Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

very kool did he grow out the male in the same room? did he just keep a couple pollen sacks and pinch off the other ones? i need to some info on this.
very kool did he grow out the male in the same room? did he just keep a couple pollen sacks and pinch off the other ones? i need to some info on this.

he cut down a male and put it in a glass of water to see how long it would live, then he used a cue tip and a pollen sack and did it. but then it got everywhere :lol:
Ohhhh Shit man HAHAHAHAHA this snowryder is the bomba ist shit I ever had my life man!!I feel like im flying in the skys. HAHA
Hey guys you ever cook with any mid grade weed before. I made a batch of brownies with oil one time. took a half O of mid grad weed ground it up and cooked it down in the oil for about 45 min. Then used all that oil in the brownie mix i think it was like a 1/4 cup. well it made about 9 brownies. I ate 2 of them Oh my god I was so high it was like flyn the sky it was great.
Yea I've made lots of butter one time. I don't know its fun to do every once in a while. Just doesn't effect me very strong.

I've only weighed that one plant which i got 20 grams from. I am sure the other is probably the same or close to, the other is still drying stem is still wet on the inside. I am really liking the smoke very potent and incredible taste. I don't think its as strong as the Diesel but its just so fruity flavor though.
ya it really depends on how long you cook the butter or oil for. you want to brown the hell out of the weed at a real slow time. low heat about 45 min to half hour so the fat in the oil and butter can absorb the thc. I wouldn't do it with good weed it's just a waste. but, with mids hell ya.

I''m physced about the snowryders I can't wait it's so funny you were just finishing up your diesals when I started posting on your thread and you have gone through another grow. man My grow seems to be taking so long. 5.5 weeks of flowering and I think she is gonna go 12 weeks. sucks big time.
heres my update

4 Thai are doing great
iCounted all seeds the plant produced and it was 258 seeds :hump:
time to start curing the snowryder 15.7grams :-| is that good plant that made 15r.7 grams + 258 seeds that wighed 2.3 grams

wooop you gana start a new journal or stay with this one? Buds look nice and green i love the orange hairs also there lookin really nice keep it up man