Question: Do you cut off the nutes two weeks before flowering? (giving it only water


New Member
Question: Do you cut off the nutes two weeks before flowering? (giving it only water for the last two weeks?) I have been hearing that is what you should do, but I can't decide weather to do that with my plant or not...


Active Member
two weeks before flowering? do you mean before harvest or before you flip ? im in soil and just feed with mollassess and water in the last week before im due to cut them down.


Active Member
I'm assuming you mean 2 weeks before harvest. I have generally done that with success. If you are totally organic, you might not need to be as worried about flushing what's in there that way. Kinda depends on the plant though. If the plant is already showing a lot of yellow leaves, then that's probably an indicator that you're running out of nutes anyway and may need to give it a little. The overall goal is to let the plant use up what's there, so that what you harvest has minimal nutes left in it.


Well-Known Member
It is a tireless flush or not to flush.

Organically speaking, it really doesn't matter. The way I grow, they get straight water from seed to bud. This is, what I consider, the way nature intended for plants to grow...gaining nutrients from the soil food web.

This, I have found, produces the tastiest, most aromatic buds I have ever come across.

edit: By "straight" water, I don't add any nutrients in. Howeevr, I do use bacterial/fungal innoculations, as well as molasses as an additive. My intention was to say there are no added nutrients such as bottled nutrient lines.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i use the fox farm line up for nutes and use pro-mix or sunshine mix for the medium. i just dont see a difference between flushing and not flushing. so now i just give them water with no nutes for the last week before harvest.


Active Member
I use ocean forest with happy frog and run all the fox farm nutes myself. I personally have flushed in one week, flushed in two weeks and didn't flush at all with all the same strains. Without a doubt the cleanest tasting budz with bright white ash was with the two week flush. The non flushed budz never burned good in a joint and had dark ash and a noticable bite to every hit. This is after a good slow dry and a two week cure in jars. I believe in flushing for sure and will always flush mine. Try it yourself on the same strain youll see. Obviously with pure organics though you will just water the entire time anyways and never need to flush because your not putting anything in the soil that needs to be flushed out.


Yah, it`s not two weeks into flower but last two weeks of / before harvest. I have done hydro and outdoor in soil. I have all ways done just distilled water for the last 2 waterings whether I have added anything or not. If there is a build up of anything it will flush it out and the plants like a shot of clear water. I go just distilled water after every 4th watering if I use any additives. Just check PH of water before useing. This helps eliminate some problems down the road ( lets plant burp) and found by cutting there required parts / gal. by 25%. Gives the plant what it wants, CAN USE !!! Cutting back is sometime the cure for most of EVERYBODYS growing issues. We over love them, It is called weed for a reason, the shit will grow in a sidewalk crack. Just lite, balanced medium, and only the amount of nutes needed to HELP plant along. If you have a great SEED to start with is where all the information is hid that you need. Even the shitty`s dirt weed will do wonderfull with all the pamperings that are available for a grower to throw at these plants. If you dont understand what your plants are trying to tell you some screaming!!! Just cut eveything back alittle and the the nature of the plant come along by itself. :cuss:

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
feed it till its ripe ( amber tric's) harvest and dry and cure correctly you will be fine your only starving your plant and decreasing your yeild plant will add weight till you cut it down as long as it has nutrients