Quality over Quantity techniques

As soon as it is dry enough for the stem to snap stuff the bud in a turkey bag and close the top. The next day your buds will be moist, open the bag until the buds are dry again, if they are too moist you need to put the bud in a paper bag. After it dries again, sweat the moisture out and redry. You dry the bud evenly this way instead of having the outside dry and the stem still holding moisture. This also starts the fermentation process. Once you can leave the bag closed and it stops sweating it is ready for storage and will cure perfectly as it ages. Keep a close eye on it and do the sweat,dry,sweat about three times. This works perfect in the turkey bags and I can't replicate this as good in tupperware or glass jars.
I was wrong, it appears you don't know about the ooze
What happens when they are sweat fermented, they ooze resin 8)

genetic precursor to protect seeds under certain conditions, I activate it when I dry/cure
They ooze resin from where exactly? Why would it be better to have the resin outside the plant instead of in it where it's protected from the elements?

Ima try the boiling thing. I've heard about that for over 20 years but never tried it I got one ready today to mess with and compare and they are clones so it's a fair test. Just to make sure I have it right. Pour in the normal amount i would water and then let it dry out then harvest?
They ooze resin from where exactly? Why would it be better to have the resin outside the plant instead of in it where it's protected from the elements?

Ima try the boiling thing. I've heard about that for over 20 years but never tried it I got one ready today to mess with and compare and they are clones so it's a fair test. Just to make sure I have it right. Pour in the normal amount i would water and then let it dry out then harvest?
Everywhere 8)

Yeppers, water normally with boiled water, leave plant under lights till it fades usually takes 3 to 5 days, once happy with fade chop as normal
Everywhere 8)
I've found older smokers really like the "fermented" style of dry and cure where as younger heads really prefer the more standard hang dry and cure when it's mostly dry. I like em both lol. I think the fermentation produces a smoother mild smoke and smell to the buds maybe even "sweeter" would be the right description from what i've seen but the regular standard dry and cure technique makes a "louder" smell and taste but it's sharper and lacking the smoothness (not that it's harsh) of the ancient technique. Possibly a lot of that has to do with when they were getting weed in the 60's and 70's I'd wager that the vast majority was cured with fermentation because of how big the average fields were. I've always been one to trust the older generation because they were really playing the game hard back then 500lb shipments were normal to some of them and I guarantee today even if you had 500p's of cartel bricks a couple of those bricks would have a scary level of potency. Not too many on here have thrown some new ideas(or old one's :wink:) like you are Riddle. I appreciate what you're doing and i really vibe with how you're showing you can get plants to express themselves differently with different factors. I've switched to monocropping because I bred for 10 years(5 years of chucking pollen and then 5 years of taking it serious) and am real proud of my plant but the harvests are similar but definitely never the exact same and that's something I enjoy.
also gonna do 48 hr's dark on one vs 2 extra days under the lights. see if we get any results out of any of this. All clones from the same mother, rooted and put in soil on the same day, in the same room, in the same size containers, all fed the same.
I have some that should be finishing in June, was thinking of putting a big one outside during the daytime for a few days at the end to see if some sunlight at the end could do anything for potency.
Please define "harvest". Boil? Fade? Chop?
This is all very confusing...
well chop and harvest are pretty much the same, referring to when you chop or harvest a done plant

boil refers to boiling water

fade is what plants do in the winter, as in leaves turn colors and fall off
well chop and harvest are pretty much the same, referring to when you chop or harvest a done plant

boil refers to boiling water

fade is what plants do in the winter, as in leaves turn colors and fall off
I think it's safe to say the plant is done once the roots are fucked (boiled). Why not freeze them with dry ice? The net effect would be the same -- dead roots.
Hell, you could just kill em with concentrated saline.
Or you could just chop the plant.
Is the living plant supposed to suck something up from dead roots? Seems unlikely...
I think it's safe to say the plant is done once the roots are fucked (boiled). Why not freeze them with dry ice? The net effect would be the same -- dead roots.
Hell, you could just kill em with concentrated saline.
Or you could just chop the plant.
Is the living plant supposed to suck something up from dead roots? Seems unlikely...
The idea is to starve the plant/roots of O2 and allow it to fade
the experiment has started. boiled water went in one of em.205 degrees is what the candy thermometer said... iced water in one, 33(plus ice coverage) degrees and tap water 68 degrees. they all received 9 cups of water... the boiled one instantly got "loud".