pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

re shoreline og...it sounds good except for the og

yeh we know the shoreline vs shoreline stuff bro....u r late to that party

he can call it anything he wants..just like the bx 3 you are growing..

will look in on Olives grow..if he is actually interested in cannabis

more than self proclamation plus a bit of spelling correction,botany and psychiatry..

all around shamanistic qualities we have known and loved..jk

he is a good grower..and pretty bright

welcome homie..lets talk weed..

[/QUOTE] Mom are you wearing corduroy pants in the pic? I still wear them too, damn comfortable. Not in style for a bit but whatever.[/QUOTE]

i stopped wearing jeans 40 yrs ago..too tight on me balls....i do not do style...i am style..jk
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No worries, its going to happen and they can physiological profile all they want.

They called them all " demented."

I have told that the last trees you grown old mom are puerta vallarta Jalisco made in the bamboo patches there.

Those Thelma are hybrid but not stoney.

Thelma is the puerta vallarta shoreline bamboo bred to western Oaxaca indica.

As I said, the Mexican pure indica's from tropic of cancer down are not stoney.

Western Oaxaca indica's are most southern and also not stoney.

They are pure indica's galore in mexico and you damned right it is cactus that creates them.

I could give two ounces of horse shit immature bud if their gurus know or not.

Read and look for papers to read until your eyeballs fall out folks as you will not find what I speak.

Why? Because its truth and it leads to other truths they don't want you to know.

You want to know whom is the most hard headed of all those to receive the truth?

Why of course those that believe themselves already awakened and full of wisdom!

They are already " to smart."

You know why people in person tell me I am a good teacher...because I am a good student and always hungry for knowledge.

The problems in history is nobody wants it but the few... I am here for the few.

Look bellow...smile.
Second pic is a pure Zacatecas indica pollinated with fuzzy opuntia.

Third pic is a pure Zacatecas indica pollinated with non fuzzy opuntia.

First pic western Oaxaca " pure Thelma" also made by pollinating with opuntia in the area.IMG_20170202_074735.jpg

Sorry the gurus did not know this , just like proper ripening among other things.

I know and I share it for the best price in town.

RevIMG_20161218_135558.jpg IMG_20180314_161309.jpg
Once more, I will recommend what I did early on in this thread.

All of you that will ...simply go type in to google....Jalisco cannabis.

You should pull up a video and or article from sep 28 2012.

Will show fields of cannabis growing next to blue agave.

They tell you " meaning the news outlet " that they do this to hide the cannabis wich is horse shit...just take a look!!

Its in an open field and those agave are not hiding a damned thing.

The natives plant that cannabis with agave for generations because they know what the rev knows folks!

Its that simple.

Those with eyes...those with ears.

So much for the book writers.

Just like with the ripening, when all see that I have also told truth on this also , the know it alls can eat crow!

Why would I tell the truth on one thing and lie like a dog on another?

Go take a look and convince yourselves of whatever you would like.

Your science knowledge is horse shit and nobody likes that....oh crrrryy ....me a river...

One love
Same with the Pakistan chitral strain.

Will not take ten big ole minutes of your times to go and look at the opuntia cactus that grow in the same area and the cactus flowers have the same distinctive coloration.

It has always been the case with cannabis and I can't help but wonder if there is a conspiracy... Even though I doubt it.

Just overlooked.

What will happen when this is proven?

Will your breeders and book writers find humility and learn from those that know so others can be taught?

Your very science that so many love will soon indeed prove what I have shared for they will have original stuff to study if they come to somebody like me.

Your very science labs can help prove rev wrong or right.

For it is not my wisdom being challenged .

I knew nothing either...until I did.

A conversation I had...one I will never forget.

Yes, I could be lying ...the conversation either did or did not happen and only god knows, right?

However if I am telling the truth about this conversation, ...perhaps some of you will get to thinking.

Three years ago I was still in so much pain and no real cannabinoids out here to help me finish my healing.

I felt like the world on my shoulders and said, " lord the info on cannabis alone is more than most of them can hear for all you teach is opposite. "

A few days later, i went to the laundry room to get our clothes from the dryer.

My heart started pounding as I seen sitting behind me a Mexican/European looking young man.

Something said...unload on this kid.

So I did.

Told him all god had shared with me while he sat there and nodded and smiled at every word I said.

Then he says to me....my family is cartel in southern mexico around gruerro.

Then he opens his laptop he had with him and proved his words.

Pictures... Galore.

Him , his family and tons of ganja.

The young man looks in my eyes and says....his exact words....." They pollinate with other things."

My jaw dropped and I said... You know this!!??

He smiled and said, " of course I know this."

I said , why want they listen?

His response..." White boys and especially educated white boys are very prideful. "

I said, your right, I have had to work overtime on my own bullshit for sure.

He said, " don't give up."

Then he closed his laptop and walked away and I never seen the young man again.

As he also said..." Yes we cut it early to supply demand now and our grandfathers allowed it to go much longer."

The end.

How do any of you know if this conversation ever happened? ...you don't.

However it did, so take it as you will folks.

