pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

It is written in hadith.

The son of the prophet will not admit but to a few of his brothers whom he is.

They must know Mahdi and recognize jahuwa / Allah's message the worm gives them.... 1400 years old

It is written in dead sea scroll.... They will hate the messenger of god, they will say terrible things of him and invent stories and lies of him and yet god will preserve his life and he will destroy his godless generation with the rod of truth and he will shed no blood or nobody his....

It was written long ago at a mountain that Mahdi will reveal to the world the true mountain of god and his temple and fake Israel and Jerusalem crushed forever as David will reveal to his brothers the true geography forgotten...

What was written and said on that mountain has been forgotten and all taught wrongly.

I will send a man to speak for me.

God does not change.

Whomever Mahdi is that son of David and Muhammad, I kinda know how he must feel when he is around his sleeping brothers he wants to see awaken.

Love and do no harm and fear jahuwa and no mischief on earth was and is the only religion and the only one Mahdi was probably told to accept.

Your Messiah is whom brought cannabasum to earth long ago.

He has been coming to warn a long time and never from the clouds of Glory but from a vagina he always comes and no better than his brothers.... Period.

To lead them back to Jah he must try before they see that his judgement will come and the call of the helpless answered.... One love
This is me, 13 years ago.
I look like a triathlon now and glow pink with health, even my blood is neon pink.

You think jah loves me and mine more?

Impossible, he spoke, we listened and applied the works with the faith and healed and was shown how to slow down aging to a crawl and teach the discipline to others and yes it is absolutely a discipline.

I was a herpetologist and bred some of the most rare snakes on the planet.
Successfully . That is a five thousand dollar pucallpa Peruvian boa constrictor. View attachment 3966633

My education in the geography of herps gave me a great foundation in learning the truth of cannabis and what it does in the wild.

God prepared me my whole life by studying geography and paleontology and other sciences and old sacred text.

The answer came, it is that simple and I am giving it for the price of nothing.

I will share more as time goes.

One love
You can't just show the before pic and expect me to take your word of the after.
The lord of Eden is not god.

He was dinger enlil.

Only Mahdi understands the Sumerian text... For he lived them... And so did..... Many of you!

You will awaken from your sleeps!

The veil he will remove soon.

The children must be turned to and healed and taught love or if messages not heeded... We where told of his judgement.

This is the tree of wisdom and that little tree in my avatar is cannabis in its orginal form under our red binary sun that causes true evolution on this planet every 3600 years and everything gets huge and changes form on a molecular level.

The father told me how to change a ostrich into a t-rex and cannabis into its original form to prove to me 8 years ago that he is jahuwa the most high god of all man and the seed when I did as I was told sprouted three trees.

One in the cursed form we have it now in and on both sides of it a male and female fruit tree.

The female pictured is what grew and the fruit is like the dates of a palm and the exact tree that the Sumerian drawed enlil standing next to seven thousand years ago.

After that, I needed to prove god no more.

I simply listened and applied......
Moderator and cardinal fan lol.

Your a brother but I need to say this.

I am going to try this one last time and if they cannot get it and can do nothing but criticize when I am sitting here giving them gold for free, let's just scratch this and I will not be back, you have my word.

My wife is telling me stop.

She is right, they can never take it from the nobody.

Even Mahdi would just bow out for no man is a door mat.

If you guys miss this, on my heart there will come a time you will have deep regret and indeed you will remember.... He tried to tell us for nothing..
Indeed the metaphors in the episode of the space man landing on a planet of giants.

If I spoke on that alone what another great can of mockery I would cause for myself.... Yes honey I will not say a word.

However I do love the twilight zone originals..
My little wife just a laughing.

Now boys those last trees under those t5 where vegged nine weeks and six trees gave a pound and 14 ounces of cannabinoid bud.

You show me a journal that hits that mark with two old six bulb t5.

Now I told you that I am not here to show you how to do anything other than what I have mentioned and I make no boasts about yields and all of that as you will see lord willing in this grow I will hit two pounds or more and easily beat last time.

However ole rev knows how to grow monsters.

You want to know who taught me besides god how to get huge yields ten years ago?
They called him " mblaze " check his old stuff out.

Few listened to him either even when proof put in their faces,... Nothing new.

My boy grew monsters like this forum has never seen.

12-15 pounds for every 2400 watts.

I seen what him and Heath Robinson was doing and I have applied their techniques and as far as I am concerned indoors you get no better than these two examples.

These t5 are underestimated as I hope to show however you do not get a pound and 14 ounces from six trees under t5 if they are starving to death.

Now unless someone needs honest help I am done until the end of next month and we will start from their with flowering and you brothers will see some bushes and two plus pounds out of a closet.

Yes I will even get Bob's scales and weigh it out and the whole nine.

Rev will leave nothing to question you have my word.

One love
ok brothers I had to stop by and say thank you.

Couple of you where horses asses about it but I can be the other end of the horse also at times.

There was a problem with the little ones and it was not mites as I have never seen my trees get mites or mildew as hybrid Bob has told me over and over.

It was some thrips.

Here in Colorado you will for sure run into these little hoping turds however caught early it is an easy fix.

However nothing is resistant to thrips.

Easier to kill than mites but they can come out of nowhere in the summer out here And so small by the time you notice the little turds have come in all you can do is just handle it.

So it's handled and no more thrips and everything looks great and full steam ahead.

Soap water and cinnamon oil and pull out plants and scrub area.... Just part of it boys... But no mites! ....lmao
One love
My little wife just a laughing.

