pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Old mom. The reason you are surprised at the effects is the pure Thelma was a west Oaxaca indica.

As I have mentioned many times southern Mexican indica's around Zacatecas and west Oaxaca have no stone to them and yet they are indeed pure indica's.

In time people will understand and see I have told truth.

So what you just growed is a mix of the most North bamboo cannabis in mexico with the most southern Mexican indica.

Proper mixes as you see are fantastic.

Just got to know what they are and general area they are from and after you smoke many pures you can see what will mix well with what.

Cool stuff.

One love, rev
Look, man. I respect you in your uniqueness, regardless of what it might seem sometimes, but I have to be real with you. There are no Mexican indicas. At least, not indigenous landrace Mexican indicas.. Indica means "from the Indian subcontinent." There is an entire ocean dividing these two regions. It's cool that you see things differently, but don't break your own heart, expecting people to come around to your ideas. And bamboo and cannabis don't share compatible chromosome numbers to breed with each other. Meiosis cannot occur.
Look, man. I respect you in your uniqueness, regardless of what it might seem sometimes, but I have to be real with you. There are no Mexican indicas. At least, not indigenous landrace Mexican indicas.. Indica means "from the Indian subcontinent." There is an entire ocean dividing these two regions. It's cool that you see things differently, but don't break your own heart, expecting people to come around to your ideas. And bamboo and cannabis don't share compatible chromosome numbers to breed with each other. Meiosis cannot occur.
Freewill, its a doozy is it not?

You boys cannot find this info any place and it drives men crazy to think something could be true and yet no info found.

When all see that I have given truth they will not give a bag of horse shit about opinions anymore and will become true growers of this old cursed fruit tree.

Most, meaning 99% do not even know the truth of their own history , little less this old tree that links it all...smile.

Believe what one will, however when this info is proven and it will be, just takes time because everyone forgot!!


That's right folks!!!... Forgot!!! Turned to bullshit books and one another's own delusions most did and of course all those wonderful science papers.

So did I by the way for a long time.

At one time long ago, this info was known ....they worked hard in earths deserts to dig up and hide the truth..oops.

All one has to do to prove this right or wrong is be patient like proper ripening and spend some time growing cannabis in a berry patch or whatever and watch what its offspring do every year.

The damned things will indeed start taking on the characters of the pollinating counterpart.

So sorry white boys don't understand this but ole rev is here for the long haul to make sure they do.

Just know this, when its proved I will not come back and give all of you hell like many have me.

I will simply say, now you know.

And you will however not on my time.

I'm here for the open mind and heart.

The old souls here that can hear with their hearts when they put their own horse shit aside.

The rest will come later on jahs time.

Indeed mexico has tons of native indica's as they do cactus as cactus indeed is what made an indica...smile.

As this shirt, I know exactly what my stock is and where it came from.

Ole rev does not get a YouTube channel or a book.


Because this ole boy gives truths too much for your Zionist rulers to handle and they know this info I give on cannabis is just the small stuff and yet the truth of cannabis links all truths..imagine that.

As I have said over and over again... If I am nuts they should give me the red carpet for YouTube and book publishers are full of nuts and delusional horse shit that many sheep eat up like high fructose!!.... Indeed...as I did once also..

They are not worried about the 90% that would argue and bitch and moan and groan their damn education and curse and slander and call me every name in the book...every name.

They are worried of that 10% that will believe until proven true for if that happens the people will stand and no judgement needed.

Either way " they" are screwed and all truths will be known.

And oh yes, when the levy breaks it will not be pretty and plenty of slanders and pitiful threats will be endured, however they will not lay a filthy finger on a worm...

When they try and they or some dip shit will, then for sure the people will know Mahdi and listen to a worm for it is truth that brings hate out of people fast for few know it and yet feel educated and informed while they talk horse shit with others like themselves.

I use to also wear that damned turkey suite until my fat ass busted out and seen an eagle hiding under a turkey costume.

There are other eagles here, like old mom and other old souls whom will soon come out of their pitiful amnesia.

