pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

IMG_20150716_193833234_HDR.jpg Considering I just plucked and defoliated a few days ago I was pretty impressed how it already looks like it never happened. Lol.

T5 rocks and getting light to inner branches and sites is a must.

However the plucking and defoliation must happen at proper timing and not too much defoliation... Just enough.

Allows a great bush and those leaves for colon cancer killing paste later.

You can see the inland Acapulco in back and the captive shoreline we did last round in the middle and two saguaro / Durango in front.

All clean all good.

The inland Acapulco is what most call the " Acapulco gold" and also what my old friend back home grew for 50 years... Since he was 8.

Few have seen shoreline or reds and when they did probably did not know what they where looking at.

I love all three equal but those reds when they bleed they bleed but grow slower than the other two subspecies.

You can see in this picture of a youth that a good red Acapulco will start from the beginning with red stem and later bleed red through leaves even while vegging.

Really stunk what happened at the other place having to move while doing the reds but reasons for everything and after a couple more rounds we intend to go back to red country and get more on the ground.

Master kush would have also been made with an inland Acapulco.

Our new kush is happy Mexican indicas and shoreline Acapulco and man will they be unreal the effects and feelings as I would tell anyone that would have chucked the same pollen.

Will also have a beefier bud.

So Thelma kush done with that western Oaxaca should be a pretty big ole kush.

As happy as Thelma's bud was the combination with the shoreline Acapulco should be a riot.

Like turn on looney toones and try not to loose a rib for about 6-8 hours off of two to three hits.
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This is already turning out to be the best blue agave I've hatched and got her hopeful male already to the side that is just like her.

She will be growing a while and after a couple more rounds she will be cloned for a really good seeding of these.

When time comes I plan to flower her and four clones I will take later " gotta watch count" and that should make me pleased a while.

Some seedings I did I may have got 30-40 seeds and as I say to Bob... What's important is getting the genetics of what we want fresh for larger seedings later.

Over the next months that lord willing will finally happen as me and Bob work together and get r dun.

My brothers and sisters that breed these girls know what the rev is talking and know it is work and especially working out of a hole.

Gods good and it makes you tuff. Lol

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This over 30 year old little pure Afghan female and a male shoreline Acapulco made " master kush new beginnings " last seeding.
Look at the Blue killing her back fast for healing cannabinoid.

How exciting after all these years to be able to go back and redo this strain using a male and female.

There is not a breeder out there that does not know how cool this is as I would tell them the same.

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All true indica from Afghan and Mexico have dense buds.
That's from the cactus.

Can't wait for you guys too see how stupid sticky a saguaro gets.

Total lockdown.

Told Bob that we add the saguaro / Durango to the sandman and then that could officially be " sandman. "

Would be a three way cross of the three most stony indica in the world.

Fast ripening and tuff as it gets and a cannabinoid producing factory.

It couldn't get no better... I myself or Bob could never top it as its the three nuclear indicas of all time together @#?.... Hmm.... Lord willing... Let it be done!

Lol... For the man that must be destroyed and not to move for 12 hours!

For the one whom will make resin paste and cure cancer left and right!

For the young man in pain that wants to make dabs from its resin and go in a coma for three days!

Indeed.. Let the madness be created.


If the Afghan x morroco destroyed Bob lol.. The adding of the saguaro may be more than Bob can bare.
That acapulco gold looking good Rev been a while since saw last journal. How did the Oaxacan turn out
Yes the western Oaxaca indica did well and last seeding made Thelma kush with the Acapulco male.

Remember there are many different regions to Oaxaca and on the east you have : tropical and deciduous and evergreen and pine and high lands and low lands.

Western is desert and where the very first indica would have sprung forth.

Many variations in Oaxaca and the largest of all I call Mona Lisa's at least you to still be preserved down there and they are the first of all cannabis and all other subspecies came from them as they pollinated with other counterparts and took on the characters and also the difference in microclimates themselves gave variety.

Sun spectrum is my number one suspect however all trees in Mexico from tropic of cancer down are very happy and social and even aphrodisiac.

Oaxaca is all high and happy with highlands being a bit more trippy from actually over exposure to the Sun and why high lands have thin finger leaves as they get plenty of sun and need not large leaves to absorb it.

Growing a highland under sodium is truly horrible as those must have blue and uva/uvb to be loved and appreciated .

The western is very rare as most just do not cultivate the old desert variant as used to be and Thelma is a desert rose for sure and total motivation and giggles.

When all this comes out and accepted, people will see that ole rev is not bringing a new botanical perspective to this tree, but an old knowledge that somewhere between the books and microscope got lost along the way.

However this wisdom is of utmost importance to set the tree and us and all free.

