Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

dude just read all the pages of this grow. It's class. 258 seeds!!! Amazing. Could you spare a few? Because I don't have a shit load of money and £22.50 for seeds is a LOT!

If you can't be bothered it's ok. Great set up you have.
man those are nice looking plants. how much did you get that tent for, size? im lookin into getting one myself or building one. are you using that bucket set-up to water continuously?
that tent was 149 from htg supply I know because I know.lol purp. hey can you explain your exugust system? do you have a passive in take to the light with a 6" fan pulling air through the light to your filter then out. then using another 6" fan to bring fresh air in? Thanks for your help man.
It sounds good and like it would work well. Did you make your own scruber or did you buy one? After all the agrivation of going to home chepo getting all the parts and putting it together I should just buy one for 85 bucks. lol after I buy just replace the carbon filter in the one I buy.
sweet... good to know. do you think you could change out the carbon yourself with alittle handyman special maguyver tatics?
sweet man thats awesome. hey I posted new pics in my grow. getting close then I can fire up some Auto white russian. Did you germinate with your hps or did you use cfl's first?
LOL badass story man it cracked me up big time! Well guys here is my last update before i leave for my trip. Now guys ill be back in 2 weeks but dont worry i made a new setup to water my plants on a automatic watering device persaym, a watering system

Tell me what you guys/girls think about THIS.

Air bubbler on the bottom of the 5 Gallon bucket.

i know i said i'd stay out but just being the good ole crippledguy and stopping by to say NICE SET UP MAN!

hope thing as well!

season greetings purple!

+ rep
aww man bad luck how the other ones looking

bet it felt good though looking at the coboard when you got back and slowly unzipped it thankfull your house is still standing lol

shame about the ak
its all good they loog kinda done but i might let them keep drying a bit longer and problly just make some hash with that shit. Im gonna start over on new seeds now. but ill grow another AK for DANky^dank cuase im a badass freind and shit like that.
Still looks like you can smoke it, not top quality but it works. :hug:

Yeah it was really dry when i found i want to make hash with those bubble bags i got :)

Dan clean out your pm box so i can send you my message.

congrats on the harvest ;) Letting it dry in the pot itself..... or gona cut and hang ?

i cut them and hung them last night its weird is cause one of them had a hollow stem and theouthers were solid.