Pure afghan week 4 flower help !!!!

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So within the last week they've turned purple , almost black looking. The buds have swelled a ton. The trichs are still all milky , don't really see any amber. I'm gonna continue to flush for another week and check the trichs every night. What ya think ?? Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Ya its just done that over the last week and a half. I don't have high heat issues so I don't know what's up but from what I've read it can be strain dependent. I don't mind it I guess as long as its not hurting anything . Thx for takin a look. Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Got a question man. Last night I checked on em and basically I'm doin a two week flush. Today is Thursday. Two weeks will be on Sunday, and I was gonna harvest right before the lights come on at 7pm . I've got one big side branch at the bottom that I can actually see some amber trichs thru the scope , not many but I can see em. Other than that on both plants the trichs are all milky. There is new growth tho, along with the fox tailing there is new shit on the plants and they have white pistils coming out. The old pistils have been receded for a few weeks and the trichs have also been solid milkyness for a few weeks. I'm worried I'm doing something wrong or I'm gonna harvest too early or too late. Now I'm kinda nervous lol. Any thoughts on this bud ? Ease my mind lol. Thx and rep for ur reply too btw.Peace

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Well my temps drop pretty low here lately when the lights are off so its kind of a forced purple but, the guy I got the clones from has been growing this afghan strain for years and his growing conditions are excellent and his plants turn dark purple too. I'm just worried about the new growth and the white pistils comin out. I thought I was done with all that. Is that normal with only a few days left till harvest ??


Well-Known Member
The plant will always be trying to stay alive....that's why new hairs pop out...but Are u flushing with a low ppm or water?

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
I'm about to cut it In a few hours. All the trichs are milky. I really wanted about 10 to 15% amber. Ill check it over good with my scope in a bit. I did find one big side cola towards the bottom that had some amber but that's about it but I'm gonna make it happen , pretty excited . Wish me luck. Haha. Peace v

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
They've been drying since about 4am Sunday morning. They already feel kinda Krispy on the outside. It's about 60' and 45% humidity. Hope everything turns out well. It was a little over 11oz wet so I figure about 3oz maybe a little more dryed. Thx to all of you who answered my questions . Peace



Well-Known Member
Awesome broth a its looking delicious, hows she taste? Skunky? Earthy? Wut the smell like? And ur final weight? When u starting a new one too?

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
Well after being in the jars for a week they seem fine the dank smell is coming back. They are super sticky. It's got a really stinky smell and the taste is getting better the longer it continues to cure in the jars . It was just under 3oz dry , well semi dry. Ill be getting some new clones from my dude as soon as the weather warms up. Sharksbreath. Can't wait.

