You got nailed by a managuense?

LMAO! Those are gorgeous fish, but.. hee! I've never been nailed by anything electric (my shop used to have a 6' electric eel, and the fun trick was to get the newbies to feed it, we'd tell 'em it had to be hand-fed) except when lights fell into a tank, a heater broke, all that kind of stuff. Got to liking it in a really weird way, then I got nailed by warehouse voltage that made me momentarily blind. HOO WHEE did I go on a tear after that! Chewed out one of the Petschmo veeps. Just marched my ass upstairs and went OFF.
Yeah, 104th is the wholesalers' area. Sea Dwelling Creatures, Walt Smith (that dude brings so much trouble and rumor with him, MAN!), Quality Marine, all those places. There are others nearby, too. If you're familiar with the name Bob Fenner, that's a friend of mine, worked with him at Petschmo after moving to San Diego many years ago. Old timer I worked for before him is long gone out of the business, but he was one of the folks who helped get Dolphin Int'l going.
What many folks don't realize is that L.A. is the aquatic/exotic importation capitol of the country. Sure, Miami, San Fran, NOLA, and Seattle can get in shipments, but most of what's bred or captured for the hobby is coming from Oceania, Asia, South America. (With some of the posts on a reefing board I see, I think more marine life is coming out of Africa than when I was working trade, but to me this is a little new, used to only be rift lake cichlids and cats most of the time.)
Been nailed by plenty, fortunately not coral cats (Bob got stung by a coral cat once, I freaked because I believed what I'd seen on tv

), have been stuck by a foxface. That definitely rivals
Scorpaenidae for pain. Shop I was at also had a 1,500 display tank, we had to snorkel to clean it. A trigger, a dogface puffer, zebra moray who LOVED his scritches, all had to be respected. But do you wanna know who the biggest fucking prick in that tank was? An Emperor snapper. GAD he was a sonofabitch!
Fish geeks, unite. (holds up a wet fist)