Pukka Bud's Coco Grow Journal!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hmm yeah mayb. suprised they could charge more tho as b discrimiating surely? mate just a dodgy fecker prob robbed them knowing him and blags gets cheap haha who nos


Well-Known Member
hmm yeah mayb. suprised they could charge more tho as b discrimiating surely? mate just a dodgy fecker prob robbed them knowing him and blags gets cheap haha who nos
is prob just good seats i think they said row 6 or sumfin i dont really listen neither do i give a fuck he at least is in a chair, shouldnt drive motobikes at obscene speeds and crash into bus'es............


Well-Known Member
Just watered the girls an the little lemon has 5 nodes squashed in less then a inch of growth lol mad that plant.....


Well-Known Member
Haha wont surprise me mate.....just remembered the pm, na fuck that then mate thought you had hoods not tubes, what i got??


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice p forget the reply on uk thread haha i can see how the lemon is comin on now haha both look like they will do welk bro did ya not get the exo cuts in the end??


Well-Known Member
Lookin nice p forget the reply on uk thread haha i can see how the lemon is comin on now haha both look like they will do welk bro did ya not get the exo cuts in the end??
Haha cheers chedz......no mate dint get the others, just those 2, wish i popped some seeds now.


Well-Known Member
Pop the fuckers do 12/12 fs with em lol ive got 3gkxpsycho that are done that way yeild looks shit on 2 of em but the 1 is lookin promising lol!!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
YO! pukka mate .how ya been.? nice lst tie up job there . Ur garden is lovely as always, clean and beautiful!!!
Those airpots are really great for a rig job like that , i tried something similar with the smart pots and the fabric is just too flimsy to do a decent job. I have to come up with a better plan with the smart pots.
i got some new canna nutes and thought of you, are you still using canna start and rhizotonic. ??
if so, do you have any pointers and suggestions for me when i start me seedlings.
I got some Root Riot starter cubes and was going to place them in party cups with cana coco.. then use the canna start and rhizotonic. cheers, Ambz


Well-Known Member
Skip the canna start ambs and go straight with canna a+b with a little root exelarator from h+g if u can your plants will thank u for it from the get go and your pockets will love ya in the long run !!

Neva new u were into ya cocco mate !! Easy init ?? ;-)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey chedz mate thanks for the info. i had that root exelarotor from h-n- g. and loved it .I got a free sample bottle and its all gone. Its much more expensive than the rhizotonic.. But you think its much better than rhizotonic eh?
Yes i have been loving my coco , I have grown in it now for about a year. I was using delboys recipe with Hesi nutes which is wonderful if you have the patience to test your ph and ive run all out. Ph meters are just such a hassle you know.. SO with all the great success i have had with Flora Nova Bloom , which has ph buffers, i will give it a go this run...in coco 12/12 from seed one gallon smart pots as usual. love the little dwarf girls i get with that style. cheers!


Well-Known Member
Root exel is the shit mate believe ive run both and that wins hands down if your thinkin of runnin cocco there is nowt easier than canna base nutes with some of both canna and h+g addatives no ph no ec no ppm for me in cocco pro medium how easier does it get lol try it im sure you ll fall in love with ease alone and the end outcome will blow ya down believe me !!;-)


Well-Known Member
Pop the fuckers do 12/12 fs with em lol ive got 3gkxpsycho that are done that way yeild looks shit on 2 of em but the 1 is lookin promising lol!!
Thought about it mate but 12/12 fs still take like 12-14 weeks cos the plant veggers for 3 or so weeks before flower kicks in so would have been way over crimbo, glad them red mists are doin sound lad get some pics up!

nice job dere boyee

Nice 1 bro, its the most lst'in ive done before seems to be workin a treat an a piece of piss to do also.

YO! pukka mate .how ya been.? nice lst tie up job there . Ur garden is lovely as always, clean and beautiful!!!
Those airpots are really great for a rig job like that , i tried something similar with the smart pots and the fabric is just too flimsy to do a decent job. I have to come up with a better plan with the smart pots.
i got some new canna nutes and thought of you, are you still using canna start and rhizotonic. ??
if so, do you have any pointers and suggestions for me when i start me seedlings.
I got some Root Riot starter cubes and was going to place them in party cups with cana coco.. then use the canna start and rhizotonic. cheers, Ambz
Eyup doc ive been sound cheers hows you mate?.....ever thought of stichin some steel wire around the top rim of the smart port, that might work
Im still usin the rhiz, but never used to start, i just always use water till 1st true leafs then 1/4 strength A&B an start adding the rhiz....
Id fling um in a cup of water over night till sunk an split then place in root riot split end facing down ambz, then in the prop few days once its spouted mix some half strength rhiz to use as a foliar spray keep mistin with that for a few days till you got some good roots give the cube a little spray if need be, then once into the party cups start with the canna start or just quarter strength A&B, oh forgot when i say 1/4 strength i mean more like a 1/5 strength as i never go upto full strength with the A&B so i class full as 12ml/4L so 1/4 is 3ml/4l..............do this an you should be sound, like chedz says tho you can change things up if you like, the A&B is all you need really.


Well-Known Member
Right peeps today should be day 10 of 12/12 but cos like a complete spastic i dint adjust the timer to my 45w cfl, the girls didnt get there 12/12 till the followin wednesday 4 days later so today is day 6 off 12/12 an these pics were took saturday, day 3 12/12.........got the psycho caned an netted thats pretty much it, its startin to frost up nice now will get some more an better pics tomoz or thursday.

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Well-Known Member
ahahah these things are sent to try us eh lad. looks set for take off.
Any other time it wont have mattered mate, just my luck i fuck it up on the crimbo deadline grow lmao.......yeh nice pre-flowers an frost have come since them pics mate next weeks pics should finally have some buds to show lol