pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

When the world has been to lonely...and the road has been too long...and you think that love is only...for the lucky..and the strong....

Just remember.. In the winter...far beneath...the bitter snow.... Lays the seed...that with gods love...in the spring.... Becomes.... The rose.

One loveIMG_20180422_185655.jpg
They smell like dirt weed. I expect they would taste much like that at this point. They were done in November.
If your ripening them in the sun mohican they need not direct .

More UV is hitting earth last few years and it can burn the trees.

Most outside growers here are using greenhouses or other techniques to not allow so much UV to hit the trees.

You can see that tree burned from sun not over ripening.

Same principal as using too much par indoors as I told old mom.

I over pared and my bud looked like yours and tasted like shit but made great oil and seeds.

So the sun is over paring these days as many crops have shown.

Believe it or not, this was the purpose of the chemtrails to try and patch this problem.

However what they are using is making it worse and causing illness in people even though many people still for whatever reason refuse too see the obvious.

Old neighbor stepped out the other day.

Planes flying by leaving normal contrails from the base and I said...those are contrails but have you seen the others?

He said, yes, I have seen them...Mr dean is 70.

I said do you believe those are normal?

He said, not a chance they are obviously spraying the hell out of us with something.

I said , regardless their reasons can't we both agree it could not be good for anything or us.

He said, yes we can agree on that. The end.

Try putting them in a more shady place and they will do better.

I really need all of you to realize that patience is a virtue and cannabinoids cannot be ripened to fast for.

Watch the par...don't try and kill them too fast.

If you want fast, then run indica's.

I will say this, but I have also done this technique longer.

When I cut bud at 50% red 50% gold indoors, the bud is solid and beautiful and smooth as air or I myself would not wait as that would be stupid as hell.

Be patient or you will be disappointed.

My fruit at 50% red 50% gold also does not taste like pine...it tastes look like fruit.

Meaning if its cherry flavored in THC when I am done it will still be cherry flavored.

If you are loosing taste the par is too much or sun too strong and their dying too quick.

You guys I love you but don't debate me on this as I have done it over and over.

You push them too hard to fast and quality will suffer.

Back in old days the Mexican cut at blood red and then later it in piles to be fermented and decarbed to gold.

The piling and fermentation takes time so just letting them go in the sun is not the end .

I've done it.

Just put bud in sun to finish ripening versus giving them time under halide to go gold indoors and no comparing.

Indoors you can control more and learn once again not to overpar and the end result of my bud is sublime.

I just don't want these kids or anyone to goof up and then not take responsibility and then try and say the info is false.

This takes a minute to learn and understand .

However if that ass is dying of a " disease" you will learn quick how to do this correctly and patience is the number one key.

If it was not worth it no way in the world would I do this.

No way I would wait two to three times longer if the end result was dirt weed.

Ole rev does not want to smoke or eat dirt either.

Do this correctly and you will have healing cannabinoids and fantastic quality.

My old zensation strain was always cut 100% blood red and always healed and tasted like pure cherries. Delicious or I would not have waited 20 weeks on it every time.

Patience brothers.

One love
"regardless their reasons can't we both agree it could not be good for anything or us."

He said, yes we can agree on that. The end.

>.chem/con trails are making" diversity "loving, snowflake, pc, virtue signaling, freedom of speech suppressing ,facists...

somehow i am immune..lol
There making people sick old mom.

I don't know what is going on in Canada but here and elsewhere it is bad and not a joke.

People want to bury their heads .

Especially the older generation and I'm not being an ass, I am being real.

Barium and aluminum among other things that kill the nervous system and cause the filtering system of the body to be overload unless a person is detoxing with good food and fat and cannabinoids all wich rid the body of these things.

My own neighbors agree, most of their sicknesses started around 9-10 years ago and that is when all this started full force and mine and others awakening began.

Your ass has to want to take the blinders off or you will not see or understand anything they hide in plain sight.

There is plenty conspiracy horse shit...tons of it...how can one know?

Through humility unto the one god and self sacrifice... Then he says, I'm here.

Somebody ask me, how do you know it is not evil that speaks to you?

Not being an ass, just honest... I told this Christian, you don't understand your own doctrine as most and yes as most he turned red.

I said, the very thing turning you red is that jinn in you that accuses me.

Is it not written, evil cannot serve the purpose of good for any house divided cannot stand?

Smile...evil would not and cannot teach that wich is good and saves ...impossible.

As usual, he walked away with lips pooched out...indeed.

Chemtrails are not conspiracy and I could type for hours the how's and why's and most would let it in one ear and out the other.

All are being harmed by this, its just if you live in an area where this is happening all the time, your symptoms will be worse.