Would love to be funded to go too the places most would be terrified to go and humbly ask my brother the Adams for beans of Jahs jewelry as to show white man and their own brothers whom have forgotten what this tree does that they where taught.... Meaning the true Indian natives... Not European... True Adams.... Indeed

Much variety and the native is where you start for the most rare.

Rev has never been anywhere that he does not find a brother to break bread with as I love all that love.

That is one for sure good thing about Colorado and that is people can be people here.

Much like Miami a melting pot of races and understanding.

Love is the ultimate understanding.

One love
Ole ye Bob I tell you my brother this Bigg blue ox at 34 days is looking darn frosty!

Buds bigger every day and with that haze from Mr shanti prowling in the background this little tree as yet to even stretch its legs.

Just a quicky to get those seeds and in five weeks they should be chopped with seeds as male is getting geared up for probably his first blow by weekend.

Not going through stages this is just for the seeds.

Small trees about 4 weeks veg just get the job done kind of thing.

Just really impressed with her and Bob says every one has been stable but we used a pure zacatecas to do it so not allot of junk for the blue dreams genes to fight through.
Just a great match right from the go so we look forward to Bigg blue ox back crosses later as these are good trees and the blue destroying the leaves so the bud can ripen quick but not too quick.

As I've mentioned never run a 14000k t5 tube as its uva from hell lol and it is too fast as I found out real quick. Lol

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Old mom you've been doing this a spell my brother.
Only thing rev recommends to the veteran is organics don't be afraid of molasses and sugar and proper spectrum with that time to let it really die off.

You da man from there old mom.

The inlands are hands down what has always been called Acapulco gold.

Having two other subspecies is an honor and I couldn't be more greatful.

One day ole rev will share how his secret stash came about and how god really does work in mysterious ways.

How when a person is at their lowest god still delivers if we are diligent.

Growing all three subspecies I can tell you outside of some of the reds looking impressive with all the red, I cannot really choose.

However hands down the shoreline did put out a beefier bud than the others.

You guys will see even the difference in bud formations this go around between the inlands and shoreline.

When the elders see the bud formations on the inlands later, they will indeed say.... There she is! ...the real Acapulco gold!

I remember years ago talking to my old friend about it.

Massive respect for this man of over 50 years growing this tree.

I said brother you know I think there is different types of bamboo in those areas and that with combination of the environment makes different types of " Acapulco. "

Then I got dead silent and humble as I always do with a vet of this Mans growing calibur.

He says, rev it makes perfect since and why over the years we have grown and seen that sometimes you grow a tree and it looks like an Acapulco but a bit different and yet the same?

Then he got to thinking about the reds and smiled and said, boy your on to something.

I remember when I told him of the cactus being what made indicas.

He was just driving by one day and I hollared it at him from the porch and he looked at me cross eyed.

Didn't speak to me for weeks as I figured I got his brain in fire mode and I figured he would go stare at trees for the next year and wonder. Lol

Swings by one day all wide eyed and says, rev maybe the lord is speaking to you because I see it... I see what your talking about just like the bamboo that makes the Acapulco types.

Man grew some of the most amazing trees I've ever seen.

Then he grew the snow white one and I knew god was working through us both.

Open mindedness is key to understanding.

One love
Saguaro girls looking good.

Beefy stems and they are just beautiful.

All these should fill out nicely over the next month and flower time.

Three months is my minimum for a good bush to be proud of.

That is in any growing situation.

Bushes work great with t5 flowering under the spectrum we use as the par just does not let them stretch and just fills them out and that is what I want anyhow.

You want at least 32-36 inches of bush to pack on 5-8 ounces of bud on each bush.

Nothing but a thing.

Once again if I had a higher plant count I would be rev sea of green!

However with lower plant counts you must learn to make bushes.

Takes time to learn this.

The pros have been growing beasts a long time.

All genetics different and all require a little something different to get the best out of them, however no substitute for veg time. Veg time is key to a good bush that will yield just fine under a lesser light situation.

However three months is long enough.

In a few days we will defoliate again and then no more touching until flower at end of month.

Trying to get the inland male hatched that will stud this project and get captive inland seeds and use one of these saguaro to redo chemdawg the correct way... Exciting!

Get a life rev!

I am working on it ...lol

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The second saguaro pictured is just poster child for a good saguaro pheno.

We will use her later for pure saguaro seeding as the male was found when these girls where.

Truth is I did not care that they brought the count to 12 and no more than six flowering except it's against constitution.

I do not need to flower more than that anyway in my space.

I mainly needed my count for the finding of males that go with the correct females once I was ready to seed whatever and when I moved here I could do 24.

