pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

I talk to couples out here.
They even admit that when they smoke certain strains it can make the anxiety in their relationships appear.

I tell them... Only thing worse than thc is thc that is not even ripe in thc yet like most bud out here.... But the tests say this john! ....ya I know what those silly tests say.

I tell people... Eat thc do not smoke it if it effects you in any negative way.

Well they will tell You, the edibles Suck.

Why? They do not decarb it first.

Had a couple I worked with out here when I first moved and they had issues.

You want the truth, I'll give it like it or not.

They smoked sub cools gear every day from a place down the road that loves tga beans.

I told them, subs stuff is not good for this climate as they have to cut too early and subs gear sweats out trichomes like a bad girl in church.

It is giving you both anxiety and stress.

Showed them how to take subs gear and decarb it at 275 in Mason jars for 45 minutes and make edibles.

Their marriage immediately got better.

Much better to eat and oil the outdoor crops that cannot go through the stages and use the leaves as they are truly super healers of many diseases as they helped save me when I learned to activate them correctly.

People say... Oh if your an ass on thc then you where an ass before you smoked it.

Well, maybe so however like I said, I can take that same ass and give them cannabinoids and they tame and giggle like a girl.

Or give cooked thc and at least give some balance to those that need it.

See Im not in this for the money or silly ass fame as man has no rewards for me other than taking what is given and benefiting and that is rewarding enough to watch someone heal or make an asshole a nice person again.

Those with ears... One love
Must be thinking of someone else, i dont know a thing about this subject, plus i am an ordinaryfamily man not sure how strange that is
I meant this is the guy I was talking about that supposedly knows how to cure most ailments. Thought maybe he would have some insight on what type of cannabis medicine would be beneficial to your wife.

May be a long shot but when ones at their wits end what else can be done?

Its up to you and I'm sorry for bringing it up again if it offends you.

Maybe some info on strains and how long to let them go for.
That's right, he got to smoking a bit earlier than me. The good stuff was on the way out as I started in '74, I had no idea at the time. Johnny Winter, first album I ever bought was 'Still Alive and Well' and in Quadraphonic around 1974. He had just gotten off heroin and recorded that record.

I have got a Les Paul and SG and play all the time, blues mostly. Old mother sativa is a musician, saw some good videos of him in action on youtube. Played foot bass, guitar and sang, all at the same time.

Jazz is kinda tough, have looked into it. major scale instead of minor. The chords were tougher or most were. Maybe I will give it another try. Turn off the distortion, play clean and use the neck pickup. That is how most do it. The Les Paul was designed to be a jazz guitar, yet it is a rock and roll icon to this day. Little trivia for you.

Back in '78 I saw a friend's indoor grow of what he called Acapulco Gold. Big hardy plants with fairly wide leaves. That was in veg. He was using fluorescent lights, hardly any hid at that time. His grow got ripped off and he left the area soon after, never smoked any.

The Colombian Gold is from Underground Seed Collective, well regarded heirloom conservators. It looks a hell of a lot like the Acapulco Gold I have, delicate and rather small leaves. The Michoacan is almost indica looking, dark in color, quite short and pretty wide leaves. Just flipped it a week ago so we will see who is male and female in a week or so. The Oaxacan is lighter in color and stretches more.
Lol brothers I just knew it!
A curse and a blessing it is to know old souls of lives gone by.
All drawn to similar things as we always where in every life we lived.... Oops, hush john!

OK you watch these this grow yessum as the seeds in this grow of the shorelines will be great as last and I will send you some as well.
I cannot out give god and my brothers need this feeling again and I know you and old mom will pollinate.

I want you to, I really do.

Some besides me and hybrid Bob need to have a few in case something happens.

God chose you two, not me.

However kindness goes a long way as some around here will learn in time.

I've got a heart of gold but if your an ass I will close my hand like a mouse trap.

one condition on both of you old farts lmao.. Got to give them time to really die and you got to post a report when your high so we can all laugh with you!

You both are my folks generation as they where just kids when they had me.

Hybrid Bob is hitting 60 now also.