One love...revIMG_20180604_114025.jpg
Instead of listening to these overseas guys and reading all these horse shit books , why not fund a trip for ole rev and maybe one other gringo to go down and collect and document?

I'm being serious here.

I have absolutely no fear of any pitiful man, whether it be a white boy or a jungle Indian.

Ole rev takes his number one weapon with me no matter my path...its a bad weapon and nobody can confiscate it.

What is that weapon of yours rev that not even the military can stand against?

Love...and trust in jahuwa.

We will take samples of the cannabis in the wild and its counterparts.

Pictures galore and seeds.

See we would be talking about at least a three month trip.

However I promise you one thing, ole rev would not be hanging out in the cities and cantinas listening to city horse shit from European Mexicans, ole rev will be out in the sticks and jungles exploring with the real Adams and eves that know and understand this tree as their fathers before them.

Ole rev knows the jungle and jungle creatures and the jungle can take me but no pair of pitiful testicles with an agenda will...smile.

If I get funded I will return to put together a book on this tree that will end all books.

Ego? Nope, a promise of a delivery of truth for those that crave it.

The book however would have to also be funded and sold private for I promise the six people in the world " laughing " that own the media and publishing companies will have no use for this special book.

Ole rev is honest and I would show where every penny goes..every last penny for I do not sell out..period.

Delivery of the truth for these little babies to have is my goal for in them is our only salvation from gods soon wrath, even though few believe in his anger and none taught correctly about it.

He gave us his last words.

Turn to the children for I will send eliyahu and the babies will turn back to their father's and their father's to them in truth and love or else I will become terrible unto them...remnant..

Not much time.

But then thats not for me too say, only to know.

Freedom for all can only come when all truth is known...all of it.

It was promised, it will be.

No white robed man god will save and no wood or stone can redeem, only the arm of god when we choose love and not hate and discontent.

Instead of listening to these overseas guys and reading all these horse shit books , why not fund a trip for ole rev and maybe one other gringo to go down and collect and document?

I'm being serious here.

I have absolutely no fear of any pitiful man, whether it be a white boy or a jungle Indian.

Ole rev takes his number one weapon with me no matter my path...its a bad weapon and nobody can confiscate it.

What is that weapon of yours rev that not even the military can stand against?

Love...and trust in jahuwa.

We will take samples of the cannabis in the wild and its counterparts.

Pictures galore and seeds.

See we would be talking about at least a three month trip.

However I promise you one thing, ole rev would not be hanging out in the cities and cantinas listening to city horse shit from European Mexicans, ole rev will be out in the sticks and jungles exploring with the real Adams and eves that know and understand this tree as their fathers before them.

Ole rev knows the jungle and jungle creatures and the jungle can take me but no pair of pitiful testicles with an agenda will...smile.

If I get funded I will return to put together a book on this tree that will end all books.

Ego? Nope, a promise of a delivery of truth for those that crave it.

The book however would have to also be funded and sold private for I promise the six people in the world " laughing " that own the media and publishing companies will have no use for this special book.

Ole rev is honest and I would show where every penny goes..every last penny for I do not sell out..period.

Delivery of the truth for these little babies to have is my goal for in them is our only salvation from gods soon wrath, even though few believe in his anger and none taught correctly about it.

He gave us his last words.

Turn to the children for I will send eliyahu and the babies will turn back to their father's and their father's to them in truth and love or else I will become terrible unto them...remnant..

Not much time.

But then thats not for me too say, only to know.

Freedom for all can only come when all truth is known...all of it.

It was promised, it will be.

No white robed man god will save and no wood or stone can redeem, only the arm of god when we choose love and not hate and discontent.

Rev. I’ve been to the Hindu Kush Mountains. I’m very familiar with Cannabis indica.
Rev. I’ve been to the Hindu Kush Mountains. I’m very familiar with Cannabis indica.
Well, same thing makes them there my brother.

Cactus and sun spectrum.

South Mexican indica's do not have a stone as they are under a more blue spectrum from the sun than northern Mexicans and of course our beloved stone factories from Afghanistan and those surroundings areas are under an even more different spectrum if from the hill country.

