pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

Beautiful pure morroco from a botanist friend of bobs.

So what makes the morroco?

Barrel cactus.

They are like the barrel cactus pollinated cannabis of Northern Mexico.

Our sandman is morroco and pure Afghan and Bob got put in a coma by it.

Don't think I can outdo it as if you want to go to bed sandman will crush you lol. IMG_20161218_135537.jpg IMG_20161227_064642.jpg IMG_20161227_064642.jpg

We will discuss the Pakistan chitral later... Lol
My birthday today.
Did not know if I would make it this far and yet god's grace is sufficient enough for this ole boy... Even when it hurts.... And sometimes... It does.

When mom and dad forsake,when friends drift away, when jobs are lost and found, when wives... Are lost and found until we find the one, no matter.... He was never too busy to listen and then teach me how to hear and hush long enough to do so..

Lost father for a good while and lost myself and my best friend when I did.

He was there even through my sin... Nothing is hidden

Good love and mercy from god can change a man and teach him love and mercy and empathy for others.

I found jah through snot and tears and my prideful face smack on the floor in humility before a power that can never be understood that is.... I Am

I seen where he said.... I delight in the change of the sinner.

Here I am lord.... Delight in me!

You can intrigue alpha and omega when you know your place as a maggot.... Then he shows you how to become a worm and content with it.

Thanks for not allowing me to fall in every hole I dug for myself in life great father of all and thank you for another year and day of life and all abundance and healing and blessings.

Forever loving jahuwa!

And no fathers name cannot be said.
It must be sing with a contrite spirit and broken heart.

Father... He hears that name quickly.
For he knows whom a man speaks of when he says... Father.

One love and there is no seperation.
Thank you and yes.

We pass the wisdom oh jah..... We pass the wisdom.... Let them receive it oh jah..... Not let the babies fight..... Let them speed up da truth so the babies want fight...

Open up da heart.... Open up da mind..... Set her free my brothers.... For all of mankind....
Yessum you asked a question and I let it slip me.
10000k will work, just the extra bit of red may lengthen ripening a bit.

We tried the solistek 10000k hid and it makes fine bud and will kill em.

Just the 14000k did pretty much everything you would ever want to see.

Do not use a 14000k tube in t5... Too much uva par and in five days they will fry and way too quickly.

I've seen best overall with 4 4100k tubes and one 6500k tube for uva wich is plenty and one uvb actinic blue.

Gives perfect spectrum for yield and quality and ripen speed.

Nobody wants to wait 44 weeks for an Acapulco to go gold lol.

That is why I tried many combo to find that happy medium and for t5 the above combo beat the rest overall for sure or I would be using something else.

Led with uva and b supplement is what the rev wants.
All white with just a few 420 Nano and 460 nano and should be just right.

Led rocks when you use good techniques and don't keep lights too close like t5 don't run so close and train and they do well flowering and quality is fantastic.

One love
Happy birthday Rev. What light cycle are you using? I am currently running the flowering at 9 1/2 hours on and 14 1/2 hours off. I get impatient with so many strains yet to run and I have found this cycle to drop flower times by around 20%.. I was running 24 hours lights on for veg, but changed to 18 on and 6 off. I am gonna try 14/10 next grow. Hope to make the plants show sex earlier.
My birthday today.
Did not know if I would make it this far and yet god's grace is sufficient enough for this ole boy... Even when it hurts.... And sometimes... It does.

When mom and dad forsake,when friends drift away, when jobs are lost and found, when wives... Are lost and found until we find the one, no matter.... He was never too busy to listen and then teach me how to hear and hush long enough to do so..

Lost father for a good while and lost myself and my best friend when I did.

He was there even through my sin... Nothing is hidden

Good love and mercy from god can change a man and teach him love and mercy and empathy for others.

I found jah through snot and tears and my prideful face smack on the floor in humility before a power that can never be understood that is.... I Am

I seen where he said.... I delight in the change of the sinner.

Here I am lord.... Delight in me!

You can intrigue alpha and omega when you know your place as a maggot.... Then he shows you how to become a worm and content with it.

Thanks for not allowing me to fall in every hole I dug for myself in life great father of all and thank you for another year and day of life and all abundance and healing and blessings.

Forever loving jahuwa!

And no fathers name cannot be said.
It must be sing with a contrite spirit and broken heart.

Father... He hears that name quickly.
For he knows whom a man speaks of when he says... Father.

One love and there is no seperation.
Happy birthday Rev!
You speak of things I have known. We use different concepts and words, but ahh the human experience... so intense! And the world, so endlessly diverse and beautiful.
So what makes the beautiful Pakistan chitral indica?
Does cannabiogen know what I am fixing to share?
Is it conspiracy?
Once again I doubt it, just overlooked.

I can't seem to pull up the pictures however once again if some of you will go to google and simply type.... Cactus of Pakistan.

You should pull up and see sooner or later and odd looking Cactus that has a very distinctive pinkish/ purplish looking flowers.

Same distinctive coloration of the Pakistan chitral cannabis that it pollinates with in that area.

As a Muslim I have friends in Pakistan that will tell you this.

Together all of us can bring the true wisdom back to the community and have a nice bonfire of all the books of life that teach us... Revs word.... Horse shit..

