Well-Known Member
Good riddance, he was only one evil enough to wish children death just to spite you.Holly shit they finally kicked uncle buck to the curb. You can search is name in the forum and all the comes up is when people quoted him. LoL they deleted all his posts...
He was a bitter old flame who decided to lash out at the world and pour vinegar on anything.
Holy crap, how did I miss this masterpiece? That's destined for the Pot MuseumIt is noted that YOU think I have zero experience and once again you are pulling shit out of your ass with zero and I do mean zero proof. Calling Osram a blurple company just shows how truly ignorant you are about LED. But hey at least I make one pretty LED light even though lmfao I have zero experience lol .
I could so hook you up with some defense contractors.
How about some Predator Drone parts, like this? That looks like your work was my first thought.

GHOST 1 passed testing, GHOST 2 is under way.
They are a spooky outfit, but pay well.
You got skills dude.

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