If you seen indica's from the kush area and high elevation than they should have been a shorter and thicker tree than the ones in lowland areas.

Like this pure Afghanistan is from higher elevation and a smaller tree but powerful knock out stone.

We only need to look a bit harder at what's in front of us too see the truth.

Its just not many true pure untainted landrace anymore and so people don't know how to compare.

You have to grow these things in their pure form too see.

Just staring at a blue dream or a haze tree and the light does not come on.

Once the tree is 100% free there will be no science needed to prove this, people will simply watch what it does and then everyone can write a book..smile..

One love, rev


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"Old mom. The reason you are surprised at the effects is the pure Thelma was a west Oaxaca indica."

>yeh i do not care what it is or called..just that i like it..and i do

and its SO short..

harvested the seeds ..will grow some out and maybe do a better less N job...

i am growing oaxacan from another source..looks to not be a shorter one too..not as fat leaves as thelma ..
only got one to pop
hope its a female

harvested the sativas
th mex..they ranged from shorter to tall..can't wait to see whats up..
konas ..basically the same each pheno..its really good stuff
iss..beautiful sticky sativa looking ..potent..dunno if i like the buzz
i understand olive d and shorelineogs concerns

in this thread, not here to worry about what anything is called...[.or who rules what]

just here to sift through some pretty unique gear..

and step #1 ..all i care about is how it makes me feel

[mood altering characterfistics]...not smell,taste, growth patterns, resin content verbal lineage

after i get what i like, then maybe i will think about the rest

there are certain zones..cannabis can put you in..

there are several zones that work for me..funny that this shorty with the wide leaves..was one

been through alot of cool name strains in the last year or so..most got the boot..
i understand olive d and shorelineogs concerns

in this thread, not here to worry about what anything is called...[.or who rules what]

just here to sift through some pretty unique gear..

and step #1 ..all i care about is how it makes me feel

[mood altering characterfistics]...not smell,taste, growth patterns, resin content verbal lineage

after i get what i like, then maybe i will think about the rest

there are certain zones..cannabis can put you in..

there are several zones that work for me..funny that this shorty with the wide leaves..was one

been through alot of cool name strains in the last year or so..most got the boot..
Lol and that's what counts, you like.

I finally talked with a dispensary owner.

Perhaps rev assumed some things.

Short story is their hands are tied..its political.

As I was told even if we accept the info and ripened up the bud and used the leaves and wanted to buy every seed you have, we can't.

Just know its a bunch of horse shit but its not evil intent on the dispensary it is as always the assholes in gooberment to blame and the ignorant.

I asked, why don't we all stand to change that on a political level?

Why don't we educate the people so they will have complete understanding of this tree and set it free?

Truth? Money and nobody wants to push too hard and risk loosing their businesses.

I'm not a dick, I understand this completely.

So I guess we need an honest spokesman and some money as usual and lots of determination and wisdom most important.
I do not care if that spokes person is me or someone else as long as the truth gets out and lives can be saved and the tree freed.

I promise all of you one thing, your health hits the dirt and you will not give a shit about your own wisdom or anyone's ..you will just want truth on how to heal.

Your health hits that low and you will not give a shit about zippy highs and fruit punch...

Come back and read this thread and follow what to do on the bud and leaves and eat good and your asses will live...smile.

And you will not care about whether the tree was bamboo or cactus or grown next to a horse shit patch.

So just remember and you will see I never lied a word.

My mother and law has Alzheimer's and its being reversed as well with cannabinoids.

The list goes on how cutting early regardless of ones tastes in " highs" is just dumb..

Your denying yourselves of balance and the best inflammation destroying chemicals in the world for being impatient.. Fact jack!

So in the end, this message is definitely for the people to heal themselves and not the dispensary that just wants to get you high and stay in business.

Life on life's terms, however body heal thyself is now truly understood by the ones like my family that have applied.

Works for all that want it.

One love , rev
Well good news is the system is running like a steam engine.

Bad news is my Jalisco bamboo tree just could not pull it together from being transplanted from water to dirt.

