Purple Jems


its been a while since somebody posted pictures so here are my pj's i have now switched to flowering nuts:weed:
IMG_1095.jpg the lower right one is the runt; the others have shot up (except for the upper right one which only want grow out; not up)


The yellowing will go away now that i have switched nuts. On other forums it says "...the first 2 weeks of flowering will show the most dramatic change in height and internodal distance." so this stretch is normal i think especially using artificial light.


Well-Known Member
The yellowing will go away now that i have switched nuts. On other forums it says "...the first 2 weeks of flowering will show the most dramatic change in height and internodal distance." so this stretch is normal i think especially using artificial light.
The height and color are not normal my friend. I dont mean to be a ball buster but they look to be suffering. Plants do stretch and change in the first two weeks of flower but not like this. You will see more of an off set node pattern rather than inches between nodes. This is the flower indication you are speaking of.

Now as far as the yellowing goes i dont think that the the Nutes are going to save you, at this point they are going to add insult to injury. From the looks of the color and location it looks like severe pH issues. What type of water are you using? Are you checking the water before you feed it to make sure that it is in the 5.8-6.0 range?

One other thing that you need to do is get them in some real pots, or at least some large 44oz drink cups. These are not hard to come by and there cheep, and most plant nurseries will give you the one gal planters for free all you have to do is ask. It all comes back to how much you want out of the plant. If your going to half ass it there only gonna perform half ass. If you put time into proper care they will reward you.

I am running HID now and have had no issue with the plants stretching like yours have. This too is artificial and i have grown with CFL's as well and never had the issue, get your lights closer and they'll stop stretching, especially with that LED your using, its cooler than any other type of light.


Well-Known Member
^ Preach it my brotha!
lol just trying to pass a long the info that i have learned over time. If you pay attention to detail, and practice what others tell you and apply the information to your grow, your results will be pleasing. The one thing that i dislike most is someone asking for help and then not taking the advice then turn around and still say whats wrong?

It always amazes me that when some people have the access to such an information powerhouse like this, they still take knowledge from experienced growers and piss it into the wind. If they would just listen and learn they would be amazed. For this hobby you got to have patience.


Well-Known Member
heyyyy duplex thanks for dropping by the thread! ill continue it on here to give you a bump : D . I did see the height! I cant believe its only 14 inches! My girls are already almost 2 feet and only just beginning flowering. lol. Are they still stretching?



Well-Known Member
heyyyy duplex thanks for dropping by the thread! ill continue it on here to give you a bump : D . I did see the height! I cant believe its only 14 inches! My girls are already almost 2 feet and only just beginning flowering. lol. Are they still stretching?

anytime man any time those ladies are looking good man, and no they are not stretching at all, there getting FAT i mean fatty mcfat fat. I did a height check a few weeks back and they were at 13 in. i think that the other inch that they gained is the swelling of the buds. At this point i cant see the main stem any longer from the top to almost 3/4 of the way down.

She has some really weird placed buds to. On the second node from the bottom there is one bud per intersection, so there are 4 little buds at this low point of the plant. Its kinda neat to see. Ill have pics tomorrow of the finish of week six.

also i took a sample about 4 days ago. Should be ready to go into the jar tonight. Took it from one of the lower buds and its still not that "airy"


Active Member
Can't wait to hear the ruling on the taste and effect Duplex. Looking really really good man. My first one is at 12 days today, already working on it's third set of leaves and not a cm of stretching to get there. It's still under two inches tall. I'm using cfl (100w) and will switch to two of them shortly. I'm half hoping this first one will be male so I can get some powdered dope jism!


Well-Known Member
also i took a sample about 4 days ago. Should be ready to go into the jar tonight. Took it from one of the lower buds and its still not that "airy"
its hard to imagine taking a LOWER bud at 5 weeks and it not being airy lol.. you got a pic of the bud?at this point i would assume the buds should be fattening up still but getting quality smoke sounds kinda far-fetched. i forgot what lights your using but under my CFLS i couldnt even sample it at this point even if i tried. either way thats awesome its so far along already that just means its closer to chop chop time :leaf:


Well-Known Member
its hard to imagine taking a LOWER bud at 5 weeks and it not being airy lol.. you got a pic of the bud?at this point i would assume the buds should be fattening up still but getting quality smoke sounds kinda far-fetched. i forgot what lights your using but under my CFLS i couldnt even sample it at this point even if i tried. either way thats awesome its so far along already that just means its closer to chop chop time :leaf:
I hear ya and shes not as dense as i would like but its a taster. Technically it was taken at the 5.5 week mark , only reason i took it was because some of the pistils were going brown on the fatter buds in the cluster. I did not pollinate this branch so i know that it was not from the seed production. I know that the result of this may be week but i am dying to taste. there is a good chance that this thing will not even get me high but i wanted to taste this spiced cherry i have been smelling. the pic i am about to post is poor quality of my camera phone, but tonight ill get you one in HD with the rest of the 6 week updates :) Oh one more thing it went in the glass jar last night.

I am using a 250watt HPS at the current time. During veg i had a 250 MH in there. They have both performed well and the money i spent on them has been worth it. One thing on why the lower buds are filling in too is because of my side lighting as well as the fact that the 250 is 8 in above my canopy and the penetration is outstanding. All 4 walls are covered in wal-mart Mylar (i.e. emergency blanket) which after this grow the walls will be stripped and painted flat white. i have a flat white floor in the room now and the light reflection from there is intense if you look towards the floor when you open the door it blinds you :)

Updates on the plants coming tonight!!!!!!! :joint:



Well-Known Member
yo duplex looks good dude. i'm pulling up a chair. just read the whole thread. can you post a pic of the grow box you are using or whatever you are growing them in? im interested to see your set up. how strong is the smell so far?

peace bro


Well-Known Member
yo duplex looks good dude. i'm pulling up a chair. just read the whole thread. can you post a pic of the grow box you are using or whatever you are growing them in? im interested to see your set up. how strong is the smell so far?

peace bro
I would but i have to keep some things secret :) nothing against ya but if i gave it all away then i have no ace in the hole :) Although you will see sneak peaks of it in the next post.......


Well-Known Member
She has been on a flush cycle now for 5 days. I choose to flush a few weeks over time rather than heavy amounts all at once. Giving the plant and the roots time to adjust to the water change. I am not a fan on heavy flushing near a harvest. I want the plants to be free of all ferts however before i harvest. I like to follow things to a t, the pack i received said 9 weeks thats what my goal is, unless she continues to do what shes doing and swell and finish fast.

So i begin my flush as far as three weeks out from the recommended harvest date. If she needs to go longer than great! she can continue to feed off her self till she is ready. Not only does this allow her to finish like mother nature intended, shell taste even better than you can imagine. Or at least i think so.....

Enjoy :bigjoint:



Duplex what light cycle are you using? I worry about leaving the pj's under light for 24hours a day, like they need to rest for a few hours or something.