Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

holy crap man didnt those bags cost a bomb? or have ya found a cheap way of doing it?

I wanna try making some cannabutter with mine but not 100% sure on how to do it, alot of the ways ive seen have used really complicated methods which just seem extreme.

Any1 every tried hash cakes? Shit will blow your mind.
holy crap man didnt those bags cost a bomb? or have ya found a cheap way of doing it?

I wanna try making some cannabutter with mine but not 100% sure on how to do it, alot of the ways ive seen have used really complicated methods which just seem extreme.

Any1 every tried hash cakes? Shit will blow your mind.

Hey Thanks Dp heres a exact link to whatbubble bags i bought It came with a pressing screen also.

thats prity nice actually, would work out to £50 here, which is a lot cheaper than any website for 5 bags. I still think you will never get as stoned as when you eat some cakes.
:O you've never had cakes

omg mate you are in for a treat....basically you are just eating the weed but what we do down here is get some cheap solid, hash, rocky, resin w/e you wanna call it. The 'hash' we get is pure shit, and by that i mean its crap, very small amount of thc init. Its about £40 ($60ish i think) for an ounce of it so you can imagine the quality. But i tell you what if you eat it it properly fucks you up. So imagine if you use good quality hash, or used canabutter (will give a link of what that is at the end)

Basically you have to heat the hash slowly with butter so that all the thc is released into it then you just add it to a normal cake mix packeted or home made w/e you fancy, or ofc there are the brownies. Eat these cakes and 1-2 hours later bang!

I would highly suggest trying this at some point but be carefull because eating the weed is so much more efficient than smoking you get 10x more baked.

If you have cutting etc from your weed you can use this method of doing it:


If you are gonna use the hash from your bubble bags then you dont need to do all that fancy crap above, just heat with butter for 10 mins or so (DO NOT BOIL) in a pan and add to cake mix. Be warned tho we would use an 1/8 of our crap stuff and it would get 3 plp very stoned so maybe a gram or two at the most would prob leave you tripping for a whole day, im not even kidding. If you are planning on doing this make sure your day is free.

Ofc if you have done this before then just ignore said post ^^
WOW That sounds like super fun.. and i love cooking too!!! ill have to try this some time after a few more grows

THanks DP
Merry Xmas to you too.

Ahh man was it actually the balast that went not the fuse? If so that sucks.

Yeah the outlet in the wall works but the balast is fried im sure i did multiple test on it and it dosent even work at all:cry: im calling htg tomorrow.
ahh ofcourse,i forgot america only uses the 2 pin plugs.

What i was trying to say was and i dunno if its the same in USA but here plugs have a fuse inside the plug head, it has nothing to do with the socket or the actualy device its just the actual plug itself has a fuse inside which can blow. I was suggesting that had gone but as i said i dont think american ones use this technique.
ahh ofcourse,i forgot america only uses the 2 pin plugs.

What i was trying to say was and i dunno if its the same in USA but here plugs have a fuse inside the plug head, it has nothing to do with the socket or the actualy device its just the actual plug itself has a fuse inside which can blow. I was suggesting that had gone but as i said i dont think american ones use this technique.

HAHA yep we got the 2 prongs LOL!!! Well this time i learnd my lesson dont grow nothin unless you have power surge so im going out to get one!! ASAP...
Well guys heres an update:

I started smokeing cigs Camel lights...........

HAppy new years mates!!

But na I germinated one of the 300 snowryder seeds 1 1/2 week ago that I got from my previous snowryder harvest and its sprouted today on new years day so here are 2 pics.. HAHA pretty baddass huh. Oh and i have another 400w Digital balast comeing free of charge cause of the 2 year warrany i only had the damn thing for a little over three months. So I can start purple wreck and bluestreak when that gets here!!! hopefully soon. :)

^^ Thanks man Heres some pics of my AK47 Curing!

I got 31 grams super dry weight on my 2nd AK plant now im cureing it. I let it dry in the plant pot and then hang dried it for a good 14 days now its cureing. :-P I havewnt tried it yet except that ak47 killer hash me and Danky^Dank made it was the DankY^Dank lol!!!

^^ Thanks man Heres some pics of my AK47 Curing!

I got 31 grams super dry weight on my 2nd AK plant now im cureing it. I let it dry in the plant pot and then hang dried it for a good 14 days now its cureing. :-P I havewnt tried it yet except that ak47 killer hash me and Danky^Dank made it was the DankY^Dank lol!!!

You started smoking cig's for the new years? Glad to see your snowryder beans are working.
Damm son why would u start smoking that b.s.??!!! And those nuds u have there is the only thing u should smoke...