Querkle from Seed


Well-Known Member
sounds good dude, got a question for you if you dont mind

how is the 100% hydroton working for watering?, do the plants soak up the water pretty good,?

and does water come out the bottom of the buckets all the time?


Active Member
Subbed for this one crackadelic nice job so far.. I myself got a querkle plant to it's almost 2 months in veg but it's really a slow vegger, did urs veg pretty slow??


Well-Known Member
i keep water at levels during veg & the air stone bubbles water to the hydroton & rockwool keeping it pretty soaked as the roots start coming down and touching the water & far enough down to where i only put 1 gallon of water in the bucket my hydroton & rockwool are bone dry only water that is used is from the roots. ive never had a problem with hydroton & rockwool at all!


Well-Known Member
oh so you have air stones at the bottom?? so there arent holes in the bottom of your buckets then im assuming

so you put water in, let it bubble and get the hydroton wet?
and let the roots grow through the hydroton and then just keep adding water as it is needed?

i was thinking i could stab holes in the bottom of the bucket, and just water the hydroton as if it were soil, would that work?


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure ive seen people have buckets full of hydroton but your still going to have to use water, air stones, & nutrients with no holes in the bottom i dont fore see that happening.

& bunz yeah it started slow but it got to a nice bush real quick around 5th week of veg then i switched to flower cycle. i can only imagine how much yours is going to yield if your 8 weeks into veg!!

also other plant that was a suspected male is so ill be pulling that one out today as well ): but im pretty sure last one is a female & shes going to be a mother plant & i saw purple on it when it was in veg but new growth pushed it away i guess.. so im hoping shes going to purple nice in late flowering!


Well-Known Member
:leaf:heres a pic of just the plant by its lonesome!

i did notice a tear drop sticking straight off the node instead of shooting out like the males so im assuming its a female also & it looks like what all my other females did right before the hair shoots out of it! ill post a pic of that later on today to see what you all think.

havent taken any clippings yet going to do that today!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
here are some pix after the 4 clippings i took. left plenty of sites to still clip in a couple more weeks!!

& a pic of the cloner with clippings in it! these are the test run to see if i can get some roots going!!




Well-Known Member
She finally showed her true signs & shot hairs out very excited & will have pix up later!!

Clones are still nice & green I didn't put any root starter don't have any for one and read with bubble cloned you shouldn't need any anyways so I'm hoping to see some roots late this week or next!!


Well-Known Member
plant looking real healthy been on fresh water for 2 days getting a good strength of bloom nutes tonight!

clones are still green leaves look weak but im assuming thats how its going to be if i clipped it off the living plant!! so hopefully some roots show next week!



Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
buds are forming quick leaves are turning dark around edges already!!


clones dont look so good and duno if their going to root i hope so though.

Your phenotype looks heavy on the Space Queen side of things with those narrow leaves. Looks nice and healthy though!

Often my clones go through phases of not looking so good, but you leave them long enough and they always seem root. Just give them high humidity and low light and you should be fine. How many days since you cut them?