I took it as truth for I know it is.

Now for those willing to get out a map, we can have some fun applying the good ole common sense rev was taught and no long litany science horse shit that leads to headaches and half understanding.

Now let's play...for those with their maps ready.

Now, if old Rev is correct and all cannabis started from the first sativa and hemp tree " tree of wisdom and tree of life" that was tossed from an old place called eden long ago when the continents was together " oops" then just know that Adam and eve " Indians " scattered those seeds starting in Oaxaca.

Well what about cannabis overseas? ...we will get to that later but let's start with mexico.

They moved north and south and scattered.

As cycles came and went and continents every cycle came apart or together and climates changed...so did cannabis.

For as climate changes so does plant fauna in given areas and hence so does cannabis.

Now the world as we know it, the continents are apart " for now, oops."

So let's look at the map and climate and latitude and longitude we have now and start a small educated journey in mexico.

All indica's from mexico like any other indica cannabis is a result of pollinating with cactus.

Cannabis " indica" around the northern desert " look at the map" will be stoney to weird and sedative and tend to go purple.

Now look at Zacatecas.

Indica's around the desert of tropic of cancer get a more intense UV and blue spectrum and are no longer stoney and probably the largest of all indica's.

Now look at the desert of west Oaxaca and more none stoney indica's use to come from there and are also large.

All Mexican indica's get larger than Afghanistan indica's.

No doubt some southern Mexican indica's have probably been used in projects but they thought them sativa for they are not stoney and can be very floral and pretty in their smells.

Now, in the north again you have many different species of cactus from different climates and microclimate.

However, the common opuntia and barrel and saguaro are number one cannabis counterparts in the north.

Saguaro and barrel cactus cannabis from mexico and Afghanistan is very potent and resinous and stoney.

Around Zacatecas you have cactus that does not get as tall but it spreads and the cannabis is the same.

Same with all the areas on the map that are tropical and subtropical.

Many different things to pollinate with but nothing as powerful as the bamboo cannabis.

My cartel friend agreed when he said... All the Acapulco types are the strongest.

How many types?

Look and see all the regions in mexico that have bamboo and that is how many potential cannabis bamboo types you have.

They will also be different in effects depending on the region and latitude they are from.

Like the puerta vallarta are some of the most northern bamboo around Jalisco and the effects different than a more southern bamboo type.

You old timers should see where I am going with this.

It's common sense.

One love..rev
Pure 100% Acapulco red.

Some old timers have said they remember it being the most potent.

Perhaps we shall see and her matching male ready.

I know this...they are all smaller trees.

..and little trees pack a punch.

The sack I got these from years ago, the bud blacked me out smoking a joint on the way home from getting it.

Thank goodness I was on a back road.

at this point..
when i see squat or at least
not tall skinny sativas from mexico
i attribute them to natural selection..
...its true old mom.

Only the old Sativa's around Oaxaca get huge in mexico.

All others are small, even the fruit and berry pollinated Sativa's.

Bamboo cannabis very small.

Took hybrid Bob six months veg to get one right at six feet tall years back.

Indica's around Zacatecas probably are the largest in mexico.

They spread like fire when you top on them and give huge buds as you guys will see that are creative and aphrodisiac.

However all bamboo cannabis with highland tai being only exception is small.

I'm not trying to give the breeders hell for all the trees will heal if grown out correctly, however not knowing the true botany of this old devolved fruit tree has led to much horse shit confusion and a loss of the old mental expression's of so many beautiful pure landrace.

And I mean all landrace including the indica's are important.

Like I told old mom, he may change his name to old mom indica when he tries these southern Mexican indica's lol.

Just like this old picture of my pineapple gruerro from the wild.

Small little insignificant looking tree that tasted like rotten pineapple and would make you trip depending at the point she was cut.

So just know your largest yielding dutch strains would have Oaxaca in their woodpiles.

Like critical for instance looks like a lowland eastern Oaxaca... Use to call them " mean greens" and the whole tree would fill out with big calyxes bud of dark green baseball bats and they was pure from the brick when I grew them back home .

Pure Oaxaca when given time on the vine is hard to beat.

Its just the little bamboo types put out crystals from the wild like some captive subcool strain.

You want oil...sub's strains sweat...they do.

However they cause insane paranoia when cut early and better to eat.

I don't down good work.

Sub's firsts was his best and he could have stopped there and tailored them for more stability, that's all I will say.

Was actually wanting to find a great cut of California orange and breed into a bamboo.

That is one pleasant strain.

The older strains to me are still the best as they are not to far gone from their original wild profiles.

Little girl scout cookies is quite the bush.

She stands out and loves being topped.

This strain does well outdoors here and putting the blue agave to it , I have a good feeling about the results.

Will strengthen the strain as well for agave are only finicky when to wet and that works good in this Colorado climate.

Agave is not technically classified, because it was brought to earth by the same folks that brought cannabis.. Oops.

Believe me, to get some pure agave cannabis pollinated is just as important as any bamboo.

