pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Open your mind quad.... Open your mind... Remember quad.... Remember...

You where there quad... Long ago.... Remember.... So the others will...
As you can see rev got happy with some extra blue and man old Bigg blue ox is already dying back those leaves at nearly five weeks.

That's what I want too see baby!

Buds sticky and man what the Dorothy zacatecas blood did for the haze bros blue dream right off the bat.

A lighter and more floral smell from the fuzzy prickly pare pollinated zacatecas and the blueberry still lingers its hints in the background but not much and I like that as it made it subtle with that light floral slight funk.

High is no more stone at all right from the bat and very sociable and as Bob says.... She makes you stand at attention.. Lol
That's the aphrodisiac from the zacatecas.

By using a male like the zacatecas pictures of the females we have shown, we where able to take an already wonderful strain people love and... Bump it up a notch and yes mildew and mite resistance and Bob says... Bank on it.

Nothing is thrip resistant..lol

So a male that is blue ox and our Bigg Dogg " chemdawg x zacatecas " combined will now pollinate this Bigg blue ox to make bobs Bigg blue Dogg.

Hybrids on you for a while then ole ye Bob, lol.

This combination makes a monster as Bob screams over the Bigg blue Dogg prototype he raised.

Also increases the aphrodisiac to make Bigg blue Dogg quite the tree.

By doing this correctly from the start we have also made males that are priceless in their genetic value as I would tell anyone whom would do the same.

Breeders watching will see we did well with what comes from this.

Mastiff will be the babies from the above male pollinating back to Bigg Dogg.... That one will be greasy..

One loveIMG_20170701_091418.jpg
So what causes hermies rev?

Gods good.

Very simple and as usual, no long litany or read.

Hermies are a result " meaning the first ones ever produced and all hermies would have derived from the first oops. "

First oops? What do you mean rev.

Let me tell you what they are and you will understand... Oops.

Man and his... Oops

Hermies are a result of two males pollinating one another and nature finding a way by allowing indeed a 100% pure male to push out seeds to survive that will all be he/she...hermies.

Come on rev!

Indeed, god told me this.... I tested him on it.... And did.... And watched.... And seen.

Amazing all my years of horse shit study and when I finally got down enough to look up instead of through a book or microscope, I finally got answers from one whom holds all answers.

What makes many uncomfortable as Aisha says... John you tell them god was your teacher and many believe not in him.

He was and rev can look at a rose for hours and weep and tremble at the thought of our father.... Notice I said..... Our... Father...
One love
Looks like you've got some chewers to deal with. That isn't thrip damage, its mites. You can see them on the back side of that leaf.
Not sure how you'll approach it this far in flower but Green Cleaner is a nice option
You must know it all rev!

If rev ever tells you that, you better not listen to another word... Guarantee

However a man can know... What he knows and if it is really truth he presents... Especially for Scott free and do you not think me and Aisha and family have needs as well.

We spent from what we had not to try and prove what saved john David Johnson and others.... Can save all... Period.

Is life being saved and this tree being free worth the cost of money and time and effort and yes... Your life?

You better believe it!

I look at these new little star babies and they will not fight this fight!

They will pull fruit from the tree in peace and all this worldly filth will be vapor and under a new sun our binary.... Hush rev!

Man's day of ignorance and violence and smart ass attitudes and debating will be gone.

A peaceful people from all bloodline of Earth will dwell and wisdom from jah will pour from their veins.

Oh rev how do we become part of the new earth to come!?

What religion do we turn to oh Muhammad!

You turn to the father and one another and these babies and love and do no harm and cause no mischief on earth and leave the secret things alone.... That is and always was the only... " religion "

Did rev not spout out a bit about my avatar?

Ask and ye will get.

Only what a man knows can he share... However he can at least share that.
One love
Looks like you've got some chewers to deal with. That isn't thrip damage, its mites. You can see them on the back side of that leaf.
Not sure how you'll approach it this far in flower but Green Cleaner is a nice option
Last reply on this.
If I had mites... I would say.... I have mites.... Period

There where thrips and they are gone now.

Summer just hit here a week ago.
All I am sharing and all some of you can do is talk about mites... What the??

I would not give a rats ass about whether a man had mites or not if he was giving me gold for free.

Now scroll that up and look as good as some of you are at my pictures trying to find flaws .

It's rediculous.. Period.
Well let em go then. Its up to you. Just trying help your poor plants.
The rest of the issues need no comment from me.

