Bag appeal 7 - The trichs are there as you can see ,but they don't stand out as well to the naked eye, the camera makes it look twice as good as it actually does.Just looks like standard nugs, that aren't overly impressive looking until you really start looking and then you can see the trich coverage is actually quite impressive..just weird how they don't stand out. The nugs themselves are generally on the small side.I got 20 grams worth of nice big chunky top buds and 50 grams worth of nugs like the ones down bellow.
Smell (7) - I can't really judge the smell on a weeks cure, though right now it has a pleasant spicy/ herby smell ,with undertones of pineapple, some buds are more pineappley than others, but the pineapple is always a background smell ,i'm hoping it comes forward more with cure..would be much more appealing..I guess i'm spoiled though, my last grow was dna lemon skunk ,and that was the best smell yet, the lemon smell of those nugs is going to be very hard to beat.C99 has not beaten it.
Taste (7) - It's a little spicy ,I have got hints of pineapple on a few tokes here and there and a little hashy
Smokeability (9)- Ok in a bong It hits pretty smooth ,there is a point were the rip is to big and I will cough, but as bong induced coughing fits go it's not to bad at all.In a joint though this stuff smokes soo smooth and lovely, and stays lit for the most part.My next point of call is to purchase some blunt raps ,as I've never had a blunt before... was thinking of going with the prerolled cyclone ones (not that I can't roll..just seems convenient) or the juicy jay ones.
High (9) - This is where this stuff really shines.Been smoking it every night of the last week now and it still hit's hard, so no tolerance build up which is awesome as the LS had awful tolerance build up.2 or 3 bong rips and you are nicely medicated for 2 hours at least. Smoke a small joint and you are fried..
The high itself, it's a hybrid like high maybe around the 80% sativa 20%Indica mark.Comes in 2 stages ,the first half hour -45 mins is an intense feeling of being high/stoned and then it wears off into a few hours worth of just nicely ripped, no worries ,music still sounding good etc.No couchlock but your body does feel looser and more relaxed, I have twisted my back today and was in pain up until I smoked a bowl there and it's its a pain reliever for sure..The head high part of it is very spacey, not racy or paranoid or thought provoking at all. The spacyness may be the trippy aspect. Best way I can describe it is like a mental painkiller, I have a light pressure on my head like my brain is getting squeezed (in a nice way) And an overall sence of being stoned and's just a very blissful state..Also ,going to sleep on it is not hard to do once the main buzz has worn out.In fact it provides a comfortable sleep and some pretty cool dreams.Just about everything is better on this stuff...and the munchies..i thought this strain didn't have the munchies but I was wrong, it turns me into a chocolate fiend.....this is my favourite high yet for sure.
Overall - 9/10 - Very attractive plant, very well suited for indoor growing, decent yield ,bag appeal not in the A catagorie but I love the high, it's easily an A , and that's the point that matters anyway. Most definitely worth a redo.