They are beautiful and unique and work as aphrodisiac for man and women.

harvested the 14 wk sl under 3000 k..
pretty well dry now..buds look a bit weathered..like cured

the 5000k sl i am leaving until revthnat says when
my guess is under two more weeks..
fans are crispy..buds are turning from reddish to goldish..looks to be a decent yield
appear to still be swelling..its not for the week of heart
must be 17 wks now..
When I smoked some of the Rebar crosses from the old school Maui Wowie male I was reminded how stoney the Maui Wowie hits your body.

I was back in 1975 Makowao feeling the earth talk to me.

Lol, seems you may have smoked some good ole dirt cured African.

They put it under the ground to cure in husks and it produces a weird body effect and yet still opens the mind.

Very unique and smooth like perique tobacco in a way.

1975 the year rev was born.

Mohican like old mom has been doing this a spell...rev
harvested the 14 wk sl under 3000 k..
pretty well dry now..buds look a bit weathered..like cured

the 5000k sl i am leaving until revthnat says when
my guess is under two more weeks..
fans are crispy..buds are turning from reddish to goldish..looks to be a decent yield
appear to still be swelling..its not for the week of heart
must be 17 wks now..
I'm excited old mom.

You guys that do this will be testimony to the truth and all that do have and will contribute to its release.

Its for all of us to stand, not just one or two.

The tree was given to all but all must understand it now to grow it out correctly and truly heal those in need.

Why do you think the us gooberment put a patent on cannabinoids?

They know what the rev knows and the elite assholes know it will heal most all diseases with a lifestyle change.

However then you will not need the assholes anymore and that scares the hell out of their little sociopathic controlling minds.

" they" will not stop anything this time, even though its in their very pitiful natures to try.

The Levi will break and the truth of this old blue rock will roll on like a raging river.

Then these kids will have a goodly place to be safe and happy.

They will play and nap under the trees.

Leaf paste.

Take organic leaves and decarb at 275 for 45 to an hour and soak in alcohol 91% isopropyl dollar store is fine for six hours.

Strain and boil off .

Heals like a mofo and you can smoke it as well and feel balanced when put on THC bud.

The most healing part of Simpson oil is the leaves that most waste like trash!!

Ole rev can shit out bread loaves now without agony as it burned out the rest of my colon inflammation and hemorrhoids two years ago.

Leaves are so important... So much true knowledge not known because of horse shit passed one to another.

I had to learn not to be a parrot and search deeper.

Death is a great motivation.

Better to eat it but....puff...it smokes out fantastic and you find yourself walking away from the bong instead of to it.IMG_20180215_170605.jpg IMG_20180215_171731.jpg IMG_20180215_173516.jpg IMG_20180215_180821.jpg IMG_20180216_094445.jpg

One love
If you stay away from THC and use only leaves and ripened bud cannabinoids you not only heal your mind and body, but also you can return to work...to life.

No more failed drug tests!!

The worm has come to give his brothers and sisters freedom from diseases and the man!!!

Will you dare... Will any of you even dare deny the most highs message to give the children their healings!!!!!!!!!

You put your egos and your narcissistic prides and egos and bullshit science and religion and your own bullshit ways of being raised before this message of truth and I promise you all on my very life you will see the god now denied...the god of Jacob flip this earth like a pancake and unleash the horsemen upon the earth and no bunker or technology or weapon will save a prideful ass!!!

Then the babies will have a goodly place...all to their own...none of our sorry little undeserving asses will be here.

They will be taught by god himself.

Kill the tree and not the man!!!

One love
If we do not raise the lions within ourselves and turn with humility to these lost and sick kids....he will raise the four winds!!!.... And with a mighty right hand and outstretched arm he will harvest the vile like pitiful dust!!!!

With a breath of his nostrils he will bring the animals of the sea and scatter them on the tops of the mountains and the angels already here will come down and tear assholes from bunkers !!!

If we repent and turn to love not only will we be delivered but the enslavers will be given to you when the doors of their holes are torn open!

Blue ties and double chins and their hair pieces...no more.... The show will be over...no more cycles...no more repeats.

Those old souls with ears...
Why are you so eccentric rev?

Was all you went through left you a bit emotionally skewed?

I went through what others have been through...refinement... No self righteous mind dwells here.

...when a man sees and learns things they say a man is not supposed too see and learn...it leaves one eccentric...

The box I lived in was just as tight as anyone else's.

The ways I was raised driven in me just as deep.

All the slang talk and prideful walk with a beer in one hand and my pecker in the other.

....yep. .a whole or wardrobe of those t-shirts....

Then...if a asshole has had enough...he will either die...or look up for the first time.

If a narcissistic, you can change... But only through much pain and if you are forgiven and change... The narcissistic for sure cannot return or they will be left to themselves.

I have to allow the change to come and yes ..it hurts.

To change..to give a damned...to love ones self without pride and give that to others.

Easy peasy to break a mans nose.

Much harder to heal a mans nose.

Is your brother really heavy?

To get it...we must give it...

You pick up a white chip daily for each day has its own.

The application of any truth is the first steps to freedom.

One love