Now boys those last trees under those t5 where vegged nine weeks and six trees gave a pound and 14 ounces of cannabinoid bud.

You show me a journal that hits that mark with two old six bulb t5.

Now I told you that I am not here to show you how to do anything other than what I have mentioned and I make no boasts about yields and all of that as you will see lord willing in this grow I will hit two pounds or more and easily beat last time.

However ole rev knows how to grow monsters.

You want to know who taught me besides god how to get huge yields ten years ago?
They called him " mblaze " check his old stuff out.

Few listened to him either even when proof put in their faces,... Nothing new.

My boy grew monsters like this forum has never seen.

12-15 pounds for every 2400 watts.

I seen what him and Heath Robinson was doing and I have applied their techniques and as far as I am concerned indoors you get no better than these two examples.

These t5 are underestimated as I hope to show however you do not get a pound and 14 ounces from six trees under t5 if they are starving to death.

Now unless someone needs honest help I am done until the end of next month and we will start from their with flowering and you brothers will see some bushes and two plus pounds out of a closet.

Yes I will even get Bob's scales and weigh it out and the whole nine.

Rev will leave nothing to question you have my word.

One love
I don't doubt t5 can grow. I use them. I believe a pound possible with the 432 watt 8 bulb I use.

You didn't show pics of the final weight. Still doesn't change those plants were starving at the end.
I don't doubt t5 can grow. I use them. I believe a pound possible with the 432 watt 8 bulb I use.

You didn't show pics of the final weight. Still doesn't change those plants were starving at the end.
That is what I am here to teach.
They have to starve and kill themselves in three stages of ripening until no leaves are on them and they turn gold and full of pure cannabinoid that heal damn near anything.
Now this looks odd simply because this knowledge has been forgotten.
I am here to remind and show with this grow the complete three dying stages of cannabis and have bud tested and then the world will know and it will not matter where I got the knowledge.
So what you are seeing in that zacatecas I posted above is normal and how people grow it now, is not.
See, I realized from the start what I would be up against.
It is OK and worth it as the proof will come over the next months.
Just stay tuned.
That is what I am here to teach.
They have to starve and kill themselves in three stages of ripening until no leaves are on them and they turn gold and full of pure cannabinoid that heal damn near anything.
Now this looks odd simply because this knowledge has been forgotten.
I am here to remind and show with this grow the complete three dying stages of cannabis and have bud tested and then the world will know and it will not matter where I got the knowledge.
So what you are seeing in that zacatecas I posted above is normal and how people grow it now, is not.
See, I realized from the start what I would be up against.
It is OK and worth it as the proof will come over the next months.
Just stay tuned.
Ok. Ill stay tuned.

You will show pics of all the changes you are talking about? How they go from red to gold?

Have you had any lab testing done on the cannabinoid profile of the final product?

I would genuinely be interested to see the difference.
And my wife being blind I do not get many pics of me around here however I will ask a neighbor later.

Yes all will be shown lord willing and tests

These babies will not fight this.... We will for them... And us.

The trees freedom... Is our own.

The enslavers day is upon them.

One love
Now I see what you are harping about.... Laughing...
What you are seeing is a result of my bottom feeding nothing but plain water for veg and I give nothing but molasses and sugar for flower.

When you start them this way as I do they stay cannabalistic from the start and eat on the main fan leaves a bit because they are not given any extra nitrogen accept from the soil.

Eventually as they root out the pot they get greener and lush as they pull up more water from the bottom However they still stay a little cannabalistic eating a bit from the leaves.

As I teach, it kills itself through three stages of ripening also to make pure healing cannabinoid that you do not even fail a drug test no more and so I keep them in this mode from the start with these techniques and also the aquarium actinic will contribute to what you are seeing as well.

All you had to do is tell me what the heck you where seeing and I could have already explained this or you could have waited and later in the growing you would have seen for yourselves and I would have explained it then. Stick around and you will see the how's and why's behind all the madness I promise. Just be patient brothers.
However you will not see mites dammit lol
If I need to get that brother above that said he was from here also I will ask him and see if he will if it means that much.

Only thing the man will probably do is cry when he sees these pure gems my lord keeps his eye on.

One love

What do you mean when you say " you do not even fail a drug test anymore " ? Are you saying your cultivation methods make the flowers so pure it won't show on a drug test ?
What do you mean when you say " you do not even fail a drug test anymore " ? Are you saying your cultivation methods make the flowers so pure it won't show on a drug test ?
Yes my brother indeed.
When the tree of wisdom in its cursed form is still ripened through its stages like a fruit, there is no more first stage thc or what I call " Green bananas " it is 100% pure cannabinoid and heals your mind and body completely especially if diet is changed.

Forever loving jah!

David Be forever loving jah!

His wisdom, that king jahuwa that speaks to maggots that want to be worms and content with it.

Use to pass drug tests all the time and I had cdl.

The wisdom sets you free.... Forever loving jah....
I like to sing and play guitar and write song and poetry.

A Rastafarian poem jah just now gave me.

Oh rasta man... Oh rasta man.... Put down false teachings oh young man.... Do you not know whom your grandpa were..... That worm on the hill that smoked the herb....

Oh rasta man... Oh rasta man.... Do you know your the sons of Solomon.... Do you know whom his fatha were..... From the hill of jah he smoked the herb....

Oh rasta man oh rasta man.... You know that jah is not a man...... Jah is David's father too.... The one whom made both him and you....

Oh rasta man.... Oh rasta man..... Hear my words sons of Solomon..... Repent to jahuwa for he is king so you will all hear when David sings.....

Oh rasta man oh rasta man.....