Putin moves in, tells Obama to get the hell outta the way, bombs questionable targets in Syria.

MJ, yes. Gays, no.

More like lefties like the ACLU.
Nah Uncle Ben, we have reached a point where there are those for and those against and whole hell of a lot in the middle that don't care. Keep in mind, originally Obama was against gay marriage but at some point he had to change because the minds of voters had changed.
20 strikes on ISIS in 24 hours.

Gonna have to step your game up America...

As of 4:59 p.m. EDT Sept. 29, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 7,162 airstrikes (4,583 Iraq / 2,579 Syria).
  • U.S. has conducted 5,590 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (3,125 Iraq / 2,442 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,572 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (1,439 Iraq /133 Syria)
As of Sept. 29, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 56,819 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria.
As of 4:59 p.m. EDT Sept. 29, the U.S. and coalition have conducted a total of 7,162 airstrikes (4,583 Iraq / 2,579 Syria).
  • U.S. has conducted 5,590 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (3,125 Iraq / 2,442 Syria)
  • Rest of Coalition has conducted 1,572 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria (1,439 Iraq /133 Syria)
As of Sept. 29, U.S. and partner nation aircraft have flown an estimated 56,819 sorties in support of operations in Iraq and Syria.
Since when?


Million dollar question: Why would America effectively bomb the dudes they equipped?
Are you trolling or are you just dumb? We weren't in Syria in 2007, and ISIS wasn't in Syria in 2007. We intervened against Daesh in Syria on 13 June 2014.
CIA been there a long time...

"In 2008, the CIA and the U.S. Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) carried out a paramilitary raid on the town of Sukkariyeh inAbu Kamal. A subsequent report revealed that similar operations had been taking place in Syria, Pakistan, and elsewhere since 2004"

Russia only started amassing troops there recently.

You must LOVE the kool-aid.

You must be really ignorant, because Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. They also operate a few SIGINT bases around Syria (google Center C Syria Russia SIGINT), all of which are staffed with military personnel from the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate, aka Military Intelligence). The GRU controls several Spetsnaz units, which 4 Spetsnaz formations fall under the Southern Military District, which the Black Sea Fleet falls under, which the Tartus Naval Base falls under.

If think just now Russia is putting forces in Syria, you really need to rethink that deeply. To say that somehow the US has been conducting airstrikes since 2007, but Russia is just now working with Syria is disingenuous, moronic at best.
You must be really ignorant, because Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. They also operate a few SIGINT bases around Syria (google Center C Syria Russia SIGINT), all of which are staffed with military personnel from the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate, aka Military Intelligence). The GRU controls several Spetsnaz units, which 4 Spetsnaz formations fall under the Southern Military District, which the Black Sea Fleet falls under, which the Tartus Naval Base falls under.

If think just now Russia is putting forces in Syria, you really need to rethink that deeply. To say that somehow the US has been conducting airstrikes since 2007, but Russia is just now working with Syria is disingenuous, moronic at best.

The soon to be expanded Tartus naval base
You must be really ignorant, because Russia has had a naval base in Tartus since 1971. They also operate a few SIGINT bases around Syria (google Center C Syria Russia SIGINT), all of which are staffed with military personnel from the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate, aka Military Intelligence). The GRU controls several Spetsnaz units, which 4 Spetsnaz formations fall under the Southern Military District, which the Black Sea Fleet falls under, which the Tartus Naval Base falls under.

If think just now Russia is putting forces in Syria, you really need to rethink that deeply. To say that somehow the US has been conducting airstrikes since 2007, but Russia is just now working with Syria is disingenuous, moronic at best.
If you'd read again, I said theyve only been massing forces in recent times, not that they'd no presence there.

Who rules the skies over Syria?

Putin is sending in 150,000 Russian troops to "wipe out" Islamic State...

THAT is the response of a super-power.
Putin is sending in 150,000 Russian troops to "wipe out" Islamic State...

THAT is the response of a super-power.

And Turkey, Saudi and others are planning to respond. This is the beginning of WW3. Predictably.

*meh edited too provocative*
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Putin is sending in 150,000 Russian troops to "wipe out" Islamic State...

THAT is the response of a super-power.

Good for him, let's see how it pans out in the long run. It's either going to go one of two ways 1) Okay 2) Horribly. Russian combat troops are more conscripts or contractors (signing a contract that they will serve in the military for money). However the kontraktniki are notoriously of poor quality.

"Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov underlined the in-barracks discipline situation, even after years of attempted professionalisation, when releasing the official injury figures for 2002. 531 men had died on duty as a result of accidents and crimes, and 20,000 had been wounded (the numbers apparently not including suicides). "the accident rate is not falling". Two of every seven conscripts will become addicted to drugs and alcohol while serving their terms, and a further one in twenty will suffer homosexual rape, according to 2005 reports."

