pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

....and old mom the pure western Oaxaca that helped make that strain is an indica.

That is the point also for months I've been trying to get across.

You can't ask nobody about this ...lmao... Because white boys don't know what the hell your talking about when you say....a pure western oaxacan indica.

Its all jacked up.

Just know brother that those Thelma are a pure Mexican indica from the west Oaxaca desert bred to a bamboo Puerta vallarta Jalisco.

That is really what they are.

However no pure Mexican indica from tropic of cancer down is stoney.

This is what makes these crosses unique as you will see.

Now you ask...hey this guy says he has a pure cactus pollinated indica from west Oaxaca... Jorge Cervantes himself will look at you cross eyed...however that's what they are and just because few seem to know this in this " industry " oh lord...does not make it untrue.

Just know what I send you will be cool and exciting and later myself and perhaps others that know the true botany can argue with the educated until proven and it will be for its truth.

Its just to prove me right or wrong on this would take more time but all of you have at it that is willing and you will see.

Plant some old non flavored trees in some berry patches or better yet take mature cactus and plant sativa with them and breed in the cactus patches and watch those sativa turn into indica's.

See, this one will take a moment but I have not lied on this or the ripening.

Asshole? Yes at times as I'm cutting a wisdom tooth in my forties.

Eccentric, yes...been somewhere most don't want to go.

Sinner? Yes the small ones but not the great ones anymore.

Liar? No, worse thing to be labeled and it took me my youth to realize it.

Especially when it comes to stuff that could mess people up if given wrong.

And I'm speaking in general old mom so this litany was not to you but just know that nobody knows these things obviously or they would have come and talked the same language.

However it does not mean I am wrong.

A man has to be proved wrong or right.

One love
The indica in these sativa hybrids old mom is what believe it or not allows the zippy dippy at earlier cuts.

Because the indica allows the sativa to give this effect at early cut.

However at the price of removing many of the Sativa's effects if the indica a northern Mexican or Afghanistan.

So , you like zippy dippy?

Put those vallarta under the 5000 and cut at 11 weeks and do a true 21 day dry and 30 day cure in a mason and you will have all the zippy dippy and paranoia you want.

Do the same with the more southern Acapulco bamboo I will send you and you will be out of your mind with paranoia as they are more southern than the Jalisco.

However, you want pure joy and bliss and clear thought and a raging hard on and most of all to heal yourself and those you love if you are struck with diseases.... Then you wait for the end under blue.

You absolutely will not understand this until you see for yourself.

I would not be this confident if I was wrong.

I am alive because god was right in what he taught me that I give freely so that others will do the same.

You will join the club in just a few more weeks brother and I can't wait..rev
However ole rev can't rejoin the club for an extra minute because I now need to veg through next month.

Why? The agave of course and she's just now stop bitchin and taking off.

Dual rootzones important but with the agave.. Extra important.

They hate wet feet so much I almost believe they could live off of foliar spraying alone lol.

...and because of the agave I had to disconnect the Jalisco bamboo and Acapulco from the pond so I could drop them down from the lights.

No worries, they will adjust and explode and still be watered from the pond.

Even a neighbor asked....is that little thing worth the effort....heck yes! Or I would not be waiting on it and the male old and needs to do his thing lol...
For those watching and learning remember this.

If your using a halide even 4100k and even 14000k you will get ripening but it will take longer.

Par...is key now.

When this info truly gets out and accepted all growers will want to get the cycles done indoors as fast as possible without hurting quality.

Well, right now led and t5 ho are your best options.

You have to learn to keep the lights up and pluck and train for yields when using high par.

Do not let the lack of heat make you want to put them closer and do not underestimate the par.

When people see what the tree really does they will realize the bottom fluff turns to hard gold later in ripening under blue.

Those same Jalisco old mom has under the led would be nowhere this close under halide.

You get big trees under those bulbs because its a worse light source not a better.

The par fools you but keeping the lights up and training will get yields.

I've got seven beautiful 3ft bushes under old moms 120 watt led plank.

Training is everything and then you see you can get big yields without a ton of light.

Very interesting pair of wild bamboo cannabis.

They look a bit different from the gold and red.

Once again, as many regions have bamboo is the possibility of the cannabis.

Every microclimate has bamboo a bit different one area from another and so that would apply to the cannabis pollinated with it.

Only god knows how many of the original bamboo is still down there as well as others.