People are complaining to doctors of so many symptoms and yet the doctors know not what is wrong...I research.. I talk to people daily and don't just sit on my ass smoking pot.

I tell them..look up!

Many are now telling others...pull ones head out of the TV and look up.

Some more pics of the real deal and the stinking mist that is left after the trail dissipates.

Contrails do not ever do this because they are contrails...these absolutely are not.

Well for some reason I can't post these recent pics I took yesterday. Just know they are like the others and very obvious what they are...you can even smell the damned things so denial does not make any truth go away..rev
Conversation with a base.

Can I ask why these planes are spraying around here and what they are spraying?

Answer, there are no planes spraying, what you are seeing is contrails.

I lived next to Arnold's I know the difference.

Answer, your seeing contrails.

I am looking out my damned window right now captain courageous and they are spraying patterns in the damned sky and then those damned patterns thin out into a fine mist that lingers all day and even has smell to it.

I am watching this now so why are you calling me an idiot?

Pause..... Thought the phone would be hung up.

Answer....they regulate themselves....dial tone.

Give this conversation serious thought for in the words " they regulate themselves" and a sudden hang up says it all.

Indeed the bastards regulate themselves these enslavers as they always have.

Meaning, its not military and we can't do shit.

That is correct, for when the chemtrails are being sprayed...all military jets in the area are grounded.

When it stops...later the military jets come out to practice.

Once again in the golden words " they regulate themselves " says it all to anyone that has ears.

One love..rev
The planes aren't spraying anything, the trails are condensation in the air heated by the planes engine and then frozen by the cold temperature.
sorry rev i just had to go right wing...

personally.. i dunno about the chemtrails..a lot of people talk about em..jessie ventura

..up here ?

..i dunno..like the above poster said..exhaust ..frozen

i look more at the river..the sky for birds..and clouds..but we don't have those b52s or whatever they are..

well i do have the first b52's album..."lookout for the retaining wall"-Rock Lobster

sorry i digress..
Freewill, one can believe what they want and why they get away with just about anything.

Frozen my ass!

Contrails disappear and do not stink.

I'm not discussing it any further.

What's sad is I am not even a conspiracy theorist.. At all.

And yet when some of them present truth they are trolled to death.

Its sad, the real truth is...nobody wants to hear the truth, until the hour comes and then its usually to late.

Freewill, next time they come by and spray their satanic star I will post that and leave it at that.

An ocean was parted for a group way back and five minutes later the little shits bitched and complained for chicken and still did not believe.

Not one thing new under the sun and perhaps why god has not performed great miracles for all to see ...yet

He already did, all forgot and trust in their pitiful leaders, religions and their own delusions... Had plenty myself.

Pass the bean dip, leave me be.

I worked, raised my kids, paid the bitch her taxes, bought a home, retired, or working on all that and I don't have time for this conspiracy horse shit.

Yes, I know and that is why my friends " the show" works so damned well.

Always has and what no sheep seems to understand is it is an old plot that has worked thousands of years.

Thankfully, some of us still believe in gods promise to end the madness.

I do, with all my heart know I will live too see that hour come.

Then we will all see what we would rather not, the truth.

Nothing to see here so let's just move along ....

However denial and being to scared to believe their asses would do such a thing will not make it go away.

There is even reason why they always do it in the direction of the sun but no way in hell would probably any of you listen to that either.

Hard enough just presenting the cannabinoids info and as i said from the start, few can handle milk, little less solid food.

So we will leave it at that.IMG_20180419_105841.jpg

Not to mention these planes spray at a low altitude.

Can't you see in the picture?

For gods sake the military jets do not fly this damned low!

I lived next to a air force base my whole life and I be damned if I am not right next to a bunch more...imagine that!

I know the difference, before god or any conspiracy video horse shit and I have watched Jesse one time and it was enough to puke and not go back for more.

The very conspiracies running amuke is also part of why they get away with literally murder.

After a while people don't believe in anything true or false and many turn away from their faiths and even half truths that can at least give them parts of the puzzle that in time can be put together.

People just get fed up and don't want to hear anything anymore.

Then...then....that's when they got us!

When nobody can no longer believe anything and willing to fuss and kill over horse shit...true or not....you have just become under more control than ever and no stupid FEMA camp needed.

It all just falls on itself, sooner..or later.

Its fixing to fall.

So now, what really matters?

To believe me? A conspiracy theorist? A preacher? A guru? Long list?

To believe in love and no harm.

Do that and your truth will come, no matter your beliefs.

Just love for what is going on will continue to be debated until it is not anymore.

Love, there is no debate in love.

Its just love.

IMG_20180419_094444.jpg Here is the low altitude mist that is not frozen contrails.

Unfortunately I cannot put smell in a picture ..bastards have not come out with that technology yet.