He is promoting a great little doors tribute band and getting me ready to come out again but as a cancer I am worse than a woman deciding and I told him heck I will just play anything they want from jumping jack Flash to painkiller Lmao.

Johnny winter rip... Was the man.

Stevie couldn't carry his guitar and I don't like comparing cause the world is full of great pickers but johnny was fantastic with that thumb of his.

I play 13 gauge tuned tight and have a unique way of holding the pick that allows me to go painkiller fast on them.

Took two years to develop the technique so I could play these piano wire fast but I guess I came along pretty good with it Bob says.
I have to work hand grips every day to keep my hands strong or there is no way I could play and bend them like I do and that is my secret I tell other players... Those grips lol.

Had a record deal in Nashville 13-14 years ago and a writing deal with bmi.
Was going to be big but unfortunately my health went down then and I was a horses ass honestly... Just not ready.

Went by Marshall Madison.

Believe it or not I found where some music of mine and old pictures of me where on YouTube that had not been took down.

Posted about seven years ago.

If you would like just put in Marshall Madison in YouTube and should pull those few videos up.
Wrote and CO wrote all the songs also.
Real country it was.
Finally own the rights again but I see a new direction even though country is hard to break from cause it is heart felt the old stuff and you can also chicken pick.

Did you see old Steve Morse get on stage with Albert Lee?

I love Steve, but he should not have done that lol.... Albert the king Lee
Talked to hybrid Bob little earlier.

Since he is the only one to grow the hybrid gear and he will soon be pollinating again when I get his 4 new strains to him I asked.

Bob, the last tree you flowered and was smoking what was it?

He said, Bigg blue ox wich is haze brothers cut blue dream with zacatecas male.

I said, what would you rate it.

He said, no mites no mildew and made me feel great and gave me and everyone else an erection... 10

Bob, said... Proof will be in the pudding boy.

This Bigg blue ox is fixing to be seeded with a male that is both blue dream and zacatecas and chemdawg orginal 91 and zacatecas.

He will be bred back to both the Bigg blue ox and Bigg Dogg " chemdawg x zacatecas " to create.... Bigg blue Dogg and blue mastiff and Bigg thelma wich is a pure western Oaxaca he will pollinate.

Bob is having a fit because a prototype " I'll explain later lol" of Bigg blue Dogg got sprouted and it was huge... Plain huge.
Buds like your forearm and he had to dice em to fit in jars.

The buds like cat tails on a pond going up the stems.

Completes over three year project on those so we didn't feel like we just throwed pollen on someone else's work.
It's our work now after three years as I would tell anybody to feel the same if they did this.

Seeds are charged for for a reason, it is work and when taking years to develop strains and not just chuck pollen is the one true way to develop a strain to remember.

Bob will have his seeds at end of next month and once he gets them we will take pictures and boy will that be fun cause Bob wants a nine foot tree or bust and he will veg for 16 years to get it huge before he flowers and does all his bending lol.

Old schoolers like trees you can put a tire swing on but truthful if I had about a fifty count I would be rev sea of green lol...
I appreciate your offer to send some seeds my way but if you change your mind, I will not hold it against you either. Those are your babies. I do not take gifts without reciprocating either.

Yeah, Johnny Winter had a good run considering. Albino and Marlboro smoker. Both have an effect of shortening your life. Plus all the hard drugs and crazy rock star life. His manager stole his savings towards the end too. Same happened to Robin Trower, over a million dollars as I remember. Had to go back touring after 'retiring'.

I would reconsider those 13's. If you are not prone to arthritis I guess you are good to go. I am prone and use the 9's. Billy Gibbons uses 7's. I might step down a bit from the 9's.

Blessing and a curse, yeah, that might describe my affliction with wanting to get back the magic I experienced in the early seventies. If I never had that experience I would just light up a OG Kush or whatever is popular at the moment and puff away oblivious. I know better though. More thc does not equal more trippy effects or transcendent feelings.