Most of the southern bamboos are very woodsy in flavor.

The Jalisco bamboo being a north type " look at map " is unique.

Looks totally different from any other bamboo cannabis I've seen.

And as old mom will soon see under those 5000, worth the wait.

The reds and golds will take longer being more southern and this new odd pair will show when flowered a general idea of locality but probably just another Acapulco area " type".

One loveIMG_20180328_125739.jpg IMG_20180328_125749.jpg
Put those vallarta under the 5000 and cut at 11 weeks and do a true 21 day dry and 30 day cure in a mason and you will have all the zippy dippy and paranoia you want.

>that will do fine

Do the same with the more southern Acapulco bamboo I will send you and you will be out of your mind with paranoia as they are more southern than the Jalisco.

>out of my mind?...bring it on

However, you want pure joy and bliss and clear thought and a raging hard on and most of all to heal yourself and those you love if you are struck with diseases.... Then you wait for the end under blue.

>thats fine too..i expect these jalisco sl to be in that realm

ps..zyogtes has a sativa edge to it..gtta grow it longer

today.. taking cuts of Iss and that gorgeous Kona
"The indica in these sativa hybrids old mom is what believe it or not allows the zippy dippy at earlier cuts.";

that makes sense to me ..good answer

just tried some14 wk 3000k jalisco..damn its good..thick resin..good taste..dang i grew it pretty good

it is balanced..fk i never used that word for cannabis before..

its not trippy its not couchlock..there is some body

there is a lot of head high..most is head..but the trippy high that forms above your head..

well actually there is a trippy part but the other characteristics keep it grounded..

hmm..rev ...this is solid good weed..and ..my whole brain is medicated

PS rev ..dude

the 19wk 5000k stuff that is still "alive"....like i mentioned ....told me today it was getting ..TIRED

...and maybe wanted to come down...lol
"The indica in these sativa hybrids old mom is what believe it or not allows the zippy dippy at earlier cuts.";

that makes sense to me ..good answer

just tried some14 wk 3000k jalisco..damn its good..thick resin..good taste..dang i grew it pretty good

it is balanced..fk i never used that word for cannabis before..

its not trippy its not couchlock..there is some body

there is a lot of head high..most is head..but the trippy high that forms above your head..

well actually there is a trippy part but the other characteristics keep it grounded..

hmm..rev ...this is solid good weed..and ..my whole brain is medicated

PS rev ..dude

the 19wk 5000k stuff that is still "alive"....like i mentioned ....told me today it was getting ..TIRED

...and maybe wanted to come down...lol
Me and the wife lmao!!

Your almost there my friend and you damned right that Jalisco bamboo is good...the 5000 smoke report is going to put all the naysayers to hush and you high as the heavens ...I'm loving it!!... Rev
You know old mom I have been hinting a seed company.

I'm putting it out there and being blunt.

For those looking for old school and mental healing ...we would be hard to beat.

Ole rev has the real deals and knows what most of them are.

Many hands make light work and me and you are two honest ole lions with one another.

We got brothers and sisters that need these good trees and we have stuff they think extinct.

We have good hearts and are honest and everyone needs a few extra bucks and I have my little one to consider.

We should give this thought.

People would be pleased as I've smoked the " best " out here and the old timers are begging for old school and of course the kids don't know what they are missing.

Your next smoke report you will definitely be convinced of the potential we would have and those Thelma and that's just a start.

Got many strains just some was small seedings but larger seedings can be done.

Even my wife says..
Don't you think god has given opportunity for us and others?


One love
rev..you do what you feel you want to do

ihave too many things on the go and i just wanna go fishing ..lol

i wanna grow out different plants repro and look for gems
by next year i will have gone through another 2 doz strains i hope

still have the ISS, kona ,thelma'a and t h mex..in gear

ps the t h mex has phenos ranging from up zippy active to almost like the chemo clone..
with some head high thrown in ..amazing genepool

regrowing zygotes need to finish it this time and hoping its just intersex and not hermi

it has good promise

i have oaxacan,michocan ,strawberryhill JA [ from the person gave me the th mex] on deck..and more
the "diving towards senessence "14 wk jalisco was better than the 10 week sample..

its very possible the ultra long 24 wks will be better still..


i don't think that there are many people who can/will wait this long...even if it improves it

though this test will at least show that rev was not wrong

it really does get fully cured on the vine

will update as things continue and also comment on the thelma's and the other sativas
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No problem just throwing it out to you.

