
Well-Known Member
Whats the best thing to kills thrips with?? I don't have many (like 1 every couple leaves), but I'm trying to get rid of them now...

Also I have cuttings that are about to root (a few of them have a root or two). Can I dip the whole cutting in mighty wash?? I took the cuttings about 9 days ago.


Well-Known Member
A dip is always a superior way to do a foliar application. I remember the guys on skunkpharm built this contraption to flip a big ass plant, 10 gallon pot and all, and dip it. Way crazy. Generally once a plant gets past teen stages it's pretty un dippable.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
If you grow in soil and recycle it after each run you can amend with neem seed meal. That will help deter any kind of leaf munchers. Prevention of course is much easier than treatments. I used to get thrips on the regular and the spray works good but have not needed to bust out the Monterey Garden Spray in years. Probably not even good anymore....
A dip is always a superior way to do a foliar application. I remember the guys on skunkpharm built this contraption to flip a big ass plant, 10 gallon pot and all, and dip it. Way crazy. Generally once a plant gets past teen stages it's pretty un dippable.
Thats quite a rig they got there, looks like it works though. I used to dip plants about 1/2 that size in 6" pots with hydroton. Uniform application of spinosad will eliminate the infestation, but all vegetative material must be dipped, on occasion 2 or 3 times successively every 3-5 days. Also, thrips are pretty common on indoor/GH grown salad crops, if you grow veggies too make sure you're not bringing them in with you. Used properly monterey insect will get rid of 'em and its OMRI organic.

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
You can spray the buds w/ spinosad but try to aim for the bottoms of the leaves. It will dissipate after 14 days so as long as you are a couple weeks from harvest should be ok. A good mist-down with straight water before harvest is probably a good idea.