Well-Known Member
Because it's all going to a positive connection. Or a negative connection.I don't understand how they can be the same thing. One has a path going from 1-4 and the other goes to all at once. Like how is it the same if one has all the electricity going through one wire and the other has a completely secondary wire being used to continue on the circuit?
If you jump 1 cob positive to the next cob positive, all it's doing is taking the drivers positive connection and continuing it down the line. Same with the negative connection

It would be the exact same if you didnt even hook the drivers connection to the first cob, and instead hooked it to a wago, then have a wire coming out of the cob to the wago, then another wire from the next cob, going to a wago, and you jump those 2 wagos. Like in your first drawing.
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