Put a nail in the stalk the last 2 weeks before harvest to increase resin production?

Anyone heard of this? Also put ice around the stalk to make denser buds? Was suggested by seasoned grower but have never heard of either one. Anyone else use these methods?
To put it simply. NO!! NO!! YES!! NO!! These are the answers to the questions that you asked. And to the one that you did not ask, I would say about a pound. Too much info on this site for you not to make use of it. Best of luck, and please realize that there is no "secret sauce" just science and bro science. :peace:
Of course I've heard of driving a wedge into the stalk!

In the 70's. :lol:

Since then it has been a regular joke that many seasoned growers laugh about. I do use ice on my plants though. I spread ice cubes on the soil, because as the ice slowly melts it makes for an excellent drip irrigation.

I guess I'm a lot more seasoned that your "seasoned grower" friend.

if tricks worked they wouldnt be called tricks aye but just the way we do things.
resin production begins with proper plant cultivation in the veg room
Yup. My Dad use to do it all the time. However he wouldn't do it during flowering, he would do the (nail) during veg. He would also say it provides some minerals a cannabis plant needs. I recall seeing a few he had tried it on and all I could tell was they'd developed a huge knot right where he drove the nail in the stalks. However it did seem like they would explode with new growth. He would also take a needle and shoot the stalks up with milk!! He did his pumpkins like that aswell. Lol. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
It supposedly triggers a defence mechanism for the plant as it thinks its dying it increases resin production for survival. Like i said I just heard it from someone else and didn't really buy into it so I wanted a second opinion . Were gonna file this hack under "Whack" lol
Hadn't heard of that one. Here's something soil growers could try though, electricity through the soil, like a small 9v adapter or something. I tried it once with no bad effects. Couldn't tell if there was a benefit, because it was a very crappy early grow of mine so not really a valid experiment. It might also discourage soil pests, who probably don't like getting power put through them. I know worms don't like it. It's a trick for getting worms for fish bait without digging. They crawl right up.
Might supply some iron, that's about it. I guess it might help in iron deficient soils.
I figured back in my Pops day he didn't have all the go to nutrients store's we have today, as didn't alot of growers. This is more than likely why they had to experiment with different methods, such as the nail, milk, shit like that. Lol
Yeah actually milk is supposed to be good for plants, lots of usable stuff in it, calcium and phosphorus, trace minerals, protein which contains nitrogen, stuff like that. Read a thing where it increased growth.
Yup. My Dad use to do it all the time. However he wouldn't do it during flowering, he would do the (nail) during veg...... However it did seem like they would explode with new growth.
Healthy plants tend to have new growth in veg, if anything that nail would have stunted growth for a short time.
This is an old preharvest technique from Columbia. They also got the same result from twisting wire around the base of the main stem. Columbian Gold wasn't actually a strain, it was cannabis that had been through this procedure