"Some of the more egregious examples have included a constant-readiness motor rifle regiment's tanks running out of fuel on the firing ranges, due to the diversion of their fuel supplies to local businesses. Visiting the 20th Army in April 2002, [Defence Minister] Sergey Ivanov said the volume of theft was "simply impermissible""

"In August 2012, Prosecutor General Fridinsky again reported a rise in crime, with murders rising more than half, bribery cases doubling, and drug trafficking rising by 25% in the first six months of 2012 as compared to the same period in the previous year. Following the release of these statistics, the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia denounced the conditions in the Russian army as a "crime against humanity"."

This hard on that people have for the Russia, the Russian military, and Putin is such a joke. You are literally trying so hard to find fault with the US that you want to love a politician who -- if you really think Obama is bad -- is terrible, a country that is failing and rife with crime and corruption, and a military that has not regained its glory since World War II.

But really, if Putin can put a dent in Daesh, I don't care; good on him. It however won't be sudden, and so brilliantly done like everyone here is claiming it will be. There's a very good reason why US troops are not in Syria, and I certainly as fuck don't want our servicemen on the ground there.

Anybody who's studied Russia would know this. Putin is pandering to the nationalists who dislike the Muslim minority in Russia (majority in the Caucuses). He's using one of the oldest tactics in the book: Divert attention from the problems at home by making a war abroad.
Good for him, let's see how it pans out in the long run. It's either going to go one of two ways 1) Okay 2) Horribly. Russian combat troops are more conscripts or contractors (signing a contract that they will serve in the military for money). However the kontraktniki are notoriously of poor quality.

"Defence Minister Sergey Ivanov underlined the in-barracks discipline situation, even after years of attempted professionalisation, when releasing the official injury figures for 2002. 531 men had died on duty as a result of accidents and crimes, and 20,000 had been wounded (the numbers apparently not including suicides). "the accident rate is not falling". Two of every seven conscripts will become addicted to drugs and alcohol while serving their terms, and a further one in twenty will suffer homosexual rape, according to 2005 reports."

"Some of the more egregious examples have included a constant-readiness motor rifle regiment's tanks running out of fuel on the firing ranges, due to the diversion of their fuel supplies to local businesses. Visiting the 20th Army in April 2002, [Defence Minister] Sergey Ivanov said the volume of theft was "simply impermissible""

"In August 2012, Prosecutor General Fridinsky again reported a rise in crime, with murders rising more than half, bribery cases doubling, and drug trafficking rising by 25% in the first six months of 2012 as compared to the same period in the previous year. Following the release of these statistics, the Union of the Committees of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia denounced the conditions in the Russian army as a "crime against humanity"."

This hard on that people have for the Russia, the Russian military, and Putin is such a joke. You are literally trying so hard to find fault with the US that you want to love a politician who -- if you really think Obama is bad -- is terrible, a country that is failing and rife with crime and corruption, and a military that has not regained its glory since World War II.

But really, if Putin can put a dent in Daesh, I don't care; good on him. It however won't be sudden, and so brilliantly done like everyone here is claiming it will be. There's a very good reason why US troops are not in Syria, and I certainly as fuck don't want our servicemen on the ground there.

Anybody who's studied Russia would know this. Putin is pandering to the nationalists who dislike the Muslim minority in Russia (majority in the Caucuses). He's using one of the oldest tactics in the book: Divert attention from the problems at home by making a war abroad.

And your country is doing nothing but spreading death and destabilization all over the planet. Russia hasn't violated any laws to do what it's done in Syria. And the whole Ukraine thing is nebulous at best given the Ukraine was a part of Russia for most of history and the fact that right wing extremists came to power and directly threatened the Russian speaking population added to the legitimacy of his move and detracted severely from yet another example of deliberate US destabilization by supporting the most extreme of extreme who are happy to fight for a buck.

Sure, detracting from problems at home, right? I saw a poll that had him at over 90% approval rating. Russians are infinitely more informed about world events and what's actually happening than American's are. Literally, it's like day and night.
And your country is doing nothing but spreading death and destabilization all over the planet. Russia hasn't violated any laws to do what it's done in Syria. And the whole Ukraine thing is nebulous at best given the Ukraine was a part of Russia for most of history and the fact that right wing extremists came to power and directly threatened the Russian speaking population added to the legitimacy of his move and detracted severely from yet another example of deliberate US destabilization by supporting the most extreme of extreme who are happy to fight for a buck.

Sure, detracting from problems at home, right? I saw a poll that had him at over 90% approval rating. Russians are infinitely more informed about world events and what's actually happening than American's are. Literally, it's like day and night.

The whole Ukraine thing is nebulous at best? They directly threatened the Russian speaking population? Yeah, no, they never did. Stop reading Russian Times, it's run by the Russian Government.