Her roots split up pretty bad.

Good news is me and old mom both have preserved those even if old mom himself does not realize, he helped save a rare jewel with us.

Now the gold thank god has done well as I am bottom feeding her in a bubble tray under her pot .

Is breeding easy, yes throwing pollen is.

However selective breeding is not easy as I did the same with animals for 20 years.

Finding matching pairs in my old stash and trying not to loose other jewels trying to find others is no fun and you will loose some.

So what makes the gold different?

Take it or leave it, here it is and maybe in a few years you can all come back and refer.

I don't need credit, my rewards are with my maker, just so you know ole rev gave truth.

The dispensary owner told me I was born 100 years too soon and it did not flatter me, it made me sick a bit.

Just like some bamboo has hollow stems and some do not, same with Acapulco " type " cannabis and other areas that have bamboo and ganja growing together.

The gold was created by bamboo with hollow stems and is also hollow to semi hollow.

Makes it put out copious resin for a tree straight out of the sand.

Well, you guys and many others think it is extinct.

Well, if it is...this is it.

Last female, last male of my golds.

So, whether anyone believes or not, this is last chance.

Also last chance on the Acapulco reds.

However if this gets done, four in all have we done of different bamboo cannabis and once I find the Panamanian that can make five and hybrid Bob has two seeds from our old " sandy " female that was another type that could make six.

Pray, why?

Because I need it like anyone and even though this may sound confusing now, a time will come it will not be and many will be glad if this gets done.

If its meant to be, it will be.

However to save even one and know what it is , is wonderful.

Each one has something to offer and if I thought anything out here better, I would grow it, period, I like the best also.

Flower on my birthday at end of month.

These old girls are pure bark now so should be interesting.

Can't wait to clone the bud and prepare for the next one as this last ten months getting things right and mature on the tank has been a game of patience but well worth it.

The growth is fantastic and no doubt if I removed the high par t5ho for a couple hid the trees would take the whole bedroom, but ripening would take longer even under the beach 14000k.

T5ho give best overall as I used hid for years.

Just keep those par lights up and learn to train and bush and defoliate proper and yield are fantastic.

One love

We replaced the Jalisco with this female red I had going so I have a giant red bush and this new one.

At around the 12 node and not going to top her.

Lights are six foot above her so she can spring up and take that beautiful traditional look.

Won't complain having some extra red bud around as the brick I pulled this from the bud knocked me out on a back road and left me nearly in a ditch years ago so I guess its got some kick.

Someone like mohican grows some around his pool and puts it in at night will have some fire.

Nothing beats the sun it's just ole Toma's has been flaring much for years and one has to watch UV , however these old southern Mexicans can handle it well and be more potent for it.

Got a friend in Brazil tried to grow Afghanistan and they burned every year.

Told him you can't do it as those did not evolve under intense UV.

Told me you can't find the good wild stuff hardly anymore.

Laughed and told him, yes you can, you just have to go deeper in the jungle to find it.

Deep in the jungle looking for snakes, you will find other things.

On the amazon basin you will find still the old Sativa's.

Indians are actually scared of it, that strong.

Trees are small and dangly and not much to talk about, until you fire it up and don't return for a day or more.

So tar thick it's pipe only.

The only way to duplicate the effects in captivity is by growing them in acidic soil with much decomposition and a lower light situation under blue and extreme UVa and b.

The basin has always had extreme potent ganja and I doubt few outside of us old reptile wranglers and the shamans have had it and why your cannabis book writers don't have much to say on them.

You gotta go where men die to find the best.

Strainhunters " laughing " come with the rev and I will take you into beauty and hell where basin corallus tree boas dwell and the most potent cannabis on earth.

Where mosquitoes are the size of your middle finger and you realize your just a maggot.

Love it!

One loveIMG_20180609_144244.jpg
Big Acapulco red bush is 4ft and huge around.

The second pic is another bamboo type that was the last one to get hooked to system.

As you can see she has settled in great and so when miss goldy is ready we shall flower.