I guess I approach gardening quite a bit different than you. I try to be a student. I check my ego at the door an appreciate the feedback.
Yes they are and look at the resistance they will build up by fighting off all those mites... Oops.. You did it this time rev and told them your biggest breeding secret on how to make the next generation tuff as hell..

Me and my big mouth.. Oh well.

I'm looking... Yes feeling... Let's see.... Oh there they are!!!

You guys where correct all alone and have I got news for you I am lucky!

After the thrips left the invisible mites came!

Most rare of all Tera is the invisible mites.

Some say... Worth millions?!

Perhaps I can open that healing center now.

This great and if not for some of you I would have never known!


I don't know what to say.........

Time to make some calls and get some offers.

They better start high as you just don't see mites like these anymore.... Literally

Even with my glasses on... Oh there they are and baking hemp cakes and singing and happy for a new day.. Cute little things
One love
Was not planning on showing any of the new kush but something said.... Oh no rev you better show Rachel kush or they will be thinking you got mites the size of beetle!

My Rachel kush got damaged last night by my little girl.

She thought she was defoliation the tree to help poppy not knowing better when my back turned.

So when I show this tree later and you see the leaves..... Now you know.... Smile.

Like I said, let's not be rediculous and try to learn.

Only reason I had thrips is I had a wisdom tooth pulled three weeks ago and summer starts here first week of June.

While in pain" nothing new for rev" some thrips must have come in on me a couple weeks back and me hurting and stoned and just dropped the ball.

The ball was picked up, thrips still gone and not coming back and I am still recovering from having something jerked out of my skull.

As Mugsy said... It's eleven o'clock and all is well.
One love and what a beautiful day!


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I will give you the way I bulletproof for thrips and most bugs and hybrid Bob will confirm.

Thrips are the worse because it can happen quick and they cause the same damage as mites only faster.

The thrips out here are bad boys... But easy as pie to kill and never return.

I did not prepare head all in a wad and I admitted to that and why.

rid lice spray from Walgreen.

The lesser evil of all sprays that can be used and works... Perfect... Bob will tell you same.

Do not spray plants.

Spray the area and outside of pots with paper towels let dry... Done

In summer pull out plants every 45 days and repeat for precautions but truth is I never and Bob never sees them come back.

Used it for years as I seen it was a lesser evil that does the job very well.

Try it and call me in the morning as all things.

One love
just read the last few days of posts sand photos..

wowzer,,,i have seen the sould leave the body..and disipate as a golden glittering gaseous opaque cloud i have seen the same loved oneswho said they would like to come back as a sall

owl..actually come back as a small owl ..stay by our feeder in daylight for days[they never ever do] waiting for our dove to pass on..almost landing on my head everytime i would go outside
and ferry our beloved doves spirit/soul to where ever they ferry them

i know there are so many levels beyond what people think..but i had to experience it myself.. to really know

i only saw a bit of thrip damage...

thrips are bad..they have hitch hike russet[micro] mites on them sometimes..demma not good tings
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Thanks old mom.
Everyone is fine now and I just have energy one minute and out on my butt the next after this tooth was pulled.
Heck I'm still feeling that 4 gram shooter I made yesterday.
Thc does not heal like cannabinoid but you decarb the thc and make a strong edible you will be " to the moon alice" I've smoked two hits today so I guess I will load one up lol..
As you can see rev got happy with some extra blue and man old Bigg blue ox is already dying back those leaves at nearly five weeks.

That's what I want too see baby!

Buds sticky and man what the Dorothy zacatecas blood did for the haze bros blue dream right off the bat.

A lighter and more floral smell from the fuzzy prickly pare pollinated zacatecas and the blueberry still lingers its hints in the background but not much and I like that as it made it subtle with that light floral slight funk.

High is no more stone at all right from the bat and very sociable and as Bob says.... She makes you stand at attention.. Lol
That's the aphrodisiac from the zacatecas.

By using a male like the zacatecas pictures of the females we have shown, we where able to take an already wonderful strain people love and... Bump it up a notch and yes mildew and mite resistance and Bob says... Bank on it.

Nothing is thrip resistant..lol

So a male that is blue ox and our Bigg Dogg " chemdawg x zacatecas " combined will now pollinate this Bigg blue ox to make bobs Bigg blue Dogg.

Hybrids on you for a while then ole ye Bob, lol.

This combination makes a monster as Bob screams over the Bigg blue Dogg prototype he raised.

Also increases the aphrodisiac to make Bigg blue Dogg quite the tree.

By doing this correctly from the start we have also made males that are priceless in their genetic value as I would tell anyone whom would do the same.

