Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Active Member
Man Puff, I can only hope my baby Female Seeds c99 will mother some plants that turn out as nice as yours! I'm planning on running 3 or 4 of her clones on the next run.



Well-Known Member
I just took my Cindy clones tonight, and put one of the moms into flower! I can't wait to see what happens with her!

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Thats some sticky shit Puff.. Hey, you beat your goal weight.. thats all that matters. and by the sounds of it. that should last you a while. Thats some good lookin bud and nice trim job as well. I hate leafy shit!

Kite, Thunder and Brewer
And three more cindy grows on there way.. Awesome


Active Member
you can get them from attitude or sea of seeds.... I got mine from sea of seeds by the breeder 'female seeds'. Cindy is a keeper for sure!


Well-Known Member
I got mine through attitude, I also have the female seeds brand C99. I noticed the other day that I that I think it was g13 labs might now have a strain they are calling Cindy 99.


Active Member
Lol I just went and pulled the link to, https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/g13-labs-cinderella-99/prod_4041.html. I don't know if it would be even close to the same thing as it doesn't talk about the original seed stock and rather a cross. Its very possible this is just their variation, but I thought it was interesting. My WW is from G13 labs, and as you all know I like it.
Gotta know what your're looking for of course. ;) Kite was looking for the G13 version of C99 (which they brand as "Cinderella 99") so I helped out with the link for what he was asking for at Attitude. I believe Puff stated the C99 documented in this grow was bred by Femae Seeds, which can be found at Attitude : https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/female-seeds-c99/prod_637.html.

Disclaimer: This post is not an endorsement by Yankeegreen of Attitude Seed Bank, G13 Seeds or Female Seeds. Your mileage may vary. :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol, I'm running the female seeds C99 currently also. I'll make an endorsement for the attitude though its the only place I order from.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Puff I have a Dinafem WW waiting in the wings after I move in May. Might just throw in another one of my Reg C99's too and cross my fingers that it is a male. I would certainly love too cross the two of them. Congrats again on the grow. Mines got 16 days too go. Hope the roots can make it that long.. I noticed the smallest amount of algae on my DWC water level tube. just crossing my fingers she'll make it to 52 days.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't impressed with attitude myself, I ordered a pack of seeds one time and chose the hidden in a tshirt option, was fine except the parcel said attitude on it :dunce:

so I go with herbies now and they are great