Well-Known Member
And your country is doing nothing but spreading death and destabilization all over the planet. Russia hasn't violated any laws to do what it's done in Syria. And the whole Ukraine thing is nebulous at best given the Ukraine was a part of Russia for most of history and the fact that right wing extremists came to power and directly threatened the Russian speaking population added to the legitimacy of his move and detracted severely from yet another example of deliberate US destabilization by supporting the most extreme of extreme who are happy to fight for a buck.
Sure, detracting from problems at home, right? I saw a poll that had him at over 90% approval rating. Russians are infinitely more informed about world events and what's actually happening than American's are. Literally, it's like day and night.
Also, Russia by supplying arms to the Assad regime in the early stages of the Syrian Civil war was in direct contravention of international law seeing as how there was an arms embargo on Syria, and the Syrian rebels. And no, Russians are not infinitely more informed about world events than Americans are. Is that suppose to be a joke? Because they still think that the current Ukrainian government are Nazi-Jew-Gay-Fascists (please explain to me how this works if they're SO INFORMED) that want to commit genocide on every Russian (so informed), and that Obama is a N-word (so informed), and that all gays are evil (so informed).
Russians think that all areas that were part of the USSR or the Soviet Bloc should be... Russian. How is that for an "infinitely superior world view," when the former Soviet republics voted for self-determination? And if you're so hellbent on Syria being able to self-determine, then why are you so hellbent on seeing the Syrian Opposition crushed? Or if every country should maintain its Sovereignity, why does Russia get to invade Ukraine? Because Ukraine was "historically part of Russia," which is a strange claim at best. Does that mean that India should belong to the UK? Ireland should belong to the UK also, so should half of France, and most of Africa. Hungary? Should be part of Austria, and why even stop there. Let's just carve the world back up into Colonial Empires and call it good.
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