God will take it where he wants it to go and I know this .

You will soon see the importance of patience.

Yes the 14 week under red was better than the ten week as I knew it would be.

Just like I know what will happen when you try the 5000.

Once tried...everyone will wait.

This THC bullshit will be over and soon even you will see that.

If people want to save their lives and the lives of others their asses will wait, that simple.

You want zippy dippy and half ass healings for yourselves and others than the choice is always given to do what one will.

I will tell you all blunt right here and now what god told me and could care less if anybody believe or not.

And I quote.." Follow what I have taught you boy and you will live while you watch those around you die... One by one."

What if they listen and apply I asked....." Then they can get the same results for I am not a partial god."

The end

One love, rev
Hybrid Bob still wins the award for most patient grower I have ever seen.

He will veg for six months to get huge trees and when he tested me on this info a few years ago, he flowered for 34 weeks a strain I did called big blue dog under 7200k halide.

Took me a couple years working with t5 to discover the importance of par to get the trees done faster and then come here to prove it to help others for the price of an open mind.

Honestly? From the heart, from the soul and I don't mean it with pride, just the truth.

If I had a video of what was killing me for years and you all seen me crawling in the floor " for years now" in agony while I took care of a blind wife, a old woman with dementia and a child...while I learned things from the holy spirit that would make men vomit for the truth does indeed hurt like one more hell....and got revelation on this old fruit tree.

Self righteous? ...not at all.

Just being honest, I made every sacrifice and almost my own life and yes money we did not have to learn to save my life and others if they want to apply the same discipline and swallow ignorance and foolish pride.

We decided to give it freely and trust that god would take care of us one way or the other.

I could have kept this inside and banked on it years ago...I promise you all this...banked on it!

So my point?

If anyone questions my motives or my heart ...read this...and don't no more.

If I was driven by what many are, me and my wife would have sold out and would be on the hill.

We prefer the valley with the good folk and to try and always remember that we can never out give our god.

Nothing better than to have a wife that fears the same god as you for a house divided cannot stand.

Aisha is unshakeable with the most high and has seen things in her visions from jahuwa that no pitiful man could take...including this worm .

Gods day is at hand and messages are going out and warnings from undeserving worms chosen...however to listen and apply or not is a freewill choice.

So what was the results of bobs tree.... He could hardly smoke it ...that powerful and Bob seen once again years ago...this man does not lie.

Love you Mitch... John
IMG_20180330_100105.jpg Yesterday a beautiful blue sky for indeed the turds have to refill the planes.

This morning around the same time as always...here they go....shitting on all of us.

Conspiracy horse shit?

I wish but no ...really real truth.

And since so many like myself at one time have walked away from god and the writings then they have no clue that this is all written.

I will give just a small example...those with ears of course.

It says...." You will do worse than your fathers for they tried to hide their abominations and all of you put them out blatant."

Indeed....Phil Collins used to stand in a triangle in his videos in a secretive way for the sheep.

Now they come on stage dressed out like devils and pizza ornaments... Yes because they eat kids ...don't like that do you folks?

Must be madness...too much conspiracy on YouTube makes one crazy , right?

I wish.

Much like the above example they are blatantly doing everything now and teaching the sheep and kids the same.

Just like yes on my heart and soul they are blatant with these chemtrails.

Bring those closed minds out here to the Midwest and we will take a drive and you can watch them spray their damned patterns all over!

Contrail mist my ass brothers and sisters!

Is this the place to discuss this?

Damned right it is...the moderator of this forum and his family are being pissed on also folks!!


Now here is the kicker...the real hum dingger....the old ace in the hole....if this little bit too much to accept in the ole brain cavity then I promise you all one thing...you could not for sure handle the truth of why they are doing this and how all that has been hidden ..connects.

And they " your enslavers and the beast system " loved it that way and depends upon it.

They even educate the " educated" so they can debate.... With truth there is no debate!

All these new illness are being caused by this.

Now many peoples bodies are taking more than it can filter.

That is why eating super foods and good fats and especially the tree important to detox out the shit that is causing your sicknesses.

My family and friends took the smiling faces and white coats and are dead now.

I studied to show myself approved and give the knowledge to the begger...indeed.

However all have a choice to pull ones head out of the ass and see or not.