I just checked out Albert Lee. I thought you meant Albert King for a second hehe. I am blues or rock leaning by far. Two different styles, metal and country there. Chet Atkins was impressive, Roy Clark.
I don't change my mind when I tell a man something.
It's done... As I say, kindness and knowing how to treat somebody goes a long way.
Had to learn that myself.
I use to be very me me me and the hell with you.... Disease, divorce, and fighting ones self will bring you out of it and teach humility and empathy.
I meant this is the guy I was talking about that supposedly knows how to cure most ailments. Thought maybe he would have some insight on what type of cannabis medicine would be beneficial to your wife.

May be a long shot but when ones at their wits end what else can be done?

Its up to you and I'm sorry for bringing it up again if it offends you.

Maybe some info on strains and how long to let them go for.
I just don't even know what to say. Except this. That is 100% not Acapulco Gold. True Acapulco Gold is 100% landrace sativa. And it wasn't just the genetics that made it special. It was grew in Guerrero Mountains outside of the city. And the salt water air from the Pacific Ocean changed how the way the plant dried and cured. That stuff your growing is shit. Gtfoh it only reached 23% thc in 1968 and was the strongest strain at the time. And then over planting it and breeding need out the original genetics. I have read almost every piece of literature on it. And what you have is so far from it. The plant structure isn't even close either.
The 13 is about tone and I guess I just got strong hands cause thin strings never did it for me and I break em.

I bled out on these 13 and my fingers are like stone.

I tell Bob I will last as long as I last but he agrees the tone from them is incredible.

Play guitars also that are custom tsunami and Paul only made 84 of them with possible #85 for my baby girl if she plays as Paul retired.

Here is a chambered 335 Gibson concept.

African zebra, red African paduk and ambrosia.
You wouldn't believe the sounds out of this silly thing.
We have read your post. Everything from aliens (god) brought us cannabis to breeding cannabis with cacti. I sod like to see a cactus cannabis cross.

Just saying, not being rude. Just letting you know why you're catching flak.

That and you claim the strain your growing won't get mites but looks to have mites.
I done said it was thrips and taken care of.. any more questions?

You don't have to believe a word of it... Life's choice.

When all this proven and accepted I will not be back for pats on the back and we are sorry.

Don't need it.

I will do what god told me and show what god showed me and the rest is up to all of you.
Just how life goes, god parted the red sea..... Five minutes later they forgot and was bitching again....

He was the only one whom had wisdom of many things then.... People do not like that... Ever.... Get over it, take the message and apply or take yourselves down the road I say...i am here to show the willing... That is it.
I just don't even know what to say. Except this. That is 100% not Acapulco Gold. True Acapulco Gold is 100% landrace sativa. And it wasn't just the genetics that made it special. It was grew in Guerrero Mountains outside of the city. And the salt water air from the Pacific Ocean changed how the way the plant dried and cured. That stuff your growing is shit. Gtfoh it only reached 23% thc in 1968 and was the strongest strain at the time. And then over planting it and breeding need out the original genetics. I have read almost every piece of literature on it. And what you have is so far from it. The plant structure isn't even close either.
You have no idea what you are talking about or all those that you have spoken to.

Your little Heros do not know and neither do you... Period

Me move on if you got nothing nice to say.

There is a difference between ignorance and stupidity.

Cannabis community is ignorant.

Take it or not.... Those are the facts.

You guys have not a clue what your even looking at... Just like I was told You would not.

You boys go read some more horse shit cannabis delusions and talk more of them among yourselves , I will stick to true knowledge....
I tell you how ignorant.

Man comes and shares golden wisdom for the price of an open damned mind and tells you how to cure all diseases and shows pictures of himself and where he lives and all some of you can do is talk that same old bullshit that everyone has been spouting for years with one another and not having " jack shit" for an understanding.... Even though I am trying to give it.

One response..... Nothing new under the sun..

Scares the shit out of people throughout history when some nobody has to do what I have been trying to do for years .

How could one man know and this and that yadaa yadaa.... " horse shit. "

It usually is few that know things of truth.

Unfortunately we want to open our big mouths and help other people instead of just shutting the hell up and keeping the blessings for ourselves.

So when you do that... Your going to deal with crapola!

Bring it!

