no what? you just agreed with what i said lol <3 any who cant wait for bouth of your guy's next grow's will deff pull up a chair
What kind of odor do those low ryder's put out while flowering?
Don't worry man no one rep's me either.
Great job that bud looks dank as fuck.+++rep And holy shit 200 seeds hook a brotha up.
Oh and btw green/ white colored seeds are not mature enough to grow.
wowowowowow so those are all lowrider seeds?!!!!!??!?1?//1? can i have some <3<3<3<#<3<3<3<3
btw buds look sooooo tasty good job cant wait to see what the ak gives you
i think there good let me get some i want to try some lowrider shittttttttt goin to see my lawyer now talk to you later tonight P*