RevIMG_20180609_151406.jpg IMG_20180609_151429.jpg
Basically what helps me yield and get plenty leaves is topping and defoliation and I can explain in simple terms.

Start your topping between 4-6 nodes and when new branches have fully come out and formed then top again.

I usually can top every three weeks.

Now, once they really start bushing you will see where older leaves start getting eaten off.. This is not deficiency.

It is the plant diverting its energy into new growth.

The old leaves you pull and collect and pluck other fans that are at the nodes of fully formed branches...that's it.

Typically in three months you will have a bush that will yield what you want .

One 400 will put out a pound or more on one tree when following this technique.

And a 600 will not give more for people have to try and realize also another opposite " its not light, its skill" period.

Now all these trees of course went in at different times trying to find the ones I needed to complete this project.

So they of course are older than three months veg and barked over.

This will be cool because if you can over veg than we shall find out however if time and massive roots are what most claim for heavy yields, well the potential is there but we shall see.

The 3 gallon pots have indeed accomplished what I hoped for as the bushes are thick and even though the pond has plenty space for roots the pots the trees are in only have so many slits at the bottom to let roots out so once you top in this particular situation a few times you can see that they get a little slower putting out the new branches.

However the hopes is to see the bushes just cram full of bud everywhere by doing this kinda like what happens when you run true vertical.

Vertical is my favorite..period.

If I was not trying to do something special with this system I would still be running vertical 14000k beach bulbs.

A stack of two 400 watt 14000k beach bulbs and six trees and we are talking pounds with three months veg...pounds.

All in what one wants and trying to do.

I just need enough each round for us and to be able to share and I'm good.

This system should more than take care of it.

Charity starts at home but it sure feels good to have enough to throw your brother or sister a sack when they need it for we all know what its like to need at times and to give is to get.

One love rev
Just made more leaf paste and man oh man is it sweet.

Totally relaxes the nervous system as well as a laundry list of other things.

I've even thought of not budding anymore and just throwing up a halide and let them give leaves galore forever.

That good...puff..eating best...a teaspoon of this would set one on fire...puff...however rolled in bud and smoked is no joke.

Every leaf is precious now once the truth known.

Absolutely ridiculous easy to make.

Puff..geez these alternative rock stations.. Every song about a devil or some horse shit..

Oh..welcome to the jungle.. A little better, at least axl is talking of the Hollywood scum scene...paid him well..

I'm looking for a sound between johnny winter and nuno bettencort...working on it..

Now let's go listen to tommy Emmanuel... Oh yes ...humility... Smile

Well old mom I finally found the one.

Little junior here is just a little beauty and we have already bonded.

I leave his hanging cage open and he prefers to just hang with me or at the pond where he has his own perch.

Little fellow got into the river sump and bathed head first lol then cleaned and fluffed up and now chillin at the Acapulco red.

He is a youngster so he will bond well and will eat hemp seeds and good food to hopefully keep him around a long time.

With my pond and other responsibilities a budgee was perfect and can't make big messes.

All gods creatures are beautiful and junior is snow white and blue like a beautiful blue sky with puffy clouds.

One love, revIMG_20180615_181318.jpg IMG_20180615_181328.jpg IMG_20180615_181516.jpg IMG_20180615_182551.jpg
Time to flower.

Put the Acapulco gold in veg chamber to roast on with male a while.

However these bushes need to roll and the little extra red can just do her thing as well.

Will have clones for next round going and will go back to three in pond and three in buckets connected to the pond after this.

System is mature and growth is fantastic.

No quotes on yields, we will just have to see as these old girls are barked over and massive roots.

Water is like crystal clear as my homemade sumps are superb filtration and the tiger barbs super cleaners.

I do not scrub the algae as the hemp based algae is important to the ecosystem and the fish health.

I'm pleased, its been work and more to come but will be easy now if nothing happens out of my hands.

There was no sense in rushing that Acapulco gold so these girls can go on ahead and rev can finally also enjoy a winter cycle.

Report in a few and junior agrees...let's get some bud and seeds!

One love , revIMG_20180616_143731.jpg IMG_20180616_165921.jpg