Breeders watching will see we did well with what comes from this.

Mastiff will be the babies from the above male pollinating back to Bigg Dogg.... That one will be greasy..

One loveView attachment 3970376

lotta resin on this one..this the chem cross..?

indicas make lots of resin..but crossed to a sativa can show the sativa side..sorry about the wisdom tooth

and bring on the bamboo
No mom that is haze brothers blue dream x zacatecas male.
The male that will pollinate her is the above and Bigg Dogg " chemdawg x zacatecas " combined wich will make Bigg blue Dogg and mastiff and he will pollinate a pure western Oaxaca for Big Thelma.
Also I am going back to my stash for an inland Acapulco male.
The inland is what most have seen that have seen them as the shorelines and reds are most rare.
i cannot cross a shoreline with an inland knowing I should have a inland male.
If I did not, you do what you must however keeping the microclimates pure is important if you can and by Grace we can and will.
Did shoreline seeds last time so need inland seeds this time and I will still get some shoreline and inland cross but also pure inland.
One thing to have Acapulco but total luck and grace to have several subspecies as well.

In time I want to show that it is not enough to just know the region As there are different microclimates and counterparts for cannabis to pollinate with in those regions.

So zacatecas or jalisco or any region can have variety.

Just like the few subspecies of Acapulco bamboo that are from different microclimates and pollinates with different types of bamboo.

Those years of studying reptiles and jungles paid off when god gave me a further understanding of this tree.

All connected and all good ole fashion common sense...

One love
Please remove this advertising.
Whom shows up and advertises without permission on a grow journal?

Let me tell you thc companies something.

Until this tree is grown correct and ripened correct for cannabinoid as I am trying to teach... Those thc products do little in comparison.

This horse shit is going to change whether anyone likes it or not.

These people will get true healing when everyone hears the messages.

Until then it is half as healing because the tree is half ass grown and cut miserably early.... Period.

Make the change and save lives for real or keep giving people products made from early shit herb that does little.

When the rev gets people to see what is in front of them, they will demand it grown correctly for cannabinoid....
Rev your on fire with this cannabinoid stuff!

You better believe I am.

When you watch people you love and others die and you face death over and over yourself and then god gives the cure... Nothing matters but the message.


People and children and animals can be saved if only those in the cannabis community will listen and not make excuses and allow pride to get in the way with the old " why does john know and we don't " bullshit I get out here all the time.

Only a few young people have listened and thank god at least for that as they learned from rev how to save lives for the price of humility and an open mind.

I see magazine covers with " Mr thc " horse shit and want to vomit!

John never wanted to be a guru bullshit " Mr cannabinoid " on the front page of a silly magazine pushing thc products like a convenience store clerk.

I want to save lives by teaching this community how to save their own.

The people whom did not vote for this tree are whom rev talks to and they tell me.....we see negative mental symptoms in our kids from it!!!!!

I tell them.... It is because the people trusted to understand this tree, do not understand it and grow it with chemical bullshit and cut it early and have taken the beautiful balance of chemistry in these trees and made them all stony horse shit from lack of botanical knowledge.

If I give you green bananas will you eat them?

They say of course... No.

I tell them, it is a devolved fruit not an herb and must be grown like a fruit through three stages and chemical changes that heal completely and would set these babies minds free.

They give you green bananas as that is all thc is.... First ripening stage of this.... Fruit!!!!!

They tell me.... Meaning those I talk to that hate cannabis.

John how come we understand this and you cannot get the growers and dispensary to listen to you?

My answer... Ego fear... I don't know.

So they tell me... Prove it and we will say yes and set it free.

Oh god let them hear!

Every last single one of you that love this tree and yourselves and others need at all cost to help make all I have been saying..... Viral

You cannot even imagine how important this is.... However if your ass is dying it will become extremely important to you.


One love
John against an entire community?

Bring it!

Bring it strong!

In the end you will see the poor man gave it for free and that god of all indeed taught him.

The truth will always crush horse shit and ignorance in time... And it will this time and others will stand also.

When all of you apply and see.... You will stand also.

How many of you here have already mentioned sick friends and family?

Not one of you have asked the worms help and tried him.

Try me... If your sick... Tell me.

I will tell you your cure and if you apply the discipline and have patience... You will heal.

God is not partial however a discipline must be applied and few like discipline and so turn to doctors.

So did I.... They almost killed me as my family and others.

As is written...many will hear... Few will listen as truth scares those whom know it not and few apply.

I am wanting to believe that maybe, just maybe... That can change and lives be saved.

One love