Now it makes it even harder but you do what you got to do when something is important... And this is... These seedings... More than they know.

The new rule has caused confusion and yes some dispensary in on it as well as they want you subject to their early cut... Horse shit... Oh rev... Oh no.... Indeed.

I tell others, we all got to do what we must, number one don't go over flowering count and with respect you will probably be OK with most if over a couple on veg trying to find a good pheno.

It's rediculous, because even the man with a 50 count growing indoor is not supplying nobody but himself unless he is running some big grow op.

Most are like rev and grow out of a hole now and even with a 100 count we could only produce so much in our given space wich for most as mentioned is very little.

People's horse shit fears put forth laws that do nothing but hurt their neighbors.

This will stop soon enough as it is one of the main causes of pain to people and then you send Mr chubby and his gun in one hand and his pecker in the other for a paycheck to enforce it.

Whoa to those that walk around with a gun in one hand and their prideful dicks in the other.... Your day is so close at hand for the harm caused and you as most would not believe even if told.

God bless those whom truly serve and protect the community and not those sociopaths that sign their paychecks!

One love
White widow x blueberry.

Going to Bob's to become a mom.

Our Bigg blue Dogg will later create the strain " blues man. " with this mom.

So Bob will run, bigg blue Dogg, mastiff, big Thelma and blues man.

We will use a bigg blue Dogg male to seed those for the next year or so as Bigg blue Dogg helped create them all and works perfect.

Lots of work goes into this but it will be worth it in the end.

I am sure in time other breeders will come forth and perhaps god will show us exactly how this will pay off.

If it does not pay off in some return money, it will pay off in much greater ways I am sure as we just continue down the path.

We are all a little goofy so put that aside and let's get happiness and healing back to the people again and good wisdom.

One thing I do not do is lie And cheat.

That should be the two most important attributes to wanting to work with someone whether they are eccentric or not.

Principle before personality.

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Yes after we kicked the thrips to the curve we have seen them just fly. Lol

A darn bad tooth will mess your mind up brothers but ole rev don't drop the ball but a moment no matter the pain.

Only thing is I wish I would have waited till the ninth to eleventh node before topping and training.

Fourth node is OK and you see their spreading but it will limit their height a bit.

No biggie, chalked down in ole noodle for future reference and my little kush bushes will not be topped till further nod-ice... Get it lol

You will be blown away how those shoreline bush and boy if you monster crop them they get plain stupid lol.

Another important aspect of this grow is showing all the unnecessary stuff used to grow these trees.

Water for veg, sugar and molasses for flower and they bleed your eyes out every time.

Back home I had beautiful outside gardens and roses and fruit trees and olive trees and banana trees and brought them in every summer and grape vines and sunflower and tomatoes and edible flowers oh me.

My family sacrificed much for this message and to come here.

Point, had compost pile and have done every type soil imagined.

In the end for complete ease and not one bit of difference in quality, years ago I discovered bottom feeding and sugar and molasses and never turned back.

These plant spa pots are hands down the best pots I have ever dreamed of.

Even go up to five gallons for a big pig.

Stupid easy and cannabis loves bottom feeding.

Close to hydro growth without all the other pumps and " horse shit" lol not needed.

Could not believe myself that they would grow in stagnant water, but they do and do very well.

I can't imagine using another pot and yes old rev has used them all or I wouldn't say it.

Every pot has some kind of drawback and these have none.

Child's play.

One love
Quick on root bound.

I've used small pots and up to 40 gallon indoors.

Best results are in a pot no bigger than seven gallons for a monster.

Anything less than a two+ pound monster needs no more than a 3 gallon tops.

No matter the pot size, best yields will be achieved by allowing the tree to root bound during veg.

That way by the time they flower all they want to do is eat and suck up the molasses and sugar.

More they eat and drink... The larger they get.

When I use to transplant into bigger pots for flower the yields went down.

In short, a two gallon root ball in a three gallon pot will not yield as much as a two gallon root ball in a two gallon pot maxed out.

Even after three months by the end of this month they will barely have the pots filled.

Especially with bottom feeding.

So yes Max those pots out.

My boy Armando from California tried revs suggestion on small pots and flowered a couple in one gallons with some of his larger bushes and he couldn't believe the size of the buds the tree in the one gallon had.

Laughed that he had to water it three times or more a day but the buds where huge.

The roots being bound is no problem.

The roots just need to be healthy.

The plant spa pots are perfect for not only healthy roots but also allow fantastic air transfer between top air roots and bottom feeding roots.

The very lip in the front where you water the pots allows air also to blow right into the root system.

If any of you ever use these pots you will never turn back.

Best pot ever happened to a plant.

I grow my cactus and house plants in them also and everything thrives.

One love