That simple.

Will people stand?

No, that is why they need to repent so that what god has sent to clean this up will be given the go to ...come down.

Yes even that statement sounds like madness, however just know it has to do with a harvest of assholes that was promised.

In his mercy we are being given a moment to consider those lesser sinners if you will for those that have killed for demons and have lived with entitlement will soon get the entitlement... As promised.

So no, they will not get away with this but a moment longer.

Even my neighbors and those sick that have come to me agree when I tell them that their illnesses started around the time ten years ago when they really ramped up their spraying .

If all of you only knew why they do this, but many still do not even believe when you show them.

Some of the youth even look up and say...oh how pretty! ....so much for those tide bowls kids!!!

And honestly and I mean this with no judgement or hate but I know you did your time and even at one time feel like you stood for something yourselves and maybe now just want to be left alone to enjoy until ole Mr death comes a knocking.

Wake up and look at these kids...you won't like or believe what I am going to say but these poor kids nobody is standing for may be the non empathetic sociopath taking care of you soon....hmmm.

You want empathy...give it.

Many have lost it...." Shoe fits wear it " and if not found soon ..what choice does god have.

Straight forward... For instance the seventy year old man may not see the patience and benefit of ripening this tree even when a worm tells him to do so for he can eat it and gain youth and strength.

He has been taught and has accepted that at this age he is close to death and should start to embrace that.

I say if you apply wisdom from god and do not eat adulterated food and eat hemp and cannabinoids oil your ass is still a puppy at seventy.

However a person must see and believe themselves.

And yes...it will make you feel separate for a while because you are doing something extremely few have ever done and then you are an oddball.

Oh yes! An oddball that just keeps on living...keeps on living....keeps on living.

No white coats no preachers no medicines... Just gods truth and a little devolved fruit tree we call today cannabis.

One love
Have you got something against doctors rev?

Absolutely not, not the good ones.

Surgeons whom fear god are among the most attractive people on earth.

The art of removing that wich needs removal and those that put in what needs to be put in.

However if good surgeons and other good doctors worked with the eccentric ones of god...mass healings would occur... Mass healings.

Those educated by men and those educated by god could set the world on fire and remove the darkness forever.

Sounds like a dream rev!

Its not, its what god always hopes for and yet rarely happens but that can change.

Why would god hope for that?

Because if not...he will set the world on fire while the children praise him for answering the call.

Simple math...

Not hard to find brothers and sisters.

Like a big red bullseye my god puts me out.

oms like to have fun..not get too serious but grow jah kali herb


For instance the seventy year old man may not see the patience and benefit of ripening this tree even when a worm tells him to do so for he can eat it and gain youth and strength.

1.>...well as a dang close to 70 yr old carbon based unit..that's not quite the reason

..the plants look tired..gnarly ..dying slowly....i knew the answer[NO let em go longer]
but..had to bring it up..

[never mind about the Pr clones waiting in the wings[LOL] while these 3x8wk thingys hog the feed grid..LOL]

2.Rev you do a great job making up questions that people could ask you and names that they could call you..and then replying..i dig it

3.as for youtube..

well its kinda how you use it.

i like
the flw/bass masters tournaments...
eek a mouse..ganja smuggling[put it on a plane , it go to spain.. money it fall like" ray ayn"
a half dozen psychedelic furs songs..[.isn't she pretty in pink]
just one song by steve perry..if you believe [i believe thats the one lol]
cab calloway singing..st james infirmary with his band
and of course kushyman video in 1983 singing "the kushy song" mondo before kush was cool..
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Never will forget the first time pure cbd saved my life.

The scar on my head to prove it.

Fell down a waterfall at a secret place god showed me years ago in my journeys.

Specifically told me...don't jump to that wet and slick rock boy!

Hard head did not listen so I jumped and down tumbling on stones I went.

Split my head wide open and contorted my body horrible.

I screamed oh my god son get my pipe!!!

That morning before I went for the hike with my boy I had a zensation strain indica that I took 100% blood red and had cut only five days earlier.

Tasted like pure cherries as my brothers at ministry of cannabis are no joke and I have always sent people their way.

I did not want to take a pipe of zensation as I wanted sativa and the spirit kept telling me...take the ripened indica for if something happens to you the THC in the sativa will not save you!

I was like ..what the hell and actually became argumentative like a prideful ass and finally took a pipe of the zensation .