Those whom will be helped... Will be.
I agree with you about Roy Clark and Jerry Reed. As to everything else....I think you are absolutely full of it....and I don't mean the holy spirit....lol.....and you do have mites, sorry.
I'm glad you feel I am full of it.
Now you can take your ass down the road.
I'm not here for popularity or to prove anything to a bunch of folk whom already seem to know it all....

I am here for the kids and if I help one... It's worth it.... Period....

Got that?

If anyone has any questions I would be happy to give a physical address right here for all too see.

Come by... Any time..

Try me.

Now if anyone else wants to come on here and talk " horse shit" there is my favorite word again.... Come right on in!

When the people see I have told them 100% truth.... The asses will only make asses of themselves.... As it always happens.... Every single time.... Smile

Have a good day
First recorded in the United States in 1964,[1]Acapulco Gold was defined by the Oxford English Dictionary the following year as "a special grade of cannabis growing in the vicinity of Acapulco...with a color of brownish gold, or a mixture of gold and green."[2] Traditionally cultivated in the Guerrero Mountains outside the city,[3] it is a landrace strain[2]described as having "mind-blowing effects", which were attributed to a long growing season and the plant growing in conditions to which it was adapted.[4] Smuggler and promoter Gary Tovar said that Acapulco Gold's distinctive color was the outcome of the way the plants were aged and dried by the wind off the Pacific Ocean.[5] When cultivated outside its native range, it is considered to be substantially less potent than native plants: "while the original genetics of Acapulco Gold can be found among global seed companies, without that blazing Acapulco sun and Gulf breezes, the end product remains an artifice, a simulacrum of what could be had in 1974."

This is written by the guy who found the first original strain.
When old mother sativa decides to show up he will be getting seeds.

His kindness two years ago got em!

When he does his smoke report on these later... He will come back and tell all of you exactly what the hell he is growing and he will barely be able to type when he is telling us.

I am here for my brothers.

They know good and damned well whom they are in their hearts even though their minds sleep.

They know whom their brother is also when he speaks.

They must learn truth and apply it so not to be sick anymore.

Those with ears always hears the messages.

Then they also will help fight this fight for these kids.

I could give two shits about an opinion.

These kids listen and apply and they themselves will come on here and tell you know it all's the truth and that rev gave it for free to many whom believe not in the god that gave it!

First recorded in the United States in 1964,[1]Acapulco Gold was defined by the Oxford English Dictionary the following year as "a special grade of cannabis growing in the vicinity of Acapulco...with a color of brownish gold, or a mixture of gold and green."[2] Traditionally cultivated in the Guerrero Mountains outside the city,[3] it is a landrace strain[2]described as having "mind-blowing effects", which were attributed to a long growing season and the plant growing in conditions to which it was adapted.[4] Smuggler and promoter Gary Tovar said that Acapulco Gold's distinctive color was the outcome of the way the plants were aged and dried by the wind off the Pacific Ocean.[5] When cultivated outside its native range, it is considered to be substantially less potent than native plants: "while the original genetics of Acapulco Gold can be found among global seed companies, without that blazing Acapulco sun and Gulf breezes, the end product remains an artifice, a simulacrum of what could be had in 1974."

This is written by the guy who found the first original strain.
And he is full of shit.

I can grow these in plain water and they will make gorilla glue #4 look like a candy ass.

Only thing that grows in Guerrero is the reds and probably not any anymore.

These book writers did not search deep enough.

And you did john!?

You damned right I did.... While I crawled on the floor dying of cancer!

Take it or leave it boys but I have read probably every little book and article ever written on this tree and they make me sick.

However bullshit has always sold many books.to the people's delight.
One love
I'm glad you feel I am full of it.
Now you can take your ass down the road.
I'm not here for popularity or to prove anything to a bunch of folk whom already seem to know it all....

I am here for the kids and if I help one... It's worth it.... Period....

Got that?

If anyone has any questions I would be happy to give a physical address right here for all too see.

Come by... Any time..

Try me.

Now if anyone else wants to come on here and talk " horse shit" there is my favorite word again.... Come right on in!

When the people see I have told them 100% truth.... The asses will only make asses of themselves.... As it always happens.... Every single time.... Smile

Have a good day
I'm glad you are pleased with yourself. I guess that's all that really matters.