Purple Jems


Well-Known Member
damn you know what i didnt measure, had her out for the shoot after lights off so i wanted to make it quick. Had fam over tonight.

Ill have height tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Figured id add a little to whats happening now.

Currently i am feeding strictly rain water and Tiger Bloom, waters pH is at 6.0 still with feeding water as well as the run off.

As far as how the medium is holding up, it is good. Yesterday the photo period plant i had in veg showed signs of male preflowers, it was removed and disposed of. One thing i would like to mention about him was, that he was in a one gallon planter had nine tops and all tops were above 13in. After pulling him out of the planter i was pleased to see that this 2 month old plant was not root bound at all. No circular patters of roots, middle, top, or bottom. The entire medium was consumed buy roots. This shows proper aeration through out the root system. I have always been a firm believer of a healthy root system. If you give them what they need and give them proper aeration they will reward you with healthy foliage and dense buds. I think taking care of the root system is one of the most important roles other than adequate light that are key to a successful grow and yield.

The jems medium is of the same mix, after she is done i will post a pic of her root ball.


Well-Known Member
what is your mix and do you have a lot of perlite in it??? I too am a firm believer in a healthy root system...bigger, whiter roots is key! I think oxygen is the most important factor, then what u feed em' as far as root stimulants are concerned....still wating on height too...peace


Well-Known Member
im curious about your mixture too, im pretty impressed with my ghetto mg soil with tons of perlite, its workin really nice so far minus the few gnats here n there lmao


Well-Known Member
what is your mix and do you have a lot of perlite in it??? I too am a firm believer in a healthy root system...bigger, whiter roots is key! I think oxygen is the most important factor, then what u feed em' as far as root stimulants are concerned....still wating on height too...peace
The mix that i use is all home made. I use a majority of my own compost and perlite and vermiculite. Combine them and then let them set for about a week before i use. The compost has key ingredients. Trout remains, lettuce, grass, oak leaves, horse and cow manure just to mention a few things that are in there. I also have put about 200 night crawlers in teh compost which just adds to the fertility.

I am waiting on heigh as well :D . Lookin good duplex!

Ill get you that height tonight my friend i have visitors at the house this weekend so its gonna have to be when i have a few extra moments lol

im curious about your mixture too, im pretty impressed with my ghetto mg soil with tons of perlite, its workin really nice so far minus the few gnats here n there lmao
i hear ya on the nats. There a pain in the arse but easy to get rid of. If i had any bugs id prefer them over some of the others.


Active Member
WOW I think I just busted 1000... but I think when the good bud porn starts flowing onto the site, that's what people really want to see!


Well-Known Member
WOW I think I just busted 1000... but I think when the good bud porn starts flowing onto the site, that's what people really want to see!

they do and i have seen that for sure. But its all good lets me know that i am doing a good job. Never had this many before. I bet they pour in at harvest too


Well-Known Member
Very nice plant man props. What are your temps in there? The plants look a little heat stressed.
not heat stressed at all my friend. Its actually the type of plant, its in her genetic make up. If you look back through the thread i made a post about this and my concerns. Temps are 78 degrees at peak temp. Highest i have ever had in there is 80 and it was because of a fan malfunction....ie no intake plugged in lol


Active Member
not heat stressed at all my friend. Its actually the type of plant, its in her genetic make up. If you look back through the thread i made a post about this and my concerns. Temps are 78 degrees at peak temp. Highest i have ever had in there is 80 and it was because of a fan malfunction....ie no intake plugged in lol
Ok. You know what i'm talking about right? The edges of your leaves pointing up. But you know what you're doing keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Ok. You know what i'm talking about right? The edges of your leaves pointing up. But you know what you're doing keep it up.
yep sure do, i know that this is most of the time a key indicator that there is a heat issue. And I dont know about knowing exactly what i am doing but im getting better than what i had in the past. Thanks again for stopping by and the tips much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
For those guys out there that wanted to know height. She is 14 inches tall and a thick little bitch .......


Active Member
im curious about your mixture too, im pretty impressed with my ghetto mg soil with tons of perlite, its workin really nice so far minus the few gnats here n there lmao
Put a small bowl of vinigar next to your plants. It'll get rid of the gnats in a few days.