So as I screamed for my boy to get my pipe he screamed oh god daddy your head is swelling and getting huge!

Oh god father don't die!!

I started hitting pure...pure...I repeat...pure cbd that I patiently waited on as is meant to be and every puff my son says...my god daddy your heads getting smaller...keep hitting the pipe dad...keep hitting the pipe!!

My swelling it took....my body uncontorted and I ate hemp and coconut oil and almond butter and honey by the bowls daily and in six months recovered from injuries on my own that should have killed me or left me paralyzed the rest of my life...fact.

Nobody could believe back home that I had beat the diseased and this accident on my own with simply gods beautiful and perfect wisdom and the fruit tree my people brought here so long ago.


So yes, I was proven over and over again by god the importance of this info and no asshole will patent or make his fortune from it...even though some assholes may try.

The people will set it free when all of us pull together that will and fight for truth and show the parents that the negatives was grower error.

That's past now.

We can know now how to grow it right and if it cost some businesses I cannot apologize for that because the lack of knowledge as prophet Hosea said is once again absolutely positively destroying the people.

One love..John
Only thing I watch on YouTube is those things I am sent to watch and don't even know why until I see later another piece of the puzzle was given.

Conspiracy theorist and preachers and shieks and rabbis all have one thing in common...set in their ways and hear nothing outside of their own theories and or delusions that are usually nothing more than the theories and delusions of men and women before them.

They have cycles between the great event ...meaning hundreds of years each time since moses to work hard to make the people forget a very ...very...important thing.

And I will repeat for those with ears of course...for those whom also sweat and toss at night to the rapping at the door.

He did not say.....I will send a preacher...or a shiek....or a rabbi or a black man or a white man..or a purple man ...or a man god that will die for our pitiful asses....or any of the things people are taught by the beast system.

I ...will...from....among....the tribes.... Raise...." A man" to speak for me when.......you go whoring from me!!!!!

As written...
And he will be illiterate......

Oh the test that is given and whoa to those that will soon scurry underneath you to hide.

However regardless of any belief...any delusion....any bullshit ways of being raised by the TV and those around you....love and humility and stopping your horse shit and having empathy for these kids will prevent wrath.

How bad was you John!

A horrible drunken selfish perverted asshole.

And yet....if you really mean it and never killed or bowed your ass to an idol with your heart.....he will forgive the selfish perverted drunken asshole and show him how to heal himself and others willing.

Once you know that, you don't blame god or nobody anymore and you take self responsibility.

No need in anyone dying for you to accomplish that.

A simple daily.... Father of all....of all.....help me not to be a prick today and not listen to nonsense and be of service.

One day....at...a...time.

No perfect person, only a perfect god and saviour.

Is he one?

He has always been one....our people long ago only called him two things....the father of all starts and the great creator of all.

Only one ever pronounced his name " jahuwa" correctly....Lilith and all written about her is complete bullshit...period.

So as he says...father does just fine.

If they scream...father!!!!!

As I did Pharaoh when he was going down in the red sea...I will pick them up upon stones.

They leave that out of Christian education.

God saved the pharoh after all he had done.


As pharong went under the angel Gabriel hated him and stuffed his mouth full of mud because he knew that if even in pharongs last breath he was to repent to the god of worlds that our father would pull him out.

All pharong did as he went under was point up as too say.....moshea god....is god!!!!!

Then father watched Gabriel run like a child and father plopped him on a beach like yesterday's trash.

He went on to write many books and brought many to god before he died peacefully.

The mercy of our god.

Even pharong did not do what these pieces of shit have done... Trust me on this.

Even seti throwing the first born to the crocodilians does not compare to what these shits have done.

Seti and pharong at least did not eat them!!

That grain of sand.

Those with ears getting it now?

Hope we all do.

My ass is not on no hill for I figured soon we will take that walk together.

To Zion.

The real one.

If they touch it as mahdi told them....the pain will come.

The pain.

One love
The millions of cars spewing fossil fuel waste are going to kill us way faster than any contrail. They say that all of the a-bombs they set off above ground in the 50s let out enough radioactive particle to give every person on the planet lung cancer. Fukushima has radiated the Pacific. We only have this little rock to live on. We need to start doing a better job!

I got rid of some major skin cancer spots by using cannabis coconut oil. Cannabis is a miracle plant.