However the trails you see above dissipate out into a mist of stinking chemicals.

Can't make this up, when its in your own front yard.

Take the time, take the time to go and look at chemtrails videos.

Its going to lead you to other things that oh yes will make those asses uncomfortable.

However it is very dangerous to call all of it a lie.

Go and study to show yourselves approved and then come back and speak on this.

Come and visit rev, I will take you for a drive back towards the plain states and show you the patterns they spray and the smells.

This will not be pesticides for crops you will be seeing as I have talked to farmers galore...ask them...there messing up personal crops .

Only the Monsanto shit can handle it...oh joy!

Frozen contrails lmao ...do like the rev brothers...talk to people...no matter where you are at...piss em off...pull em to the side...when they calm and talk, your learning will continue.

Not everyone is in denial.

I like others have sat for hours and watched the whole damned process....over and over and over again.

Look hard.

See the x patterns and then the mist under them?

That is because they spray, the shit dissipates in the air and the heavy particles fall to the ground.

Literally we have dusted the shit off of the cars and it is indeed according to tests loaded with barium and aluminum.

In other tests their are organisms found that nobody even knows what the hell they are.


Because this shit serves several of their diabolical purposes.

What started out as a way to patch the ozone has now become something even worse.

The evidence is beyond measure and yet the majority still refuse to remove themselves from horse shit and seek the truth that indeed can terrify a man.

It is also, what sets a man free from them and himself , our worse enemy.

When we cease to believe what is in front of us, we just bowed.

I only bow to one and he is one and has never changed and has nothing that stands next to him...one

The god of my fathers that saved me.

I've asked for years, why should I care to help anyone, few want it anyway for discipline scares the hell out of most.

Answer, I did not give unto you for you to choose whom you give it to. I gave unto you for you to warn and give freely to those that choose on their own freewill.

Every hair on every head means something to me for I made them and know their folly as I know yours worm.

Give freely as I have to you and worry not of the rest for my people will know and hear the call. The end

Sounds like something the true god would say for jinn cannot speak this way, impossible.

there is at least on chemtrail website that talks about more than few issues .......

it does sound possible..and much supports your claims

all i do know is it does get in the way of the cannabis side of this thread

.............sorry for the chemical inundation of your area
there is at least on chemtrail website that talks about more than few issues .......

it does sound possible..and much supports your claims

all i do know is it does get in the way of the cannabis side of this thread

.............sorry for the chemical inundation of your area
Its all about awareness old mom.

You know I do not condemn or convert.

If someone disagrees I always simply say, love and do no harm and all will be well.

However the more that do listen and educate themselves and others , the more likely this will stop.

We still out number them many times over.

They have no love or empathy however fear they do have and they do fear the people and why they work hard to control.

You have to give people a minute and if what you say is true, in time with a little study and willingness they see for themselves and then you did your part.

Its all any of us can do.

I wish it was a joke, more than anything I wish many things was just a joke.

However its unfortunately not and so many things tie into all of it, including cannabis.. All connected brother.

Geez smoking some leaf paste on this carnival and thinking of these strawberries.

I just pulled a few seeds from an oz of carnival x strawberry cough that may be the best pheno of it I have ever had and I've had several.

Great balance high and buds when cracked smelled like strawberries for sure .

Beautiful large buds and even the seeds have a red tint.

Can't think of anything better to grow with strawberries and increase the berry flavor natural with this strain.

Went ahead and topped again as they got to be so not to get to tall.

There gonna spread on one another anyhow but so be it we will manage.

Soon as the two big ones finish new dirt roots we flower.

Geez will be glad to get clones and get this one done as the first round with the system when you got trees of different ages is a challenge but will not be that way after this round.

The ole Acapulco red in the last picture really gets to going when topped a few times.

And we won't talk of the trails no more but last few days they have not sprayed and it has been beautiful fresh air and rocky mountain weather.

One love, revIMG_20180505_220652.jpg IMG_20180505_220527.jpg IMG_20180503_140440.jpg
I got one last thing to say on the trails.

This weekend was beautiful, blue skies.

Today, the bastards sprayed the literal hell out of us while many continue with heads in asses and cell phones these fuckers are poisoning all.


If any of you live in south east Colorado all you needed today was to look at all the x patterns they loaded the sky with at their same time they start around 10-11 a.m...fact!!

Was so pissed off going to store this morning I had to come home and take a nap from the rage I felt.

Woke up while ago, and the whole damned sky was grey with the shit.

I'm done but hell yes I wish this was a joke and I would give to have them all in a room with nothing but me.

Faith is indeed not easy these days, but I be damned if I loose mine.

I know their hour will come, the pain...will surely come.

Now ole rev is done on this subject.

Those with ears!