, nuking your poor asses? Many voted for suicide when they voted for Trump.
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Think of all the fast food workers going to work sick and sneezing over your frenchfries...
Eating at home, gonna be a fucking hermit, just about one now anyway! I cancelled the local meditation group meetings and all the recreational facilities are closing here, no cases in NS yet, lots of old folks though.