Freewill, one can believe what they want and why they get away with just about anything.
Frozen my ass!
Contrails disappear and do not stink.
I'm not discussing it any further.
What's sad is I am not even a conspiracy theorist.. At all.
And yet when some of them present truth they are trolled to death.
Its sad, the real truth is...nobody wants to hear the truth, until the hour comes and then its usually to late.
Freewill, next time they come by and spray their satanic star I will post that and leave it at that.
An ocean was parted for a group way back and five minutes later the little shits bitched and complained for chicken and still did not believe.
Not one thing new under the sun and perhaps why god has not performed great miracles for all to see ...yet
He already did, all forgot and trust in their pitiful leaders, religions and their own delusions... Had plenty myself.
Pass the bean dip, leave me be.
I worked, raised my kids, paid the bitch her taxes, bought a home, retired, or working on all that and I don't have time for this conspiracy horse shit.
Yes, I know and that is why my friends " the show" works so damned well.
Always has and what no sheep seems to understand is it is an old plot that has worked thousands of years.
Thankfully, some of us still believe in gods promise to end the madness.
I do, with all my heart know I will live too see that hour come.
Then we will all see what we would rather not, the truth.
Nothing to see here so let's just move along ....
However denial and being to scared to believe their asses would do such a thing will not make it go away.
There is even reason why they always do it in the direction of the sun but no way in hell would probably any of you listen to that either.
Hard enough just presenting the cannabinoids info and as i said from the start, few can handle milk, little less solid food.
So we will leave it at that.