questiion on molasses. NEED HELP


Well-Known Member
Alright so i have been scamming through posts and for the longest time i thought that black strap mollasses was used for just flowering. I keep hearing people talking about using right throught vegation though. The question i had is, what results do the plants get from using it through veg-flowering. rather than just using it just for flowering. What exactly is in mollasses? (NPK) If somone could explain the whole theory of "mollasses" that would be great. And one more thingm does everyone here add 1 tbsp per gallon?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's 1-0-5, but its used mainly to bolster your existing nutes and add trace elements. Plus it practically pure plant chemical energy and it makes your buds more resinous. Tbsp per gallon should be fine....
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
if you read the link- I know it was long but... theres a part about how molasses is actually used as a pest repellent in countries-