We will all roast organic marshmallows and sing while we smoke cannabinoid and be greatful to god his promises are being fulfilled for those watching and staying up at night knowing the doorman is at the door.... Those watchman and watch women that hear how close now.

No more veil soon.... And no more enslavers and falsehoods...

Love and self governance will reign

Some of the best cannabis was there in the day.
I have family through marriage that are from Athens.
Cannabis grown next to kalamata olive trees indeed make one of the best cannabis.
Blessings to my brothers and sisters around the world whom will soon stand for truth and no more religious or scientific...... Horse shit.... One love....
Want a fun project?

Plant a strawberry patch with your favorite strain indoors.

Help the strawberries by being the Bee if you will to help with pollen.

Use also a cannabis male and let him pollinate.

Sometimes by the first generation you will get strawberry.

If not the first, plant those seeds from the first round back in the patch and repeat again and come tell the rev what happens.

You will see true wisdom and how this tree really works.

Then you will say..... The poor man really did come and give it to us all for free.

Life and wisdom you cannot put a price on and why no book for the rev will be published or no YouTube video can be made.

Rev tells truth that scares your rulers whom have the mentality of a pitiful and retarded sociopathic child and only half truths or all out horse shit is allowed promotion to the masses.... Fact.

I have a feeling Islam does not accept their Mahdi either because he told them that Islam like all religion is not religion, however being a true Muslim is, the old fathers where Muslim, not Islam And there is a big difference.

Just remember what I always say.... Madness is easily tested, just try what the " mad man" tells you and you will prove him right or wrong every single time without fail.

Do not have contempt prior to investigation and trial or you hurt number one.... Yourselves
That's the 10/14 yessum and I've used it for years now and see no difference except the electric bill.

Speaking of, I run a closet with a 4 bulb 4ft and 4bulb 2 ft for veg.

And two six Buld for flowering and all else and my bill stays around $75 a month.

That alone made me want to really figure these t5 out as lumens shmumens it's all about par and the t5 has the par and ability to adjust perfect spectrum.

Led has my interests over t5 simply for the fact a good one last longer and heck it is about $250 every six months to change t5 bulbs so even though the t5 does very well the led if set up spectrum correct and add the extra uv would be overall better option and the par is there on those also.

Still think we all use too much light for some things.

People say how can t5 be a better light than hid if buds under hid get larger.

Because hid scatters light everywhere so the tree scatters its branches and buds everywhere trying to absorb it lol.

So as funny as it sounds " it makes big buds by actually being a worse light source. "

Me rev that sounds like horse shit. Lol

I know it did to me also until I started using t5 and realized the importance of par vs lumens.

T5 makes compact buds because the tree does not have to go looking for light.

The t5 just slams the par right on top of them.

I would like to do a project with t5 like the old mblaze techniques.

Put one smack on the ceiling let the tree stretch for it, strip it down the middle and flower.

Everything concentrates at top of tree like a giant lollipop.

Probably be surprised at the yield.

Never will forget those trees of mblaze whom was just a nobody like rev.

My boy grew outdoor trees indoors.

Made the masters blush I promise you that.

One love
I think it's really interesting how you're saying cannabis takes on the traits of other plants and that's how we're getting all these varieties.

In fact, scientists are finding more and more how DNA is actually adaptive (not totally unchanging during a lifetime like we used to think), and will change with environmental influences, way down to the thoughts we think regularly (since everyone is already freaked out about this thread, might as well chuck that into the game too :mrgreen:)

From the very little I know however, I wouldn't think this transfer occurs via pollination, but rather somewhere on the microbiological level.

Take your strawberry example. If that is happening in intact soil, there's a strong likelihood the strawberries have mycorrhizal fungi cooperatiing with them. And it is known that mycorrhizal fungi can expand to cover wide areas, docking onto many plants in its field of action. The largest know living being today is a mycorrhizal fungus beinf studied by Paul Stamets in Washington State - something like 20miles across and a few feet deep in the soil, connecting the whole forest together.
It is known that trees for example will feed their cohorts via the mycorrhizal network - especially when they're "dying" they transfer their life energy to other plants as they do...

Furthermore, as DNA analyses become more and more widespread, it is being found how microbes can exchange DNA information to adapt to circumstances. And we are finding how fungi carry the DNA of bacteria (that may be essential helpers for the fungus' nutrient mining activity) within them - up to 40% of it!! We don't know what they do with that yet but doesn't that open up alllll sorts of wonderful possibilities!

Also, there is this theory, that has been studied far enough to show there is truth to it, but not enough for us to be able to say with absolute certainty. Namely that plants also gather nutrients by way of direct transfer, i.e., they absorb and make use of cell building blocks like complex molecules (enzymes, hormones,..) mitochondria or chloroplasts directly - perhaps modifying the makeup or DNA slightly to match their purpose? There are definitely processes going on in the cell that would make that plausible.

Oh and then there's the whole field of allelopathy too, where we would probably find transfers taking place in some cases too!

So my working theory (again, just based on what I know, connected by a sprinkling of intuition) would be that there is an exchange taking place in there somewhere on that level of microbial activity and cooperation, that allows the cannabis to take over traits, such as aromas, from completely different species.
Exciting! :-D
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